noria 0.6.1

Client bindings for Noria
use crate::consensus::{self, Authority};
use crate::debug::stats;
use crate::table::{Table, TableBuilder, TableRpc};
use crate::view::{View, ViewBuilder, ViewRpc};
use crate::ActivationResult;
use failure::{self, ResultExt};
use futures_util::future;
use petgraph::graph::NodeIndex;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::time::Duration;
use std::{
    task::{Context, Poll},
use tower_buffer::Buffer;
use tower_service::Service;

/// Describes a running controller instance.
/// A serialized version of this struct is stored in ZooKeeper so that clients can reach the
/// currently active controller.
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ControllerDescriptor {
    pub external_addr: SocketAddr,
    pub worker_addr: SocketAddr,
    pub domain_addr: SocketAddr,
    pub nonce: u64,

struct Controller<A> {
    authority: Arc<A>,
    client: hyper::Client<hyper::client::HttpConnector>,

struct ControllerRequest {
    path: &'static str,
    request: Vec<u8>,

impl ControllerRequest {
    fn new<Q: Serialize>(path: &'static str, r: Q) -> Result<Self, serde_json::Error> {
        Ok(ControllerRequest {
            request: serde_json::to_vec(&r)?,

impl<A> Service<ControllerRequest> for Controller<A>
    A: 'static + Authority,
    type Response = hyper::body::Bytes;
    type Error = failure::Error;

    type Future = impl Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send;
    type Future = crate::doc_mock::Future<Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>>;

    fn poll_ready(&mut self, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {

    fn call(&mut self, req: ControllerRequest) -> Self::Future {
        let client = self.client.clone();
        let auth = self.authority.clone();
        let path = req.path;
        let body = req.request;

        async move {
            let mut url = None;

            loop {
                if url.is_none() {
                    // TODO: don't do blocking things here...
                    // TODO: cache this value?
                    let descriptor: ControllerDescriptor = serde_json::from_slice(
                        &auth.get_leader().context("failed to get current leader")?.1,
                    .context("failed to deserialize authority reply")?;

                    url = Some(format!("http://{}/{}", descriptor.external_addr, path));

                let r = hyper::Request::post(url.as_ref().unwrap())

                let res = client
                    .map_err(|he| failure::Error::from(he).context("hyper request failed"))?;

                let status = res.status();
                let body = hyper::body::to_bytes(res.into_body())
                    .map_err(|he| failure::Error::from(he).context("hyper response failed"))?;

                match status {
                    hyper::StatusCode::OK => return Ok(body),
                    hyper::StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR => bail!(
                        "rpc call to {} failed: {}",
                    s => {
                        if s == hyper::StatusCode::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE {
                            url = None;


/// A handle to a Noria controller.
/// This handle is the primary mechanism for interacting with a running Noria instance, and lets
/// you add and remove queries, retrieve handles for inserting or querying the underlying data, and
/// to perform meta-operations such as fetching the dataflow's GraphViz visualization.
/// To establish a new connection to Noria, use `ControllerHandle::new`, and pass in the
/// appropriate `Authority`. In the likely case that you are using Zookeeper, use
/// `ControllerHandle::from_zk`.
/// Note that whatever Tokio Runtime you use to execute the `Future` that resolves into the
/// `ControllerHandle` will also be the one that executes all your reads and writes through `View`
/// and `Table`. Make sure that that `Runtime` stays alive, and continues to be driven, otherwise
/// none of your operations will ever complete! Furthermore, you *must* use the `Runtime` to
/// execute any futures returned from `ControllerHandle` (that is, you cannot just call `.wait()`
/// on them).
// TODO: this should be renamed to NoriaHandle, or maybe just Connection, since it also provides
// reads and writes, which aren't controller actions!
pub struct ControllerHandle<A>
    A: 'static + Authority,
    handle: Buffer<Controller<A>, ControllerRequest>,
    domains: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<(SocketAddr, usize), TableRpc>>>,
    views: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<(SocketAddr, usize), ViewRpc>>>,
    tracer: tracing::Dispatch,

impl<A> Clone for ControllerHandle<A>
    A: 'static + Authority,
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        ControllerHandle {
            handle: self.handle.clone(),
            views: self.views.clone(),
            tracer: self.tracer.clone(),

impl ControllerHandle<consensus::ZookeeperAuthority> {
    /// Fetch information about the current Soup controller from Zookeeper running at the given
    /// address, and create a `ControllerHandle` from that.
    pub async fn from_zk(zookeeper_address: &str) -> Result<Self, failure::Error> {
        let auth = consensus::ZookeeperAuthority::new(zookeeper_address)?;

