ory-client 1.1.7

SDK Client for Ory
# UpdateRecoveryFlowBody

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**csrf_token** | Option<**String**> | Sending the anti-csrf token is only required for browser login flows. | [optional]
**email** | **String** | Email to Recover  Needs to be set when initiating the flow. If the email is a registered recovery email, a recovery link will be sent. If the email is not known, a email with details on what happened will be sent instead.  format: email | 
**method** | **String** | Method supports `link` and `code` only right now. | 
**code** | Option<**String**> | Code from recovery email  Sent to the user once a recovery has been initiated and is used to prove that the user is in possession of the email | [optional]

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