procfs 0.14.2

Interface to the linux procfs pseudo-filesystem

extern crate procfs;

use procfs::process::{FDTarget, Stat};

use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {
    // get all processes
    let all_procs = procfs::process::all_processes().unwrap();

    // build up a map between socket inodes and processes:
    let mut map: HashMap<u64, Stat> = HashMap::new();
    for p in all_procs {
        let process = p.unwrap();
        if let (Ok(stat), Ok(fds)) = (process.stat(), process.fd()) {
            for fd in fds {
                if let FDTarget::Socket(inode) = fd.unwrap().target {
                    map.insert(inode, stat.clone());

    // get the tcp table
    let tcp = procfs::net::tcp().unwrap();
    let tcp6 = procfs::net::tcp6().unwrap();

        "{:<26} {:<26} {:<15} {:<8} {}",
        "Local address", "Remote address", "State", "Inode", "PID/Program name"

    for entry in tcp.into_iter().chain(tcp6) {
        // find the process (if any) that has an open FD to this entry's inode
        let local_address = format!("{}", entry.local_address);
        let remote_addr = format!("{}", entry.remote_address);
        let state = format!("{:?}", entry.state);
        if let Some(stat) = map.get(&entry.inode) {
                "{:<26} {:<26} {:<15} {:<12} {}/{}",
                local_address, remote_addr, state, entry.inode,, stat.comm
        } else {
            // We might not always be able to find the process assocated with this socket
                "{:<26} {:<26} {:<15} {:<12} -",
                local_address, remote_addr, state, entry.inode