peroxide 0.12.3

Rust numeric library contains linear algebra, numerical analysis, statistics and machine learning tools with R, MATLAB, Python like macros


On On maintenance

Pure Rust numeric library contains linear algebra, numerical analysis, statistics and machine learning tools with R, MATLAB, Python like macros.

Latest README version

Corresponding to 0.12.3.


  • Python module : matplotlib for plotting


  • Add next line to your cargo.toml
peroxide = "0.12"

Module Structure


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Basic Runge-Kutta 4th order with inline-python

extern crate peroxide;
extern crate inline_python;
use peroxide::*;
use inline_python::python;

fn main() {
    // Initial condition
    let init_state = State::<f64>::new(0f64, c!(1), c!(0));

    let mut ode_solver = ExplicitODE::new(test_fn);


    let result = ode_solver.integrate();

    let x = result.col(0);
    let y = result.col(1);

    // Plot (Thanks to inline-python)
    python! {
        import pylab as plt
        plt.plot('x, 'y)

// dy/dx = (5x^2 - y) / e^(x+y)
fn test_fn(st: &mut State<f64>) {
    let x = st.param;
    let y = &st.value;
    let dy = &mut st.deriv;
    dy[0] = (5f64 * x.powi(2) - y[0]) / (x + y[0]).exp();

Basic Runge-Kutta 4th order with advanced plotting

extern crate peroxide;
use peroxide::*;

fn main() {
    let init_state = State::<f64>::new(0f64, c!(1), c!(0));

    let mut ode_solver = ExplicitODE::new(test_fn);


    let result = ode_solver.integrate();

    let x = result.col(0);
    let y = result.col(1);

    // Plot (using python matplotlib)
    let mut plt = Plot2D::new();
        .set_title("Test Figure")
        .set_fig_size((10, 6))


fn test_fn(st: &mut State<f64>) {
    let x = st.param;
    let y = &st.value;
    let dy = &mut st.deriv;
    dy[0] = (5f64 * x.powi(2) - y[0]) / (x + y[0]).exp();

Basic Runge-Kutta 4th order with Stop condition

extern crate peroxide;
use peroxide::*;

fn main() {
    let init_state = State::<f64>::new(0f64, c!(1), c!(0));

    let mut ode_solver = ExplicitODE::new(test_fn);

        .set_stop_condition(stop)        // Add stop condition

    let result = ode_solver.integrate();

    let x = result.col(0);
    let y = result.col(1);

    let mut plt = Plot2D::new();
        .set_title("Test Figure")
        .set_fig_size((10, 6))


fn test_fn(st: &mut State<f64>) {
    let x = st.param;
    let y = &st.value;
    let dy = &mut st.deriv;
    dy[0] = (5f64 * x.powi(2) - y[0]) / (x + y[0]).exp();

fn stop(st: &ExplicitODE) -> bool {
    let y = &st.get_state().value[0];
    (*y - 2.4).abs() < 0.01

Example image

Multi-Layer Perceptron (from scratch)

extern crate peroxide;
use peroxide::*;

// x : n x L
// xb: n x (L+1)
// v : (L+1) x M
// a : n x M
// ab: n x (M+1)
// w : (M+1) x n
// wb: M x N
// y : n x N
// t : n x N
// dh: n x M
// do: n x N

fn main() {
    let v = weights_init(3, 2);
    let w = weights_init(3, 1);

    let x = ml_matrix("0 0; 0 1; 1 0; 1 1");
    let t = ml_matrix("0;1;1;0");

    let y = train(v, w, x, t, 0.25, 5000);

fn weights_init(m: usize, n: usize) -> Matrix {
    rand(m, n) * 2f64 - 1f64

fn sigmoid(x: f64) -> f64 {
    1f64 / (1f64 + (-x).exp())

fn forward(weights: Matrix, input_bias: Matrix) -> Matrix {
    let s = input_bias * weights;
    s.fmap(|x| sigmoid(x))

fn add_bias(input: Matrix, bias: f64) -> Matrix {
    let b = matrix(vec![bias; input.row], input.row, 1, Col);
    cbind(b, input)

fn hide_bias(weight: Matrix) -> Matrix {
    weight.skip(1, Row)

fn train(
    weights1: Matrix,
    weights2: Matrix,
    input: Matrix,
    answer: Matrix,
    eta: f64,
    times: usize,
) -> Matrix {
    let x = input;
    let mut v = weights1;
    let mut w = weights2;
    let t = answer;
    let xb = add_bias(x.clone(), -1f64);

    for _i in 0..times {
        let a = forward(v.clone(), xb.clone());
        let ab = add_bias(a.clone(), -1f64);
        let y = forward(w.clone(), ab.clone());
        //        let err = (y.clone() - t.clone()).t() * (y.clone() - t.clone());
        let wb = hide_bias(w.clone());
        let delta_o = (y.clone() - t.clone()) * y.clone() * (1f64 - y.clone());
        let delta_h = (delta_o.clone() * wb.t()) * a.clone() * (1f64 - a.clone());

        w = w.clone() - eta * (ab.t() * delta_o);
        v = v.clone() - eta * (xb.t() * delta_h);

    let a = forward(v, xb);
    let ab = add_bias(a, -1f64);
    let y = forward(w, ab);


Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm (refer to lm.pdf)

extern crate peroxide;
use peroxide::*;

fn main() {
    let noise = Normal(0., 0.5);
    let p_true: Vec<Number> = NumberVector::from_f64_vec(vec![20f64, 10f64, 1f64, 50f64]);
    let p_init = vec![5f64, 2f64, 0.2f64, 10f64];
    let domain = seq(0, 99, 1);
    let real = f(&domain, p_true.clone()).to_f64_vec();
    let y = zip_with(|x, y| x + y, &real, &noise.sample(100));
    let data = hstack!(domain.clone(), y.clone());

    let mut opt = Optimizer::new(data, f);
    let p = opt

fn f(domain: &Vec<f64>, p: Vec<Number>) -> Vec<Number> {
        .map(|t| Number::from_f64(t))
        .map(|t| p[0] * (-t / p[1]).exp() + p[2] * t * (-t / p[3]).exp())


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