ory-client 1.1.7

SDK Client for Ory
# ProjectBrandingTheme

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**accent_default_color** | Option<**String**> | AccentDefaultColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**accent_disabled_color** | Option<**String**> | AccentDisabledColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**accent_emphasis_color** | Option<**String**> | AccentEmphasisColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**accent_muted_color** | Option<**String**> | AccentMutedColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**accent_subtle_color** | Option<**String**> | AccentSubtleColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**background_canvas_color** | Option<**String**> | BackgroundCanvasColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**background_subtle_color** | Option<**String**> | BackgroundSubtleColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**background_surface_color** | Option<**String**> | BackgroundSurfaceColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**border_default_color** | Option<**String**> | BorderDefaultColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**created_at** | **String** | The Customiation Creation Date | [readonly]
**error_default_color** | Option<**String**> | ErrorDefaultColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**error_emphasis_color** | Option<**String**> | ErrorEmphasisColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**error_muted_color** | Option<**String**> | ErrorMutedColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**error_subtle_color** | Option<**String**> | ErrorSubtleColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**foreground_default_color** | Option<**String**> | ForegroundDefaultColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**foreground_disabled_color** | Option<**String**> | ForegroundDisabledColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**foreground_muted_color** | Option<**String**> | ForegroundMutedColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**foreground_on_accent_color** | Option<**String**> | ForegroundOnAccentColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**foreground_on_dark_color** | Option<**String**> | ForegroundOnDarkColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**foreground_on_disabled_color** | Option<**String**> | ForegroundOnDisabledColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**foreground_subtle_color** | Option<**String**> | ForegroundSubtleColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**id** | **String** | The customization theme ID. | [readonly]
**input_background_color** | Option<**String**> | InputBackgroundColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**input_disabled_color** | Option<**String**> | InputDisabledColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**input_placeholder_color** | Option<**String**> | InputPlaceholderColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**input_text_color** | Option<**String**> | InputTextColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**logo_type** | Option<**String**> | Logo Type The Logo mime type. | [optional]
**logo_url** | Option<**String**> | Logo URL Logo can be an https:// or base64:// URL. If the URL is not allowed, the logo will be stored inside the Ory Network storage bucket. | [optional]
**name** | **String** | The customization theme name. | 
**primary_color** | Option<**String**> | Primary color is an hsla color value used to derive the other colors from for the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**project_branding_id** | **String** | The ProjectBranding ID this customization is associated with | 
**secondary_color** | Option<**String**> | Secondary color is a hsla color code used to derive the other colors from for the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**success_emphasis_color** | Option<**String**> | SuccessEmphasisColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**text_default_color** | Option<**String**> | TextDefaultColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**text_disabled_color** | Option<**String**> | TextDisabledColor is a hex color code used by the Ory Account Experience theme. | [optional]
**updated_at** | **String** | Last Time Branding was Updated | [readonly]

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