// this alias is needed to work around -> impl Trait capturing _all_ lifetimes by default
// the A parameter is needed so it gets captured into the impl Trait
type RpcFuture<A, R> = impl Future<Output = Result<R, failure::Error>>;
type RpcFuture<A, R> = crate::doc_mock::FutureWithExtra<Result<R, failure::Error>, A>;

// Needed b/c of
async fn finalize<R, E>(
    fut: impl Future<Output = Result<hyper::body::Bytes, E>>,
    err: &'static str,
) -> Result<R, failure::Error>
    for<'de> R: Deserialize<'de>,
    E: std::fmt::Display + Send + Sync + 'static,
    let body: hyper::body::Bytes = fut.await.map_err(failure::Context::new).context(err)?;

        .context("failed to response")

impl<A: Authority + 'static> ControllerHandle<A> {
    pub async fn make(authority: Arc<A>) -> Result<Self, failure::Error> {
        // need to use lazy otherwise current executor won't be known
        let tracer = tracing::dispatcher::get_default(|d| d.clone());
        Ok(ControllerHandle {
            views: Default::default(),
            domains: Default::default(),
            handle: Buffer::new(
                Controller {
                    client: hyper::Client::new(),

    /// Check that the `ControllerHandle` can accept another request.
    /// Note that this method _must_ return `Poll::Ready` before any other methods that return
    /// a `Future` on `ControllerHandle` can be called.
    pub fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), failure::Error>> {

    /// A future that resolves when the controller can accept more messages.
    /// When this future resolves, you it is safe to call any methods that require `poll_ready` to
    /// have returned `Poll::Ready`.
    pub async fn ready(&mut self) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
        future::poll_fn(move |cx| self.poll_ready(cx)).await

    /// Create a `ControllerHandle` that bootstraps a connection to Noria via the configuration
    /// stored in the given `authority`.
    /// You *probably* want to use `ControllerHandle::from_zk` instead.
    pub async fn new(authority: A) -> Result<Self, failure::Error>
        A: Send + 'static,

    /// Enumerate all known base tables.
    /// These have all been created in response to a `CREATE TABLE` statement in a recipe.
    /// `Self::poll_ready` must have returned `Async::Ready` before you call this method.
    pub fn inputs(
        &mut self,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<BTreeMap<String, NodeIndex>, failure::Error>> {
        let fut = self
            .call(ControllerRequest::new("inputs", &()).unwrap());

        async move {
            let body: hyper::body::Bytes = fut
                .context("failed to fetch inputs")?;

                .context("couldn't parse input response")

    /// Enumerate all known external views.
    /// These have all been created in response to a `CREATE EXT VIEW` statement in a recipe.
    /// `Self::poll_ready` must have returned `Async::Ready` before you call this method.
    pub fn outputs(
        &mut self,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<BTreeMap<String, NodeIndex>, failure::Error>> {
        let fut = self
            .call(ControllerRequest::new("outputs", &()).unwrap());

        async move {
            let body: hyper::body::Bytes = fut
                .context("failed to fetch outputs")?;

                .context("couldn't parse output response")

    /// Obtain a `View` that allows you to query the given external view.
    /// `Self::poll_ready` must have returned `Async::Ready` before you call this method.
    pub fn view(&mut self, name: &str) -> impl Future<Output = Result<View, failure::Error>> {
        // This call attempts to detect if this function is being called in a loop. If this is
        // getting false positives, then it is safe to increase the allowed hit count, however, the
        // limit_mutator_creation test in src/controller/ should then be updated as well.

