pgx 0.7.0

pgx: A Rust framework for creating Postgres extensions
use crate::datum::{Array, FromDatum};
use crate::pg_sys;
use bitvec::prelude::*;
use bitvec::ptr::{bitslice_from_raw_parts_mut, BitPtr, BitPtrError, Mut};
use core::ptr::{slice_from_raw_parts_mut, NonNull};
use core::slice;

const fn TYPEALIGN(alignval: usize, len: usize) -> usize {
    // #define TYPEALIGN(ALIGNVAL,LEN)  \
    // (((uintptr_t) (LEN) + ((ALIGNVAL) - 1)) & ~((uintptr_t) ((ALIGNVAL) - 1)))
    (len + (alignval - 1)) & !(alignval - 1)

const fn MAXALIGN(len: usize) -> usize {
    TYPEALIGN(pg_sys::MAXIMUM_ALIGNOF as _, len)

/// # Safety
/// Does a field access, but doesn't deref out of bounds of ArrayType
unsafe fn ARR_NDIM(a: *mut pg_sys::ArrayType) -> usize {
    // #define ARR_NDIM(a)				((a)->ndim)

    unsafe {
        // SAFETY:  caller has asserted that `a` is a properly allocated ArrayType pointer
        (*a).ndim as usize

/// # Safety
/// Does a field access, but doesn't deref out of bounds of ArrayType
unsafe fn ARR_HASNULL(a: *mut pg_sys::ArrayType) -> bool {
    // #define ARR_HASNULL(a)			((a)->dataoffset != 0)

    unsafe {
        // SAFETY:  caller has asserted that `a` is a properly allocated ArrayType pointer
        (*a).dataoffset != 0

/// # Safety
/// Does a field access, but doesn't deref out of bounds of ArrayType
/// [`pg_sys::ArrayType`] is typically allocated past its size, and its somewhere in that region
/// that the returned pointer points, so don't attempt to `pfree` it.
const unsafe fn ARR_DIMS(a: *mut pg_sys::ArrayType) -> *mut i32 {
    // #define ARR_DIMS(a) \
    // ((int *) (((char *) (a)) + sizeof(ArrayType)))

    unsafe {
        // SAFETY:  caller has asserted that `a` is a properly allocated ArrayType pointer

/// # Safety
/// Does a field access and deref but not out of bounds of ArrayType.  The caller asserts that
/// `a` is a properly allocated [`pg_sys::ArrayType`]
unsafe fn ARR_NELEMS(a: *mut pg_sys::ArrayType) -> usize {
    unsafe {
        // SAFETY:  caller has asserted that `a` is a properly allocated ArrayType pointer
        pg_sys::ArrayGetNItems((*a).ndim, ARR_DIMS(a)) as usize

/// Returns the "null bitmap" of the specified array.  If there isn't one (the array contains no nulls)
/// then the null pointer is returned.
/// # Safety
/// Does a field access, but doesn't deref out of bounds of ArrayType.  The caller asserts that
/// `a` is a properly allocated [`pg_sys::ArrayType`]
/// [`pg_sys::ArrayType`] is typically allocated past its size, and its somewhere in that region
/// that the returned pointer points, so don't attempt to `pfree` it.
unsafe fn ARR_NULLBITMAP(a: *mut pg_sys::ArrayType) -> *mut pg_sys::bits8 {
    // #define ARR_NULLBITMAP(a) \
    // (ARR_HASNULL(a) ? \
    // (bits8 *) (((char *) (a)) + sizeof(ArrayType) + 2 * sizeof(int) * ARR_NDIM(a)) \
    // : (bits8 *) NULL)

    unsafe {
        // SAFETY:  caller has asserted that `a` is a properly allocated ArrayType pointer
        if ARR_HASNULL(a) {
                    + 2 * std::mem::size_of::<i32>() * ARR_NDIM(a),
        } else {

/// The total array header size (in bytes) for an array with the specified
/// number of dimensions and total number of items.
const fn ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS(ndims: usize) -> usize {
    // #define ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS(ndims) \
    // MAXALIGN(sizeof(ArrayType) + 2 * sizeof(int) * (ndims))

    MAXALIGN(std::mem::size_of::<pg_sys::ArrayType>() + 2 * std::mem::size_of::<i32>() * ndims)

