Crate racc[][src]

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RACC – Rust Another Compiler-Compiler

This is a port of Barkeley YACC to Rust. It runs as a procedural macro, and so allows you to define grammars directly in Rust source code, rather than calling an external tool or writing a script.

How to write a grammar

Here is a very brief example of how to use RACC. This program evaluates a very limited class of numeric expressions.

In `Cargo.toml:

racc = "0.1.0"

In your code:

racc::grammar! {
    uint ctx;    // application context; not used in this example
    i32;         // the type of values in the value stack, i.e. %union

    // This is the list of tokens defined for your grammar.
    // RACC will generate named constants using these names; use those constants
    // when calling push_token().

    // Define the rules of your language.  The first rule implicitly defines the goal symbol.
    // Note the presence of '=x' in the rule definitions.  These are name bindings, which RACC
    // uses in order to allow your code blocks (which are in { ... } braces) to access the
    // values for each symbol.  The values come from the value stack in the parser state machine.
    // When you call push_token(), you provide both the token code and the "value" for that token.

    Expr : NUM=x { x };

    Expr : LPAREN Expr=x RPAREN { x };

    Expr : Expr=left PLUS Expr=right {
        // You can put arbitrary code here.
        println!("evaluating: {} + {}", left, right);

        // The value of the action block is used as the
        // value of the rule (reduction).  Note the absence
        // of a semi-colon here.
        left + right

    Expr : Expr=left MINUS Expr=right {
        println!("evaluating: {} - {}", left, right);
        left - right

fn main() {
    // The tokens in our input, and their numeric values.
    let tokens = vec![
        (LPAREN, -1),
        (NUM, 50),
        (PLUS, -1),
        (NUM, 25),
        (RPAREN, -1),
        (MINUS, -1),
        (NUM, 10)

    // Create a parser.
    let mut parser = new_parser();

    let mut ctx: uint = 0; // App context; not used in this example.

    for &(token, value) in tokens.iter() {
        parser.push_token(&mut ctx, token, value);

    match parser.finish() {
        FinishParseResult::Accept(value) => println!("Accepted: {}", value),
        FinishParseResult::SyntaxError => println!("Syntax error")

Advancing the parser state machine

Berkeley YACC generates a yyparse function, as the primary entry point to the parser. Your code is integrated into yyparse in several ways. First, yyparse will call your yylex function in order to read the next token from the input. Then yyparse will advance the state machine, and when rules have been matched (“reduced”), the action code that you provided (in { ... } blocks) will execute.

In this model, the yyparse method runs until all of the tokens have been processed, or until an action block prematurely exits the parser. However, this model suffers from several problems. It puts too much control in the generated code, and requires the parser generator (YACC / RACC) to call into too many “hook” functions, such as yylex.

Instead, in RACC I have decided to use a different API model. Instead of generating a yyparse function, RACC generates parsing tables and a reduce function. The reduce function contains all of the rule action blocks (your code). RACC also generates a new_parser method, which returns a new ParsingState struct which contains references to the parsing tables and the generated reduce method. Your app then makes calls to parser.push_token() to push tokens into the parser. This inverts the control-flow model – your app code is in control, and makes brief calls into the RACC runtime and generated code in order to advance the state of the parser.

This is simpler and more flexible, and I hope will be a more natural fit for Rust. This parsing model also works well with Rust’s lifetime model. Each parser object (each instance of ParsingState) contains only the state necessary to advance the state machine, and the contents of the “value” stack.

Accessing external data during parsing

It is often necessary, when imlementing a parser, to access external or “environmental” state, when executing rule actions. In C parsers, this is usually done with global variables. However, this is not an option in Rust (and would be undesirable, even if it were an option).

RACC provides a safe means to access such data. Rules may access an “app context”. When the app calls push_token or finish, the app also passes a &mut reference to an “app context” value. The type of this value can be anything defined by the application. (It is necessary to specify the type in the grammar! definition.) Within the scope of the rule action, this value may be accessed by using the identifier specified in the grammar definition. In the example above, the identifier is ctx, and the type of the context is uint.

Propagating values through the parsing tree

In Berkeley YACC, the tokenizer stage (lexer) may set the yylval variable to a value, in order to specify a “value” for the current token. This value is shifted onto the value stack, and is accessible to rule actions using the $1 .. $n syntax. Rules specify the result value of the rule by assigning the $$ value.

RACC has a similar facility, but the syntax for using it is different. The syntax in RACC is a more natural fit for Rust. Instead of using $1 bindings, RACC grammars specify name bindings using = name after a symbol in a rule definition. For example:

    Expr : Expr=left PLUS Expr=right {
        println!("evaluating: {} + {}", left, right);
        left + right

In this code, Expr=left means “match the symbol Expr and bind its value to the name left within the scope of the action,” and similarly for Expr=right. Instead of using $$ for setting the value of the rule action, the value of the rule action is simply the value of the action, when evaluated using the normal rules of Rust. This is why the action block in the example ends with left + right and not left + right;. Ending the action with ; would mean that the rule evaluates to ().

Note that all rules must evaluate to a value, even if that value is () or None, and the type of the value must match the type specified in the grammar. RACC (like Rust) will not perform any implicit conversions, or insert any implicit None values.

If you do not wish to propagate values in this way, you can use a symbol value of (). If you do this, then you may have empty rule actions.

Finishing parsing

In Berkeley YACC, the lexer indicates the end of an input stream by reporting a YYEOF token. Because RACC uses a push model rather than a pull model, a RACC-based parser indicates the end of the input stream by calling the parser.finish() method. The finish method performs any final reductions that are necessary, and then checks whether the grammar accepts the input. If the grammar accepts the input, then finish will return FinishParseResult::Accept(value), where value is the value of the entire parse tree.


Berkeley YACC is in the public domain. From its README file:

        Berkeley Yacc is in the public domain.  The data structures and algorithms
    used in Berkeley Yacc are all either taken from documents available to the
    general public or are inventions of the author.  Anyone may freely distribute
    source or binary forms of Berkeley Yacc whether unchanged or modified.
    Distributers may charge whatever fees they can obtain for Berkeley Yacc.
    Programs generated by Berkeley Yacc may be distributed freely.

RACC is published under the MIT open-source license, which should be compatible with nearly all open source needs and should be compatible with the letter and spirit of Berkeley YACC’s license.


The ideas implemented in YACC are stable and time-tested. RACC is a port of YACC, and should be considered unstable. The implementation may contain porting bugs, where the behavior of RACC is not faithful to the original YACC. Rust procedural macros and the ecosystem supporting them is also still growing and changing.

So if you build anything using RACC, please be aware that both Rust and RACC are still evolving quickly, and your code may break quickly and without notice.

The original Berkeley YACC contains a strident disclaimer, which is repeated here:

         Berkeley Yacc is distributed with no warranty whatever.  The author
    and any other contributors take no responsibility for the consequences of
    its use.

That disclaimer applies to this Rust port, as well. The author (of the Rust port) makes no claim of suitability for any purpose, and takes no responsibility for the consequences of its use.


  • Allow grammars to specify precedence and associativity. The underlying code implements support for precedence and associativity, exactly as in Berkeley YACC, but this is not yet expose.

  • Support reading standalone grammars, either using the Rust parser or something else.

  • Port a lexical analyzer, too.


RACC was implemented by Arlie Davis I did this as an experiment in porting a well-known (and useful) tool to Rust. I was also intrigued by Rust’s support for procedural macros, and I wanted to see whether I could implement something interesting using procedural macros.


Feel free to send me any feedback on RACC to
