racc 0.0.3

RACC is a port of Berkeley YACC to Rust, and allows you to write grammar definitions directly in Rust source code.
use crate::grammar::Grammar;
use crate::lalr::GotoMap;
use crate::mkpar::{ActionCode, YaccParser};
use crate::util::fill_copy;
use crate::{Rule, State, StateOrRule};
use log::debug;
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use std::cmp;
use std::i16;
use std::iter::repeat;
use syn::{Block, Ident, Type};

/// Given a constructed parser (a description of a state machine which parses a given grammar),
/// produces a TokenStream which implements the parser.
pub(crate) fn output_parser_to_token_stream(
    gram: &Grammar,
    gotos: &GotoMap,
    parser: &YaccParser,
    blocks: &[Option<Block>],
    rhs_bindings: &[Option<Ident>],
    context_ty: Type, // Ident to use for the context type, passed to the reduce() method
    context_param_ident: Ident, // Ident to use for the context arg, passed to the reduce() method
    symbol_value_ty: Type, // type to use for value_stack
) -> TokenStream {
    assert!(blocks.len() == gram.nrules);

    let grammar_span = Span::call_site();

    let mut items: TokenStream = TokenStream::new();

    let default_reductions = crate::mkpar::default_reductions(&parser.actions);

    //  Generate YYDEFRED table.
    let yydefred: Vec<i16> = default_reductions
        .map(|&s| if s != Rule(0) { s.0 - 2 } else { 0 })
        Ident::new("YYDEFRED", grammar_span),


    for t in 1..gram.ntokens {
        let tokvalue = gram.value[t] as u16;
        let tok_ident = &gram.name[t];
        items.extend(quote!(pub const #tok_ident: u16 = #tokvalue;));

    // Generate YYFINAL constant.
    let yyfinal = parser.final_state.0 as u16;
    items.extend(quote! {
        const YYFINAL: u16 = #yyfinal;

    // Build up actions
    let mut action_arms: TokenStream = TokenStream::new();
    for (rule_i, block) in blocks.iter().enumerate() {
        if rule_i < 3 {
        let rule = Rule(rule_i as i16);

        // Based on the rule we are reducing, get values from the value stack,
        // and bind them as a tuple named 'args'.

        let stmts: TokenStream = match block {
            Some(block) => {
                // We need to pop items off the stack and associate them with variables from right
                // to left.
                let rhs_index = gram.rrhs(rule).index();
                let num_rhs = gram.get_rhs_items(rule).len();
                let mut t = TokenStream::new();
                for rhs_binding in rhs_bindings[rhs_index..rhs_index + num_rhs].iter() {
                    t.extend(match rhs_binding {
                        Some(ref rbind) => {
                            quote! {
                                let #rbind = values.next().unwrap();
                        None => {
                            // The rule has no binding for this value.  Pop it from the stack and
                            // discard it.
                            quote! {
                t.extend(quote! {#block});
            None => {
                // This reduction does not have any code to execute.  Still, we need to
                // remove items from the value stack. Vec::drain() handles this for us, implicitly.

        let pat_value: u16 = rule_i as u16 - 2;
        action_arms.extend(quote! {
            #pat_value => {

    items.extend(quote! {
        fn reduce_actions<I: Iterator<Item = #symbol_value_ty>>(
            mut values: I,
            reduction: u16,
            #context_param_ident: &mut #context_ty) -> Result<#symbol_value_ty, racc_runtime::Error> {

            Ok(match reduction {
                _ => unreachable!()


    // Emit the YYLEN table.
        Ident::new("YYLEN", grammar_span),
            .map(|r| gram.rule_rhs_syms(r).len() as i16)

    // emit some tables just for debugging
    items.extend(make_symbol_names_table(grammar_span, gram));

    items.extend(make_rule_text_table(grammar_span, gram));

    items.extend(make_states_text_table(grammar_span, gram, parser));

    items.extend(output_gen_methods(symbol_value_ty, context_ty));


fn output_gen_methods(symbol_value_ty: Type, context_ty: Type) -> TokenStream {
    quote! {
        /// An active instance of a parser.  This structure contains the state of a parsing state
        /// machine, including the state stack and the value stack.
        /// To create an instance of `ParserState`, use `ParserState::new`.
        struct ParserState {
            yystate: u16,
            value_stack: Vec<#symbol_value_ty>,
            state_stack: Vec<u16>,

