noria 0.6.1

Client bindings for Noria
use crate::channel::CONNECTION_FROM_BASE;
use crate::data::*;
use crate::internal::*;
use crate::LocalOrNot;
use crate::{Tagged, Tagger};
use async_bincode::{AsyncBincodeStream, AsyncDestination};
use futures_util::{
    future, future::TryFutureExt, ready, stream::futures_unordered::FuturesUnordered,
use nom_sql::CreateTableStatement;
use petgraph::graph::NodeIndex;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::future::Future;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use std::{fmt, io};
use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt;
use tokio_tower::multiplex;
use tower_balance::p2c::Balance;
use tower_buffer::Buffer;
use tower_discover::ServiceStream;
use tower_limit::concurrency::ConcurrencyLimit;
use tower_service::Service;
use vec_map::VecMap;

type Transport = AsyncBincodeStream<

/// Create a new row for insertion into a [`Table`] using column names.
/// If the schema of the given table is known, column defaults and `NOT NULL` restrictions will
/// also be respected. In the future, this method will also check that the provided `DataType`
/// matches the expected data type for each column.
/// Values are automatically converted to `DataType` as necessary.
/// ```rust
/// async fn add_user(users: &mut noria::Table) -> Result<(), noria::error::TableError> {
///   let user = noria::row!(users,
///     "username" => "jonhoo",
///     "password" => "hunter2",
///     "created_at" => chrono::Local::now().naive_local(),
///     "logins" => 0,
///   );
///   users.insert(user).await
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! row {
    ($tbl:ident, $($k:expr => $v:expr),+ $(,)*) => {
        $crate::row!(@step $tbl, $($k => $v),+)

    // macros for counting:
    // these can't be moved into the macro case below because of
    (@replace_expr ($_t:expr, $sub:expr)) => {$sub};
    (@count_tts ($($e:expr),*)) => {<[()]>::len(&[$($crate::row!(@replace_expr ($e, ()))),*])};

    // we want to allow the caller to move values into row. but, since we loop over the colums, the
    // compiler will think that we might be moving each $v multiple times (once each time through
    // the loop), even though that can't happen as long as the field names are distinct. we're
    // going to work around that by constructing an array that holds an Option<DataType> of each
    // $v, and then `take()` them when we actually use them for a column value. to do so though, we
    // also need each $k/$v pair's index so we can refer to the appropriate element of the array.
    // the ugliness below recursively expands one $k => $v at a time into @$idx; $k => $v using the
    // counting trick from
    (@step $tbl:ident, $(@$idx:expr; $ik:expr => $iv:expr,)* $ck:expr => $cv:expr $(, $k:expr => $v:expr)*) => {
        $crate::row!(@step $tbl, $(@$idx; $ik => $iv,)* @$crate::row!(@count_tts ($($ik),*)); $ck => $cv $(, $k => $v)*)

    // ultimately, the call will end up here with all the indices set
    // the indices will not technically be numbers, they'll be something like
    //     <[()]>::len(&[(), ()])
    // but those expressions can crucially be computed at compile time.
    (@step $tbl:ident, $(@$idx:expr; $k:expr => $v:expr),+) => {{
        let mut row = vec![$crate::DataType::None; $tbl.columns().len()];
        let mut vals = [$(Some(Into::<$crate::DataType>::into($v))),+];
        let schema = $tbl.schema();
        for (coli, col) in $tbl.columns().iter().enumerate() {
            match &**col {
                $($k => {
                    // TODO: check row[coli] against schema.fields[coli].sql_type ?
                    row[coli] = vals[$idx].take().expect("field name appears twice -- should be caught by match");
                    if let Some(ref schema) = schema {
                        if schema.fields[coli].constraints.iter().any(|c| c == &$crate::ColumnConstraint::NotNull) {
                            assert!(!row[coli].is_none(), "Attempted to set NOT NULL column '{}' to DataType::None", col);
                cname if schema.is_some() => {
                    let schema = schema.as_ref().unwrap();

                    // Maybe we have a default value?
                    let mut allow_null = true;
                    let spec = &schema.fields[coli];
                    for c in &spec.constraints {
                        use $crate::ColumnConstraint;
                        match c {
                            ColumnConstraint::NotNull => {
                                allow_null = false;
                            ColumnConstraint::DefaultValue(ref literal) => {
                                row[coli] = Into::<$crate::DataType>::into(literal);
                            ColumnConstraint::AutoIncrement => {
                                // TODO
                            _ => {}

                    if !allow_null && row[coli].is_none() {
                        panic!("Column {} is declared NOT NULL, has no default, and was not provided", cname);
                _ => { /* leave column value as None */ }


// this is here just to get better compiler errors for row!
// the doc test will not show the source of the error _inside_ the macro since it's cross-crate.
async fn add_user(users: &mut Table) -> Result<(), TableError> {
    let s = String::from("non copy");
    let user = row!(users,
      "username" => "jonhoo",
      "password" => "hunter2",
      "created_at" => chrono::Local::now().naive_local(),
      "not an ident" => s,
      "logins" => 0,