        let views = self.views.clone();
        let name = name.to_string();
        let fut = self
            .call(ControllerRequest::new("view_builder", &name).unwrap());
        async move {
            let body: hyper::body::Bytes = fut
                .context("failed to fetch view builder")?;

            match serde_json::from_slice::<Option<ViewBuilder>>(&body) {
                Ok(Some(vb)) => Ok(,
                Ok(None) => Err(failure::err_msg("view does not exist")),
                Err(e) => Err(failure::Error::from(e)),
            .map_err(move |e| e.context(format!("building view for {}", name)).into())

    /// Obtain a `Table` that allows you to perform writes, deletes, and other operations on the
    /// given base table.
    /// `Self::poll_ready` must have returned `Async::Ready` before you call this method.
    pub fn table(&mut self, name: &str) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Table, failure::Error>> {
        // This call attempts to detect if this function is being called in a loop. If this
        // is getting false positives, then it is safe to increase the allowed hit count.

        let domains =;
        let name = name.to_string();
        let fut = self
            .call(ControllerRequest::new("table_builder", &name).unwrap());

        async move {
            let body: hyper::body::Bytes = fut
                .context("failed to fetch table builder")?;

            match serde_json::from_slice::<Option<TableBuilder>>(&body) {
                Ok(Some(tb)) => Ok(,
                Ok(None) => Err(failure::err_msg("view table not exist")),
                Err(e) => Err(failure::Error::from(e)),
            .map_err(move |e| e.context(format!("building table for {}", name)).into())

    pub fn rpc<Q: Serialize, R: 'static>(
        &mut self,
        path: &'static str,
        r: Q,
        err: &'static str,
    ) -> RpcFuture<A, R>
        for<'de> R: Deserialize<'de>,
        R: Send,
        let fut =, r).unwrap());

        finalize(fut, err)

    /// Get statistics about the time spent processing different parts of the graph.
    /// `Self::poll_ready` must have returned `Async::Ready` before you call this method.
    pub fn statistics(
        &mut self,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<stats::GraphStats, failure::Error>> {
        self.rpc("get_statistics", (), "failed to get stats")

    /// Flush all partial state, evicting all rows present.
    /// `Self::poll_ready` must have returned `Async::Ready` before you call this method.
    pub fn flush_partial(&mut self) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), failure::Error>> {
        self.rpc("flush_partial", (), "failed to flush partial")

    /// Extend the existing recipe with the given set of queries.
    /// `Self::poll_ready` must have returned `Async::Ready` before you call this method.
    pub fn extend_recipe(
        &mut self,
        recipe_addition: &str,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<ActivationResult, failure::Error>> {
        self.rpc("extend_recipe", recipe_addition, "failed to extend recipe")

    /// Replace the existing recipe with this one.
    /// `Self::poll_ready` must have returned `Async::Ready` before you call this method.
    pub fn install_recipe(
        &mut self,
        new_recipe: &str,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<ActivationResult, failure::Error>> {
        self.rpc("install_recipe", new_recipe, "failed to install recipe")

    /// Fetch a graphviz description of the dataflow graph.
    /// `Self::poll_ready` must have returned `Async::Ready` before you call this method.
    pub fn graphviz(&mut self) -> impl Future<Output = Result<String, failure::Error>> {
        self.rpc("graphviz", (), "failed to fetch graphviz output")

    /// Fetch a simplified graphviz description of the dataflow graph.
    /// `Self::poll_ready` must have returned `Async::Ready` before you call this method.
    pub fn simple_graphviz(&mut self) -> impl Future<Output = Result<String, failure::Error>> {
            "failed to fetch simple graphviz output",

    /// Remove the given external view from the graph.
    /// `Self::poll_ready` must have returned `Async::Ready` before you call this method.
    pub fn remove_node(
        &mut self,
        view: NodeIndex,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), failure::Error>> {
        // TODO: this should likely take a view name, and we should verify that it's a Reader.
        self.rpc("remove_node", view, "failed to remove node")