/// # Safety
/// Does a field access, but doesn't deref out of bounds of ArrayType.  The caller asserts that
/// `a` is a properly allocated [`pg_sys::ArrayType`]
unsafe fn ARR_DATA_OFFSET(a: *mut pg_sys::ArrayType) -> usize {
    // #define ARR_DATA_OFFSET(a) \
    // (ARR_HASNULL(a) ? (a)->dataoffset : ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS(ARR_NDIM(a)))

    unsafe {
        // SAFETY:  caller has asserted that `a` is a properly allocated ArrayType pointer
        if ARR_HASNULL(a) {
            (*a).dataoffset as _
        } else {

/// Returns a pointer to the actual array data.
/// # Safety
/// Does a field access, but doesn't deref out of bounds of ArrayType.  The caller asserts that
/// `a` is a properly allocated [`pg_sys::ArrayType`]
/// [`pg_sys::ArrayType`] is typically allocated past its size, and its somewhere in that region
/// that the returned pointer points, so don't attempt to `pfree` it.
unsafe fn ARR_DATA_PTR(a: *mut pg_sys::ArrayType) -> *mut u8 {
    // #define ARR_DATA_PTR(a) \
    // (((char *) (a)) + ARR_DATA_OFFSET(a))

    unsafe { a.cast::<u8>().add(ARR_DATA_OFFSET(a)) }

An aligned, dereferenceable `NonNull<ArrayType>` with low-level accessors.

It offers safe accessors to the fields of [pg_sys::ArrayType] and mostly-safe accessors
to the "dynamic fields" of the defined Postgres varlena array, but only requires validity
of ArrayType itself and the dimensions slice (always valid if `ndim == 0`).
This means the [NonNull] pointers that are returned may not be valid to read.
Validating the correctness of the entire array requires a bit more effort.

It is not Copy or Clone to make it slightly harder to misuse versus *mut ArrayType.
However, `&mut self` accessors do not give lifetimes to returned [`NonNull<[T]>`][nonnull]!
Instead, these are raw pointers, and `&mut RawArray` only makes `&RawArray` safer.

The reason RawArray works almost entirely with raw pointers is that
it is not currently valid to go from `&mut ArrayType` to `*mut ArrayType`,
take an offset beyond ArrayType's fields, and then create a new slice there
and read from that. The result is currently undefined behavior,
though with emphasis on "undefined": it may become defined in the future of Rust.

At the current moment, however, it is best to exercise an abundance of caution.

# On sizes and subscripts

Postgres uses C's `int` (`c_int` in Rust) for sizes, and Rust uses [usize].
Thus various functions of RawArray return `c_int` values, but you must convert to usize.
On 32-bit or 64-bit machines with 32-bit `c_int`s, you may losslessly upgrade `as usize`,
except with negative indices, which Postgres asserts against creating.
PGX currently only intentionally supports 64-bit machines,
and while support for ILP32 or I64LP128 C data models may become possible,
PGX will **not** support 16-bit machines in any practical case, even though Rust does.

[nonnull]: NonNull
pub struct RawArray {
    ptr: NonNull<pg_sys::ArrayType>,
    len: usize,

impl RawArray {
    Returns a handle to the raw array header.

    # Safety

    When calling this method, you have to ensure that all of the following is true:
    * The pointer must be properly aligned.
    * It must be "dereferenceable" in the sense defined in [the std documentation].
    * The pointer must point to an initialized instance of [pg_sys::ArrayType].
    * The `ndim` field must be a correct value, or **0**, so `dims` is aligned and readable,
      or no data is actually read at all.
    * This is a unique, "owning pointer" for the varlena, so it won't be aliased while held,
      and it points to data in the Postgres ArrayType format.

    It should be noted that despite all these requirements, RawArray has no lifetime,
    nor produces slices with such, so it can still be racy and unsafe!

    [the std documentation]: core::ptr#safety
    pub unsafe fn from_ptr(ptr: NonNull<pg_sys::ArrayType>) -> RawArray {
        // SAFETY: Validity asserted by the caller.
        let len = unsafe { ARR_NELEMS(ptr.as_ptr()) } as usize;
        RawArray { ptr, len }

    /// # Safety
    /// Array must have been made from an ArrayType pointer,
    /// or a null value, as-if [RawArray::from_ptr].
    pub unsafe fn from_array<T: FromDatum>(arr: Array<T>) -> Option<RawArray> {
        let array_type = arr.into_array_type() as *mut _;
        // SAFETY: Validity asserted by the caller.
        let len = unsafe { ARR_NELEMS(array_type) } as usize;
        Some(RawArray { ptr: NonNull::new(array_type)?, len })

    /// Returns the inner raw pointer to the ArrayType.
    pub fn into_ptr(self) -> NonNull<pg_sys::ArrayType> {

    /// Get the number of dimensions.
    /// Will be in 0..=[pg_sys::MAXDIM].
    fn ndim(&self) -> libc::c_int {
        // SAFETY: Validity asserted on construction.
        unsafe {
            FIXME: While this is a c_int, the max ndim is normally 6
            While the value can be set higher, it is... unlikely
            that it is going to actually challenge even 16-bit pointer widths.
            It would be preferable to return a usize instead,
            however, PGX has trouble with that, unfortunately.
            as _

    A slice of the dimensions.