        // The initial state for all parsers.
        const INITIAL_STATE: u16 = 0;

        impl Default for ParserState {
            fn default() -> ParserState {
                ParserState {
                    yystate: INITIAL_STATE,
                    value_stack: Vec::new(),
                    state_stack: {
                        let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(20);

        impl ParserState {
            /// Initializes a new `ParserState`, given the parsing tables that were generated by the
            /// `grammar!` macro.  Use the `push_token` and `finish` methods to advance the state of
            ///  the parser.  Use the `reset` method to reset the parser to its initial state.
            pub fn new() -> Self {

            /// Resets this parser to its initial state, exactly as if `Parser::new` had been used
            /// to generate a new ParserState object.  There is no semantic difference between using
            /// `Parser::new` and using `reset()`.  The `reset()` parser may be more efficient,
            /// since it does not require freeing and reallocating the internal state tables.
            pub fn reset(&mut self) {
                self.yystate = INITIAL_STATE;

            fn yyreduce(&mut self, reduction: u16, ctx: &mut #context_ty)
                -> Result<(), racc_runtime::Error>
                let len = YYLEN[reduction as usize] as usize;

                    "state {} reducing by rule {}, len={}",
                    self.yystate, YYRULES[reduction as usize], len
                assert!(self.value_stack.len() >= len);
                assert!(self.state_stack.len() >= len);

                // Invoke the generated "reduce" method.  This method handles popping values from
                // parser.values_stack, and then executing the app-supplied code for this reduction.
                // Because the generated code handles popping items from the stack, it is not
                // necessary for us to consult a 'yylen' table here; that information is implicit.
                let old_values_len = self.value_stack.len();
                let reduce_value = reduce_actions(
                    self.value_stack.drain(self.value_stack.len() - len..), reduction, ctx)?;
                assert!(self.value_stack.len() + len == old_values_len);
                    "    generated code popped {} values from value stack, new len = {}",
                // Push the value that represents the reduction of this rule (the LHS).
                log::debug!("    after pushing the result of the reduction, value_stack.len = {}, reduce_value={:?}",
                    self.value_stack.len() + 1, reduce_value);

                // pop states
                self.state_stack.drain(self.state_stack.len() - len..);
                let top_state = *self.state_stack.last().unwrap();
                self.yystate = top_state;

                let lhs = YYLHS[reduction as usize];
                if top_state == 0 && lhs == 0 {
                        "        after reduction, shifting from state 0 to state {} (0/0 case!)",
                    self.yystate = YYFINAL;

                    // todo: port acceptance code
                } else {
                    let yyn_0 = YYGINDEX[lhs as usize];
                    let yyn_1 = yyn_0 + self.yystate;

                    let next_state: u16 =
                        if YYCHECK[yyn_1 as usize] == self.yystate {
                            YYTABLE[yyn_1 as usize]
                        } else {
                            YYDGOTO[lhs as usize]
                        "        after reduction, shifting from state {} to state {}",
                        self.yystate, next_state

                    self.yystate = next_state;


            fn do_defreds(&mut self, ctx: &mut #context_ty) -> Result<bool, racc_runtime::Error> {
                // Check for default reductions.
                let mut any = false;
                loop {
                    let defred = YYDEFRED[self.yystate as usize];
                    if defred != 0 {
                        // log::debug!("    default reduction: yyn={}", defred);
                        self.yyreduce(defred, ctx)?;
                        any = true;
                    } else {
                        // log::debug!("    no more defreds");
                        return Ok(any);

