notify-rust 4.0.0

Show desktop notifications (linux, bsd, mac). Pure Rust dbus client and server.


Travis contributors maintenance

version documentation license

A not so well-named library for displaying desktop notifications.

notify-rust = "4"

Usage & Documentation

Please see the documentation for current examples.

Simple Notification

use notify_rust::Notification;
    .summary("Firefox News")
    .body("This will almost look like a real firefox notification.")

Persistent Notification

use notify_rust::{Notification, Hint};
    .body("This has nothing to do with emails.\nIt should not go away until you acknowledge it.")
    .hint(Hint::Resident(true)) // this is not supported by all implementations
    .timeout(0) // this however is

Commandline tool

Checkout toastify, it exposes most of the functionality of the lib to the commandline.


  • rustc >= 1.44
  • libdbus (linux)

macOS support

This library shines on linux and bsd, which is its original target platform. Lately it gained support for macOS thanks to mac-notification-sys. However this only includes a small subset of the current functionality, since NSNotifications don't have as many features. Please refer to the You are a versed macOS UI developer with mad Objective-C skillz? PRSV.

windows support

Similar to macOS we support windows via the help of winrt-notification.


Any help in form of descriptive and friendly issues or comprehensive pull requests are welcome!

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in notify-rust by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


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