ordered-float 3.8.0

Wrappers for total ordering on floats

Ordered Floats

Provides several wrapper types for Ord and Eq implementations on f64 and friends.

See the API documentation for further details.


To use ordered_float without requiring the Rust standard library, disable the default std feature:

ordered-float = { version = "3.0", default-features = false }

Optional features

The following optional features can be enabled in Cargo.toml:

  • bytemuck: Adds implementations for traits provided by the bytemuck crate.
  • rand: Adds implementations for various distribution types provided by the rand crate.
  • serde: Implements the serde::Serialize and serde::Deserialize traits.
  • schemars: Implements the schemars::JsonSchema trait.
  • proptest: Implements the proptest::Arbitrary trait.
  • rkyv_16: Implements rkyv's Archive, Serialize and Deserialize traits with size_16.
  • rkyv_32: Implements rkyv's Archive, Serialize and Deserialize traits with size_32.
  • rkyv_64: Implements rkyv's Archive, Serialize and Deserialize traits with size_64.
  • rkyv_ck: Implements the bytecheck::CheckBytes trait.
  • speedy: Implements speedy's Readable and Writable traits.