            // Check to see if there is a SHIFT action for this (state, token).
            // All of the values in YYSINDEX are either 0 (meaning no shift) or negative.
            // If YYSINDEX[state] is non-zero, then (token + YYSINDEX[state]) gives yyn.
            // TODO: Can we just use positive values here, instead of negative?
            fn try_shift(&mut self, token: u16, lval: #symbol_value_ty) -> bool {
                log::debug!("try_shift: yystate={} token={}", self.yystate, token);
                let shift: i16 = YYSINDEX[self.yystate as usize];
                if shift != 0 {
                    log::debug!("try_shift: shift={}", shift);
                    let yyn = shift as i32 + (token as i32);
                    assert!(yyn >= 0);
                    assert!(YYCHECK[yyn as usize] == token,
                        "yyn = {}, YYCHECK[yyn] = {}, token = {}", yyn, YYCHECK[yyn as usize], token);
                    let next_state = YYTABLE[yyn as usize];
                        "state {}, shifting to state {}, pushing lval {:?}",
                        self.yystate, next_state, lval
                    self.yystate = next_state;
                    self.value_stack.push(lval); // <-- lval is consumed
                } else {

            // Check to see if there is a REDUCE action for this (state, token).
            fn try_reduce(&mut self, ctx: &mut #context_ty, token: u16)
                -> Result<bool, racc_runtime::Error>
                let red = YYRINDEX[self.yystate as usize];
                if red != 0 {
                    let yyn = red + (token as u16);
                    log::debug!("    yyn={}", yyn);
                    assert!(YYCHECK[yyn as usize] == token);
                    log::debug!("    reducing by {}", red);
                    let rr = YYTABLE[yyn as usize];
                    self.yyreduce(rr, ctx)?;
                } else {

            /// Advances the state of the parser by reporting a new token to the parser.
            /// Calling this method is the equivalent of returning a token (other than `YYEOF`)
            /// from a `yylex()` function in a YACC parser.
            pub fn push_token(
                &mut self,
                ctx: &mut #context_ty,
                token: u16,
                lval: #symbol_value_ty,
            ) -> Result<(), racc_runtime::Error> {

                    "state {}, reading {} ({}) lval {:?}, state_stack = {:?}",
                    self.yystate, token, YYNAME[token as usize], lval, self.state_stack
                log::debug!("state: {}", YYSTATE_TEXT[self.yystate as usize]);
                log::debug!("value_stack = {:?}", self.value_stack);

                if self.try_shift(token, lval) {
                    return Ok(());

                if self.try_reduce(ctx, token)? {
                    return Ok(());

                // If there is neither a shift nor a reduce action defined for this (state, token),
                // then we have encountered a syntax error.

                log::debug!("syntax error!  token is not recognized in this state.");

            /// Pushes the final "end of input" token into the state machine, and checks whether the
            /// grammar has accepted or rejected the sequence of tokens.
            /// Calling this method is the equivalent of returning `YYEOF` from a `yylex()` function
            /// in a YACC parser.
            pub fn finish(&mut self, ctx: &mut #context_ty)
                -> Result<#symbol_value_ty, racc_runtime::Error>

                    "finish: yystate={:?}  state_stack = {:?}",
                    self.yystate, self.state_stack

                self.try_reduce(ctx, 0)?;

                if self.value_stack.len() == 1 {
                    let final_lval = self.value_stack.pop().unwrap();
                    return Ok(final_lval);

                    "done with all reductions.  yystate={:?}  state_stack={:?}",
                    self.yystate, self.state_stack

                // If there is neither a shift nor a reduce action defined for this (state, token),
                // then we have encountered a syntax error.

                log::debug!("syntax error!  token is not recognized in this state.");

// Generates the YYLHS table.
fn output_rule_data(gram: &Grammar) -> TokenStream {
    let mut data: Vec<i16> = Vec::new();
    for i in 3..gram.nrules {
        data.push(gram.value[gram.rlhs[i].0 as usize]);
    make_table_i16(Ident::new("YYLHS", Span::call_site()), &data)

fn make_symbol_names_table(span: Span, gram: &Grammar) -> TokenStream {
    // The values used at runtime are not symbol indices.  They are token values, which come from
    // gram.value[token].value. This is ugly and inefficient.

    let mut max_value: i16 = i16::MIN;
    for i in 0..gram.ntokens {
        max_value = cmp::max(max_value, gram.value[i]);

    assert!(max_value >= 0);
    assert!(max_value < i16::MAX);
    let length = (max_value + 1) as usize;

    let mut toknames: Vec<String> = vec![String::new(); length];