    Oxidized form of [ARR_DIMS(ArrayType*)][ARR_DIMS].
    The length will be within 0..=[pg_sys::MAXDIM].

    Safe to use because validity of this slice was asserted on construction.

    [ARR_DIMS]: <;a=blob;f=src/include/utils/array.h;h=4ae6c3be2f8b57afa38c19af2779f67c782e4efc;hb=278273ccbad27a8834dfdf11895da9cd91de4114#l287>
    pub fn dims(&self) -> &[libc::c_int] {
        SAFETY: Welcome to the infernal bowels of FFI.
        Because the initial ptr was NonNull, we can assume this is also NonNull.
        Validity of the ptr and ndim field was asserted on construction of RawArray,
        so can assume the dims ptr is also valid, allowing making the slice.
        unsafe {
            let ndim = self.ndim() as usize;
            slice::from_raw_parts(ARR_DIMS(self.ptr.as_ptr()), ndim)

    /// The flattened length of the array over every single element.
    /// Includes all items, even the ones that might be null.
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    /// Accessor for ArrayType's elemtype.
    pub fn oid(&self) -> pg_sys::Oid {
        // SAFETY: Validity asserted on construction.
        unsafe { (*self.ptr.as_ptr()).elemtype }

    /// Gets the offset to the ArrayType's data.
    /// Should not be "taken literally".
    fn data_offset(&self) -> i32 {
        // SAFETY: Validity asserted on construction.
        unsafe { (*self.ptr.as_ptr()).dataoffset }
        // This field is an "int32" in Postgres

    Equivalent to [ARR_HASNULL(ArrayType*)][ARR_HASNULL].

    Note this means that it only asserts that there MIGHT be a null

    [ARR_HASNULL]: <;a=blob;f=src/include/utils/array.h;h=4ae6c3be2f8b57afa38c19af2779f67c782e4efc;hb=278273ccbad27a8834dfdf11895da9cd91de4114#l284>
    fn nullable(&self) -> bool {
        self.data_offset() != 0

    /// May return null.
    fn nulls_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut u8 {
        // SAFETY: This isn't public for a reason: it's a maybe-null *mut BitSlice, which is easy to misuse.
        // Obtaining it, however, is perfectly safe.
        unsafe { ARR_NULLBITMAP(self.ptr.as_ptr()) }

    fn nulls_bitptr(&mut self) -> Option<BitPtr<Mut, u8>> {
        match BitPtr::try_from(self.nulls_mut_ptr()) {
            Ok(ptr) => Some(ptr),
            Err(BitPtrError::Null(_)) => None,
            Err(BitPtrError::Misaligned(_)) => unreachable!("impossible to misalign *mut u8"),

    Oxidized form of [ARR_NULLBITMAP(ArrayType*)][ARR_NULLBITMAP]

    If this returns None, the array cannot have nulls.
    If this returns Some, it points to the bitslice that marks nulls in this array.

    Note that unlike the `is_null: bool` that appears elsewhere, here a 0 bit is null,
    or possibly out of bounds for the final byte of the bitslice.

    Note that if this is None, that does not mean it's always okay to read!
    If len is 0, then this slice will be valid for 0 bytes.

    [ARR_NULLBITMAP]: <;a=blob;f=src/include/utils/array.h;h=4ae6c3be2f8b57afa38c19af2779f67c782e4efc;hb=278273ccbad27a8834dfdf11895da9cd91de4114#l293>
    pub fn nulls(&mut self) -> Option<NonNull<[u8]>> {
        let len = self.len + 7 >> 3; // Obtains 0 if len was 0.

