programinduction 0.2.1

A library for program induction and learning representations.


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A library for program induction and learning representations.

Implements Bayesian program learning and genetic programming.


Install rust. In a new or existing project, add the following to your Cargo.toml:

programinduction = "0.2"
# many examples also depend on polytype for the tp! and arrow! macros:
polytype = "1.2"


Specify a probabilistic context-free grammar (PCFG; see pcfg::Grammar) and induce a sentence that matches an example:

extern crate polytype;
extern crate programinduction;

use programinduction::{ECParams, EC};
use programinduction::pcfg::{task_by_simple_evaluation, Grammar, Rule};

fn simple_evaluator(name: &str, inps: &[i32]) -> i32 {
    match name {
        "0" => 0,
        "1" => 1,
        "plus" => inps[0] + inps[1],
        _ => unreachable!(),

fn main() {
    let g = Grammar::new(
            Rule::new("0", tp!(EXPR), 1.0),
            Rule::new("1", tp!(EXPR), 1.0),
            Rule::new("plus", arrow![tp!(EXPR), tp!(EXPR), tp!(EXPR)], 1.0),
    let ec_params = ECParams {
        frontier_limit: 1,
        search_limit: 50,
    // task: the number 4
    let task = task_by_simple_evaluation(&simple_evaluator, &4, tp!(EXPR));

    let frontiers = g.explore(&ec_params, &[task]);
    let sol = &frontiers[0].best_solution().unwrap().0;
    println!("{}", g.display(sol));

The Exploration-Compression (EC) algorithm iteratively learns a better representation by finding common structure in induced programs. We can run the EC algorithm with a polymorphically-typed lambda calculus representation lambda::Language in a Boolean circuit domain:

extern crate polytype;
extern crate programinduction;

use programinduction::{domains, lambda, ECParams, EC};

fn main() {
    // circuit DSL
    let dsl = lambda::Language::uniform(vec![
        // NAND takes two bools and returns a bool
        ("nand", arrow![tp!(bool), tp!(bool), tp!(bool)]),
    // parameters
    let lambda_params = lambda::CompressionParams::default();
    let ec_params = ECParams {
        frontier_limit: 1,
        search_limit: 50,
    // randomly sample 250 circuit tasks
    let tasks = domains::circuits::make_tasks(250);

    // one iteration of EC:
    let (new_dsl, _solutions) =, &lambda_params, &tasks);
    // print the new concepts it invented, based on common structure:
    for &(ref expr, _, _) in &new_dsl.invented {
        println!("invented {}", new_dsl.display(expr))
        // one of the inventions was "(λ (nand $0 $0))",
        // which is the common and useful NOT operation!

You may have noted the above use of domains::circuits. Some domains are already implemented for you. Currently, this only consists of circuits and strings. The strings domain uses a rich set of primitives and thus depends on lambda::LispEvaluator. If you find this evaluator to be slow, you may install racket and enable the racket feature in your Cargo.toml:

version = "0.2"
features = ["racket"]

See the documentation for more details.


For more on the Exploration-Compression algorithm, see Dechter, Eyal et al. "Bootstrap Learning via Modular Concept Discovery." IJCAI (2013). link

For more on genetic programming, see Poli, Riccardo et al. “A Field Guide to Genetic Programming.” (2008). link