    // Now put the names into proper places.
    for (value, name) in gram.value[0..gram.ntokens]
        toknames[*value as usize] = name.to_string();

    make_table_string(Ident::new("YYNAME", span), &toknames)

fn make_table_string(name: Ident, strings: &[String]) -> TokenStream {
    let strings_len = strings.len();
    let strings: Vec<syn::LitStr> = strings
        .map(|s| syn::LitStr::new(s, name.span()))
    quote! {
        static #name: [&str; #strings_len] = [
            #( #strings ),*

fn make_rule_text_table(span: Span, gram: &Grammar) -> TokenStream {
    let rules: Vec<String> = (2..gram.nrules)
        .map(|rule| gram.rule_to_str(Rule(rule as i16)))
    make_table_string(Ident::new("YYRULES", span), &rules)

fn make_states_text_table(span: Span, gram: &Grammar, parser: &YaccParser) -> TokenStream {
    let ss: Vec<String> = parser
        .map(|(state, actions)| {
            use std::fmt::Write;
            let mut s = String::new();
            for action in actions.iter() {
                    "s{} : {} -> ",
                match action.action_code {
                    ActionCode::Shift(to_state) => {
                        write!(s, "shift to s{}\n", to_state).unwrap();
                    ActionCode::Reduce(rule) => {
                        write!(s, "reduce {}\n", gram.rule_to_str(rule)).unwrap();
            return s;
    make_table_string(Ident::new("YYSTATE_TEXT", span), &ss)

fn make_table_i16(name: Ident, values: &[i16]) -> TokenStream {
    make_table_i16_as_u16(name, values)

fn make_table_i16_signed(name: Ident, values: &[i16]) -> TokenStream {
    let values_len = values.len();
    quote! {
        static #name: [i16; #values_len] = [

fn make_table_i16_as_u16(name: Ident, values: &[i16]) -> TokenStream {
    let u_values: Vec<u16> = values.iter().map(|&value| value as u16).collect();

    let values_len = u_values.len();
    quote! {
        static #name: [u16; #values_len] = [

fn output_actions(
    span: Span,
    gram: &Grammar,
    gotos: &GotoMap,
    parser: &YaccParser,
    default_reductions: &[Rule],
) -> TokenStream {
    let nstates = parser.nstates();

    let mut act = ActionsTable::new(nstates, gram.nvars);

        &mut act.froms,
        &mut act.tos,
    let default_goto_table = default_goto_table(nstates, gotos);
        &mut act.froms,
        &mut act.tos,
    let order = sort_actions(&mut act);
    let packed = packing::pack_table(parser.nstates(), &order, &act);

    let mut items = TokenStream::new();
        Ident::new("YYDGOTO", span),
        &default_goto_table.iter().map(|s| s.0).collect::<Vec<i16>>(),
        Ident::new("YYSINDEX", span),
        Ident::new("YYRINDEX", span),
        &packed.base[nstates..nstates * 2],
        Ident::new("YYGINDEX", span),
        &packed.base[nstates * 2..act.nvectors],
    items.extend(make_table_i16(Ident::new("YYTABLE", span), &packed.table));
    items.extend(make_table_i16(Ident::new("YYCHECK", span), &packed.check));

/// All of the vectors defined in ActionsTable have the same length (nvectors)
/// and the indices are assigned in the same way.
/// * S: first region,  length = nstates, contains: shifts
/// * R: second region, length = nstates, contains: reduces
/// * V: third region,  length = nvars,   contains: var stuff
/// nvectors = sum of the lengths of these regions = 2 * nstates + gram.nvars
pub struct ActionsTable {
    /// nvectors = 2 * nstates + gram.nvars
    nvectors: usize,
    froms: Vec<Vec<StateOrRule>>,
    tos: Vec<Vec<StateOrRule>>,
impl ActionsTable {
    pub fn new(nstates: usize, nvars: usize) -> Self {
        let nvectors = 2 * nstates + nvars;
        Self {
            froms: Vec::new(),
            tos: Vec::new(),
    pub fn tally(&self, i: usize) -> usize {
    pub fn width(&self, i: usize) -> i16 {
        let f = &self.froms[i];
        if f.len() != 0 {
            f[f.len() - 1] - f[0] + 1
        } else {

