notify-rust 3.0.0

Show desktop notifications. Similar to libnotify, but pure rust with no gtk or Qt dependencies.


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Shows desktop notifications. This implementation does not rely on libnotify, as it is using dbus-rs. Basic notification features are supported, more sophisticated functionality will follow. The API shown below should be stable.

notify-rust = "*" # see batch for current version

Usage & Documentation

Please see the documentation for current examples.

Commandline tool

Checkout ./notify-cli, it exposes most of the functionality of the lib to the commandline.

$ ./target/debug/notify send --help
Shows a notification

	notify send [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [ARGS] <summary>

    -d, --debug      Also prints notification to stdout
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -a, --app-name <app-name>          Set a specific app-name manually.
    -c, --category <category>          Set a category.
    -t, --expire-time <expire-time>    Time until expiration in milliseconds. 0 means forever.
    -i, --icon <icon>                  Icon of notification.
    -u, --urgency <urgency>            How urgent is it. [values: high low normal]

    summary    Title of the Notification.
    body       Message body