pgx 0.7.0

pgx: A Rust framework for creating Postgres extensions
Portions Copyright 2019-2021 ZomboDB, LLC.
Portions Copyright 2021-2022 Technology Concepts & Design, Inc. <>

All rights reserved.

Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::lwlock::*;
use crate::{pg_sys, PgAtomic};
use std::hash::Hash;
use uuid::Uuid;

/// Custom types that want to participate in shared memory must implement this marker trait
pub unsafe trait PGXSharedMemory {}

/// In order to store a type in Postgres Shared Memory, it must be passed to
/// `pg_shmem_init!()` during `_PG_init()`.
/// Additionally, the type must be a `static` global and also be `#[derive(Copy, Clone)]`.
/// > Types that allocate on the heap, such as `String` and `Vec` are not supported.
/// For complex data structures like vecs and maps, `pgx` prefers the use of types from
/// [`heapless`](
/// Custom types need to also implement the `PGXSharedMemory` trait.
/// > Extensions that use shared memory **must** be loaded via `postgresql.conf`'s
/// `shared_preload_libraries` configuration setting.  
/// # Example
/// ```rust,no_run
/// use pgx::prelude::*;
/// use pgx::{PgAtomic, PgLwLock, pg_shmem_init, PgSharedMemoryInitialization};
/// // primitive types must be protected behind a `PgLwLock`
/// static PRIMITIVE: PgLwLock<i32> = PgLwLock::new();
/// // Rust atomics can be used without locks, wrapped in a `PgAtomic`
/// static ATOMIC: PgAtomic<std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool> = PgAtomic::new();
/// #[pg_guard]
/// pub extern "C" fn _PG_init() {
///     pg_shmem_init!(PRIMITIVE);
///     pg_shmem_init!(ATOMIC);
/// }
/// ```
#[cfg(not(feature = "pg15"))]
macro_rules! pg_shmem_init {
    ($thing:expr) => {

        unsafe {
            static mut PREV_SHMEM_STARTUP_HOOK: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()> = None;
            PREV_SHMEM_STARTUP_HOOK = pg_sys::shmem_startup_hook;
            pg_sys::shmem_startup_hook = Some(__pgx_private_shmem_hook);

            extern "C" fn __pgx_private_shmem_hook() {
                unsafe {
                    if let Some(i) = PREV_SHMEM_STARTUP_HOOK {

#[cfg(feature = "pg15")]
macro_rules! pg_shmem_init {
    ($thing:expr) => {
        unsafe {
            static mut PREV_SHMEM_REQUEST_HOOK: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()> = None;
            PREV_SHMEM_REQUEST_HOOK = pg_sys::shmem_request_hook;
            pg_sys::shmem_request_hook = Some(__pgx_private_shmem_request_hook);

            extern "C" fn __pgx_private_shmem_request_hook() {
                unsafe {
                    if let Some(i) = PREV_SHMEM_REQUEST_HOOK {

        unsafe {
            static mut PREV_SHMEM_STARTUP_HOOK: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()> = None;
            PREV_SHMEM_STARTUP_HOOK = pg_sys::shmem_startup_hook;
            pg_sys::shmem_startup_hook = Some(__pgx_private_shmem_hook);

            extern "C" fn __pgx_private_shmem_hook() {
                unsafe {
                    if let Some(i) = PREV_SHMEM_STARTUP_HOOK {

/// A trait that types can implement to provide their own Postgres Shared Memory initialization process
pub trait PgSharedMemoryInitialization {
    /// Automatically called when the an extension is loaded.  If using the `pg_shmem_init!()` macro
    /// in `_PG_init()`, this is called automatically
    fn pg_init(&'static self);

    /// Automatically called by the `pg_shmem_init!()` macro, when Postgres is initializing its
    /// shared memory system
    fn shmem_init(&'static self);

impl<T> PgSharedMemoryInitialization for PgLwLock<T>
    T: Default + PGXSharedMemory + 'static,
    fn pg_init(&'static self) {

    fn shmem_init(&'static self) {

impl<T> PgSharedMemoryInitialization for PgAtomic<T>
    T: atomic_traits::Atomic + Default,
    fn pg_init(&'static self) {

    fn shmem_init(&'static self) {

/// This struct contains methods to drive creation of types in shared memory
pub struct PgSharedMem {}

impl PgSharedMem {
    /// Must be run from PG_init, use for types which are guarded by a LWLock
    pub fn pg_init_locked<T: Default + PGXSharedMemory>(lock: &PgLwLock<T>) {
        unsafe {
            let lock = std::ffi::CString::new(lock.get_name()).expect("CString::new failed");
            pg_sys::RequestNamedLWLockTranche(lock.as_ptr(), 1);