/// This builds actions for tokens.
/// NOTE: In the original code, this function computed the 'tally' and 'width'
/// tables. The 'tally' table is unnecessary in Rust, because the `len()` of
/// the generated 'froms' and 'tos' table gives the same information. But the
/// 'width' table is slightly more interesting. The 'width' table was computed
/// as `max(j) - min(j) + 1`, where `j` was the token being considered.
/// The new code just computes it as `froms.last() - froms.first() + 1`, which
/// should be the same value, as long as action.symbol is in increasing order.
/// (See commit 1cc0a3174406eb28f767af0b91fc850e9364aaf2 for the last code
/// based on the old algorithm.)
fn token_actions(
    gram: &Grammar,
    parser: &YaccParser,
    default_reductions: &[Rule],
    froms: &mut Vec<Vec<i16>>,
    tos: &mut Vec<Vec<StateOrRule>>,
) {
    // shifts
    for actions in parser.actions.iter() {
        let mut shift_r: Vec<i16> = Vec::new();
        let mut shift_s: Vec<i16> = Vec::new();
        for action in actions.iter() {
            if action.suppressed == 0 {
                match action.action_code {
                    ActionCode::Shift(shift_to_state) => {
                        let token = action.symbol.index();
                    ActionCode::Reduce(_) => {}

    // reduces
    for (state, actions) in parser.actions.iter().enumerate() {
        let mut reduce_r: Vec<i16> = Vec::new();
        let mut reduce_s: Vec<i16> = Vec::new();
        for action in actions.iter() {
            if action.suppressed == 0 {
                match action.action_code {
                    ActionCode::Reduce(reduce_rule) => {
                        if reduce_rule != default_reductions[state] {
                            let token = action.symbol.index();
                            reduce_s.push(reduce_rule.0 - 2);
                    ActionCode::Shift(_) => {}

/// Build the "default_goto" table
fn goto_actions(
    gram: &Grammar,
    nstates: usize,
    gotos: &GotoMap,
    default_goto_table: &[State],
    froms: &mut Vec<Vec<i16>>,
    tos: &mut Vec<Vec<StateOrRule>>,
) {
    let nvars = gotos.len();
    assert_eq!(nvars, gram.nvars);
    // Reserve area where we will write new entries.
    // We do not write them sequentially, so we reserve space first, then write at indices.
    let goto_froms = &mut froms[nstates * 2..];
    let goto_tos = &mut tos[nstates * 2..];
    for var in gram.iter_vars() {
        if var.index() == 0 {
        let symbol = gram.var_to_symbol(var);
        let default_state = default_goto_table[var.index()];
        let mut spf = Vec::new();
        let mut spt = Vec::new();
        for &entry in &gotos[var.index()] {
            if entry.to_state != default_state {
        let col = gram.value[symbol.index()] as usize;
        goto_froms[col] = spf;
        goto_tos[col] = spt;

/// Compute the default goto for a given symbol
/// state_count - a temporary table that can be used by this fn. contents when the function
/// is called are undefined. length  = nstates.
/// Returns: Var -> State
fn default_goto_table(nstates: usize, gotos: &GotoMap) -> Vec<State> {
    let mut state_count: Vec<i16> = vec![0; nstates]; // temporary data, used in default_goto()
        .map(move |var_gotos| {
            if var_gotos.is_empty() {
            } else {
                fill_copy(&mut state_count, 0);
                for &entry in var_gotos.iter() {
                    state_count[entry.to_state.0 as usize] += 1;
                let mut max = 0;
                let mut default_state = 0;
                for (state, &count) in state_count.iter().enumerate() {
                    if count > max {
                        max = count;
                        default_state = state;
                State(default_state as i16)

/// Reads ActionTable.tally and width and produces a sorted index vector over
/// those two parallel vectors. The vector is sorted in descending order of 'width',
/// then descending order of tally.
fn sort_actions(act: &ActionsTable) -> Vec<usize> {
    use std::cmp::Ordering;
    let mut order: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(act.nvectors);
    for col in 0..act.nvectors {
        let t = act.tally(col);
        if t > 0 {
    order.sort_by(|&a, &b| match act.width(b).cmp(&act.width(a)) {
        Ordering::Equal => act.tally(b).cmp(&act.tally(a)),
        c => c,

mod packing {
    use super::ActionsTable;
    use log::debug;

