programinduction 0.2.6

A library for program induction and learning representations.


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A library for program induction and learning representations.

Implements Bayesian program learning and genetic programming.


Install rust. In a new or existing project, add the following to your Cargo.toml:

programinduction = "0.2"
# many examples also depend on polytype for the tp! and arrow! macros:
polytype = "1.2"

The documentation requires a custom HTML header to include KaTeX for math support. This isn't supported by cargo doc, so to build the documentation you may use:

cargo rustdoc -- --html-in-header rustdoc-include-katex-header.html


Specify a probabilistic context-free grammar (PCFG; see pcfg::Grammar) and induce a sentence that matches an example:

extern crate polytype;
extern crate programinduction;

use programinduction::{ECParams, EC};
use programinduction::pcfg::{task_by_simple_evaluation, Grammar, Rule};

fn simple_evaluator(name: &str, inps: &[i32]) -> i32 {
    match name {
        "0" => 0,
        "1" => 1,
        "plus" => inps[0] + inps[1],
        _ => unreachable!(),

fn main() {
    let g = Grammar::new(
            Rule::new("0", tp!(EXPR), 1.0),
            Rule::new("1", tp!(EXPR), 1.0),
            Rule::new("plus", arrow![tp!(EXPR), tp!(EXPR), tp!(EXPR)], 1.0),
    let ec_params = ECParams {
        frontier_limit: 1,
        search_limit: 50,
    // task: the number 4
    let task = task_by_simple_evaluation(&simple_evaluator, &4, tp!(EXPR));

    let frontiers = g.explore(&ec_params, &[task]);
    let sol = &frontiers[0].best_solution().unwrap().0;
    println!("{}", g.display(sol));

The Exploration-Compression (EC) algorithm iteratively learns a better representation by finding common structure in induced programs. We can run the EC algorithm with a polymorphically-typed lambda calculus representation lambda::Language in a Boolean circuit domain:

extern crate polytype;
extern crate programinduction;

use programinduction::{domains, lambda, ECParams, EC};

fn main() {
    // circuit DSL
    let dsl = lambda::Language::uniform(vec![
        // NAND takes two bools and returns a bool
        ("nand", arrow![tp!(bool), tp!(bool), tp!(bool)]),
    // parameters
    let lambda_params = lambda::CompressionParams::default();
    let ec_params = ECParams {
        frontier_limit: 1,
        search_limit: 50,
    // randomly sample 250 circuit tasks
    let tasks = domains::circuits::make_tasks(250);

    // one iteration of EC:
    let (new_dsl, _solutions) =, &lambda_params, &tasks);
    // print the new concepts it invented, based on common structure:
    for &(ref expr, _, _) in &new_dsl.invented {
        println!("invented {}", new_dsl.display(expr))
        // one of the inventions was "(λ (nand $0 $0))",
        // which is the common and useful NOT operation!

You may have noted the above use of domains::circuits. Some domains are already implemented for you. Currently, this only consists of circuits and strings. The strings domain uses a rich set of primitives and thus depends on lambda::LispEvaluator. If you find this evaluator to be slow, you may install racket and enable the racket feature in your Cargo.toml:

version = "0.2"
features = ["racket"]

See the documentation for more details.


(you could be the one who does one of these!)

[ ] PCFG compression is currently only estimating parameters, not actually learning pieces of programs. An adaptor grammar approach seems like a good direction to go, perhaps minus the Bayesian non-parametrics. [ ] impl GP for pcfg::Grammar is not yet complete. [ ] Add more representations [ ] Add more domains [ ] Add task generation function in domains::strings