    /// Must be run from _PG_init for atomics
    pub fn pg_init_atomic<T: atomic_traits::Atomic + Default>(_atomic: &PgAtomic<T>) {
        unsafe {

    /// Must be run from the shared memory init hook, use for types which are guarded by a `LWLock`
    pub fn shmem_init_locked<T: Default + PGXSharedMemory>(lock: &PgLwLock<T>) {
        let mut found = false;
        unsafe {
            let shm_name = std::ffi::CString::new(lock.get_name()).expect("CString::new failed");
            let addin_shmem_init_lock: *mut pg_sys::LWLock =
                &mut (*pg_sys::MainLWLockArray.add(21)).lock;
            pg_sys::LWLockAcquire(addin_shmem_init_lock, pg_sys::LWLockMode_LW_EXCLUSIVE);

            let fv_shmem =
                pg_sys::ShmemInitStruct(shm_name.into_raw(), std::mem::size_of::<T>(), &mut found)
                    as *mut T;

            std::ptr::write(fv_shmem, <T>::default());


    /// Must be run from the shared memory init hook, use for rust atomics behind `PgAtomic`
    pub fn shmem_init_atomic<T: atomic_traits::Atomic + Default>(atomic: &PgAtomic<T>) {
        unsafe {
            let shm_name =
                std::ffi::CString::new(Uuid::new_v4().to_string()).expect("CString::new() failed");

            let addin_shmem_init_lock: *mut pg_sys::LWLock =
                &mut (*pg_sys::MainLWLockArray.add(21)).lock;

            let mut found = false;
            pg_sys::LWLockAcquire(addin_shmem_init_lock, pg_sys::LWLockMode_LW_EXCLUSIVE);
            let fv_shmem =
                pg_sys::ShmemInitStruct(shm_name.into_raw(), std::mem::size_of::<T>(), &mut found)
                    as *mut T;

            let atomic = T::default();
            std::ptr::copy(&atomic, fv_shmem, 1);

unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for bool {}
unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for char {}
unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for str {}
unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for () {}
unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for i8 {}
unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for i16 {}
unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for i32 {}
unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for i64 {}
unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for i128 {}
unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for u8 {}
unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for u16 {}
unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for u32 {}
unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for u64 {}
unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for u128 {}
unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for usize {}
unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for isize {}
unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for f32 {}
unsafe impl PGXSharedMemory for f64 {}
unsafe impl<T> PGXSharedMemory for [T] where T: PGXSharedMemory + Default {}
unsafe impl<A, B> PGXSharedMemory for (A, B)
    A: PGXSharedMemory + Default,
    B: PGXSharedMemory + Default,
unsafe impl<A, B, C> PGXSharedMemory for (A, B, C)
    A: PGXSharedMemory + Default,
    B: PGXSharedMemory + Default,
    C: PGXSharedMemory + Default,
unsafe impl<A, B, C, D> PGXSharedMemory for (A, B, C, D)
    A: PGXSharedMemory + Default,
    B: PGXSharedMemory + Default,
    C: PGXSharedMemory + Default,
    D: PGXSharedMemory + Default,
unsafe impl<A, B, C, D, E> PGXSharedMemory for (A, B, C, D, E)
    A: PGXSharedMemory + Default,
    B: PGXSharedMemory + Default,
    C: PGXSharedMemory + Default,
    D: PGXSharedMemory + Default,
    E: PGXSharedMemory + Default,
unsafe impl<T, const N: usize> PGXSharedMemory for heapless::Vec<T, N> {}
unsafe impl<K: Eq + Hash, V: Default, S, const N: usize> PGXSharedMemory
    for heapless::IndexMap<K, V, S, N>