    /// The function matching_vector determines if the vector specified by
    /// the input parameter matches a previously considered vector. The
    /// test at the start of the function checks if the vector represents
    /// a row of shifts over terminal symbols or a row of reductions, or a
    /// column of shifts over a nonterminal symbol.  Berkeley Yacc does not
    /// check if a column of shifts over a nonterminal symbols matches a
    /// previously considered vector.  Because of the nature of LR parsing
    /// tables, no two columns can match.  Therefore, the only possible
    /// match would be between a row and a column.  Such matches are
    /// unlikely.  Therefore, to save time, no attempt is made to see if a
    /// column matches a previously considered vector.
    /// Matching_vector is poorly designed.  The test could easily be made
    /// faster.  Also, it depends on the vectors being in a specific
    /// order.
    fn matching_vector(pack: &PackState<'_>, vector: usize) -> Option<usize> {
        let i = pack.order[vector];
        if i >= 2 * pack.nstates {
            // Never match among variable gotos.
            return None;

        let act = pack.act;
        let t = act.tally(i);
        let w = act.width(i);
        for &j in pack.order[0..vector].iter().rev() {
            if act.width(j) != w || act.tally(j) != t {
                return None;
            if act.tos[i] == act.tos[j] && act.froms[i] == act.froms[j] {
                return Some(j);

    fn pack_vector(pack: &mut PackState<'_>, vector: usize) -> i16 {
        // log::debug!("pack_vector: vector={} lowzero={}", vector, pack.lowzero);
        let act = pack.act;
        let i = pack.order[vector];
        let from = &act.froms[i];
        let to = &act.tos[i];
        let t = from.len();
        assert!(t != 0);

        let mut j: i16 = pack.lowzero - from[0];
        for &f in from[1..t].iter() {
            if pack.lowzero - f > j {
                j = pack.lowzero - f;

        loop {
            if j == 0 {
                j = 1;

            let mut ok = true;
            for &f in &from[0..t] {
                let loc = (j + f) as usize;

                // make sure we can read/write table[loc] and table[check]
                if loc >= pack.table.len() {
                    assert!(pack.table.len() == pack.check.len());
                    pack.table.resize(loc + 1, 0);
                    pack.check.resize(loc + 1, -1);

                if pack.check[loc] != -1 {
                    ok = false;
            if !ok {
                j += 1;
            if pack.pos[0..vector].iter().any(|&p| p == j) {
                j += 1;

            for (&f, &t) in from[0..t].iter().zip(to[0..t].iter()) {
                let loc = (j + f) as usize;
                pack.table[loc] = t;
                pack.check[loc] = f;
                if loc > pack.high {
                    pack.high = loc;

            while pack.check[pack.lowzero as usize] != -1 {
                pack.lowzero += 1;

            return j as i16;

    struct PackState<'a> {
        base: Vec<i16>,
        pos: Vec<i16>,
        table: Vec<i16>, // table and check always have same len
        check: Vec<i16>, // table is 0-filled, check is -1-filled
        lowzero: i16,
        high: usize,

        order: &'a [usize],
        nstates: usize,
        act: &'a ActionsTable,

    pub struct PackedTables {
        pub base: Vec<i16>,
        pub table: Vec<i16>,
        pub check: Vec<i16>,
        pub high: usize,

    pub fn pack_table(nstates: usize, order: &[usize], act: &ActionsTable) -> PackedTables {
        debug!("pack_table: nentries={}", order.len());

        let initial_maxtable = 1000;

        let mut pack = PackState {
            base: vec![0; act.nvectors],
            pos: vec![0; order.len()],
            table: vec![0; initial_maxtable],
            check: vec![-1; initial_maxtable],
            lowzero: 0,
            high: 0,
            order: order,
            nstates: nstates,
            act: act,

        for i in 0..order.len() {
            let place = match matching_vector(&pack, i) {
                Some(state) => pack.base[state],
                None => pack_vector(&mut pack, i),

            pack.pos[i] = place;
            pack.base[order[i]] = place;

        pack.check.truncate(pack.high + 1);
        pack.table.truncate(pack.high + 1);

        PackedTables {
            base: pack.base,
            table: pack.table,
            check: pack.check,
            high: pack.high,