procfs 0.14.2

Interface to the linux procfs pseudo-filesystem

extern crate procfs;

/// A very basic clone of `ps` on Linux, in the simple no-argument mode.
/// It shows all the processes that share the same tty as our self

fn main() {
    let mestat = procfs::process::Process::myself().unwrap().stat().unwrap();
    let tps = procfs::ticks_per_second().unwrap();

    println!("{: >10} {: <8} {: >8} {}", "PID", "TTY", "TIME", "CMD");

    let tty = format!("pty/{}", mestat.tty_nr().1);
    for p in procfs::process::all_processes().unwrap() {
        let prc = p.unwrap();
        if let Ok(stat) = prc.stat() {
            if stat.tty_nr == mestat.tty_nr {
                // total_time is in seconds
                let total_time = (stat.utime + stat.stime) as f32 / (tps as f32);
                println!("{: >10} {: <8} {: >8} {}",, tty, total_time, stat.comm);