ory-client 1.1.7

SDK Client for Ory
# ProjectInvite

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**created_at** | **String** | The Project's Revision Creation Date | [readonly]
**id** | **String** | The invite's ID. | [readonly]
**invitee_email** | **String** | The invitee's email | 
**invitee_id** | Option<**String**> |  | [optional]
**owner_email** | **String** | The invite owner's email Usually the project's owner email | 
**owner_id** | **String** | The invite owner's ID Usually the project's owner | 
**project_id** | **String** | The Project's ID this invite is associated with | 
**status** | **String** | The invite's status Keeps track of the invites status such as pending, accepted, declined, expired pending PENDING accepted ACCEPTED declined DECLINED expired EXPIRED cancelled CANCELLED removed REMOVED | 
**updated_at** | **String** | Last Time Project's Revision was Updated | [readonly]

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