        SAFETY: This obtains the nulls pointer, which is valid to obtain because
        the len was asserted on construction. However, unlike the other cases,
        it isn't correct to trust it. Instead, this gets null-checked.
        This is because, while the initial pointer is NonNull,
        ARR_NULLBITMAP can return a nullptr!
        NonNull::new(slice_from_raw_parts_mut(self.nulls_mut_ptr(), len))

    The [bitvec] equivalent of [RawArray::nulls].
    If this returns `None`, the array cannot have nulls.
    If this returns `Some`, it points to the bitslice that marks nulls in this array.

    Note that unlike the `is_null: bool` that appears elsewhere, here a 0 bit is null.
    Unlike [RawArray::nulls], this slice is bit-exact in length, so there are no caveats for safely-used BitSlices.

    [BitPtrError::Null]: <>
    [ARR_NULLBITMAP]: <;a=blob;f=src/include/utils/array.h;h=4ae6c3be2f8b57afa38c19af2779f67c782e4efc;hb=278273ccbad27a8834dfdf11895da9cd91de4114#l293>
    pub fn nulls_bitslice(&mut self) -> Option<NonNull<BitSlice<u8>>> {
        SAFETY: This obtains the nulls pointer, which is valid to obtain because
        the len was asserted on construction. However, unlike the other cases,
        it isn't correct to trust it. Instead, this gets null-checked.
        This is because, while the initial pointer is NonNull,
        ARR_NULLBITMAP can return a nullptr!

        NonNull::new(bitslice_from_raw_parts_mut(self.nulls_bitptr()?, self.len))

    Checks the array for any NULL values by assuming it is a proper varlena array,

    # Safety

    * This requires every index is valid to read or correctly marked as null.
    pub unsafe fn any_nulls(&self) -> bool {
        // SAFETY: Caller asserted safety conditions.
        unsafe { pg_sys::array_contains_nulls(self.ptr.as_ptr()) }

    Oxidized form of [ARR_DATA_PTR(ArrayType*)][ARR_DATA_PTR]

    # Safety

    While this function is safe to call, using the slice may risk undefined behavior.
    The raw slice is not guaranteed to be legible at any given index as T,
    e.g. it may be an "SQL null" if so indicated in the null bitmap.
    As a result, it is dangerous to reborrow this as `&[T]` or `&mut [T]`
    unless the type considers all bitpatterns to be valid values.

    That is the primary reason this returns [`NonNull<[T]>`][nonnull]. If it returned `&mut [T]`,
    then for many possible types that can be **undefined behavior**,
    as it would assert each particular index was a valid `T`.
    A Rust borrow, including of a slice, will always be
    * non-null
    * aligned
    * **validly initialized**, except in the case of [MaybeUninit] types
    It is reasonable to assume data Postgres exposes logically to SQL is initialized,
    but it may be incorrect to assume data Postgres has marked "null"
    otherwise follows Rust-level initialization requirements.

    As Postgres handles alignment requirements in its own particular ways,
    it is up to you to validate that each index is aligned correctly.
    The first element should be correctly aligned to the type, but that is not certain.
    Successive indices are even less likely to match the data type you want
    unless Postgres also uses an identical layout.

    This returns a slice to make it somewhat harder to fail to read it correctly.
    However, it should be noted that a len 0 slice may not be read via raw pointers.

    [MaybeUninit]: core::mem::MaybeUninit
    [nonnull]: NonNull
    [ARR_DATA_PTR]: <;a=blob;f=src/include/utils/array.h;h=4ae6c3be2f8b57afa38c19af2779f67c782e4efc;hb=278273ccbad27a8834dfdf11895da9cd91de4114#l315>
    pub fn data<T>(&mut self) -> NonNull<[T]> {
        SAFETY: Welcome to the infernal bowels of FFI.
        Because the initial ptr was NonNull, we can assume this is also NonNull.
        As validity of the initial ptr was asserted on construction of RawArray,
        this can assume the data ptr is also valid, or harmlessly incorrect.

        This code doesn't assert validity per se, but in practice,
        the caller may immediately turn this into a borrowed slice,
        opening up the methods that are available on borrowed slices.
        This is fine as long as the caller heeds the caveats already given.
        In particular, for simply sized and aligned data, where alignment is the size
        (e.g. u8, i16, f32, u64), and there are no invalid bitpatterns to worry about,
        the caller can almost certainly go to town with it,
        needing only their initial assertion regarding the type being correct.
        unsafe {

    /// # Safety
    /// See the entire thing just above. You're now instantly asserting validity for the slice.
    pub(crate) unsafe fn assume_init_data_slice<T>(&self) -> &[T] {
        // SAFETY: Assertion made by caller
        unsafe {