/// Create an update for a given [`Table`] using column names.
/// In the future, this method will also check that the provided `DataType`
/// matches the expected data type for each column if the schema is known.
/// Values are automatically converted to `DataType` as necessary.
/// ```rust
/// async fn update_user(users: &mut noria::Table) -> Result<(), noria::error::TableError> {
///   let user = noria::update!(users,
///     "password" => "hunter3",
///     "logins" => noria::Modification::Apply(noria::Operation::Add, 1.into()),
///   );
///   users.update(vec!["jonhoo".into()], user).await
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! update {
    // these are identical as for row! see comments there.
    ($tbl:ident, $($k:expr => $v:expr),+ $(,)*) => { $crate::update!(@step $tbl, $($k => $v),+) };
    (@replace_expr ($_t:expr, $sub:expr)) => {$sub};
    (@count_tts ($($e:expr),*)) => {<[()]>::len(&[$($crate::update!(@replace_expr ($e, ()))),*])};
    (@step $tbl:ident, $(@$idx:expr; $ik:expr => $iv:expr,)* $ck:expr => $cv:expr $(, $k:expr => $v:expr)*) => {
        $crate::update!(@step $tbl, $(@$idx; $ik => $iv,)* @$crate::update!(@count_tts ($($ik),*)); $ck => $cv $(, $k => $v)*)

    (@step $tbl:ident, $(@$idx:expr; $k:expr => $v:expr),+) => {{
        let mut set = vec![$((0, Into::<$crate::Modification>::into($v))),+];
        for (coli, col) in $tbl.columns().iter().enumerate() {
            match &**col {
                $($k => {
                    // TODO: check set[$idx].1 against schema.fields[coli].sql_type ?
                    set[$idx].0 = coli;
                _ => { /* column value not updated */ }

async fn update_user(users: &mut Table) -> Result<(), TableError> {
    let user = update!(users,
      "password" => "hunter3",
      "logins" => crate::Modification::Apply(crate::Operation::Add, 1.into()),
    users.update(vec!["jonhoo".into()], user).await

struct Endpoint(SocketAddr);

type InnerService = multiplex::Client<
    multiplex::MultiplexTransport<Transport, Tagger>,
    tokio_tower::Error<multiplex::MultiplexTransport<Transport, Tagger>, Tagged<LocalOrNot<Input>>>,

impl Service<()> for Endpoint {
    type Response = InnerService;
    type Error = tokio::io::Error;

    type Future = impl Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>>;
    type Future = crate::doc_mock::Future<Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>>;

    fn poll_ready(&mut self, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {

    fn call(&mut self, _: ()) -> Self::Future {
        let f = tokio::net::TcpStream::connect(self.0);
        async move {
            let mut s = f.await?;
            let s = AsyncBincodeStream::from(s).for_async();
            let t = multiplex::MultiplexTransport::new(s, Tagger::default());
            Ok(multiplex::Client::with_error_handler(t, |e| {
                eprintln!("table server went away: {}", e)

fn make_table_stream(
    addr: SocketAddr,
) -> impl futures_util::stream::TryStream<
    Ok = tower_discover::Change<usize, InnerService>,
    Error = tokio::io::Error,
> {
    // TODO: use whatever comes out of instead of
    // creating _all_ the connections every time.
        .map(|i| async move {
            let svc = Endpoint(addr).call(()).await?;
            Ok(tower_discover::Change::Insert(i, svc))

fn make_table_discover(addr: SocketAddr) -> Discover {

// Unpin + Send bounds are needed due to
type Discover = impl tower_discover::Discover<Key = usize, Service = InnerService, Error = tokio::io::Error>
    + Unpin
    + Send;
type Discover = crate::doc_mock::Discover<InnerService>;

pub(crate) type TableRpc = Buffer<
    ConcurrencyLimit<Balance<Discover, Tagged<LocalOrNot<Input>>>>,

/// A failed [`Table`] operation.
#[derive(Debug, Fail)]
pub enum TableError {
    /// The wrong number of columns was given when inserting a row.
        display = "wrong number of columns specified: expected {}, got {}",
        _0, _1
    WrongColumnCount(usize, usize),

    /// The wrong number of key columns was given when modifying a row.
        display = "wrong number of key columns used: expected {}, got {}",
        _0, _1
    WrongKeyColumnCount(usize, usize),

    /// The underlying connection to Noria produced an error.
    #[fail(display = "{}", _0)]
    TransportError(#[cause] failure::Error),

impl From<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>> for TableError {
    fn from(e: Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>) -> Self {

#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Input {
    pub dst: LocalNodeIndex,
    pub data: Vec<TableOperation>,

impl fmt::Debug for Input {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("dst", &self.dst)
            .field("data", &

#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TableBuilder {
    pub txs: Vec<SocketAddr>,
    pub ni: NodeIndex,
    pub addr: LocalNodeIndex,
    pub key_is_primary: bool,
    pub key: Vec<usize>,
    pub dropped: VecMap<DataType>,

    pub table_name: String,
    pub columns: Vec<String>,
    pub schema: Option<CreateTableStatement>,

impl TableBuilder {
    pub(crate) fn build(
        rpcs: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<(SocketAddr, usize), TableRpc>>>,
    ) -> Result<Table, io::Error> {
        let mut addrs = Vec::with_capacity(self.txs.len());
        let mut conns = Vec::with_capacity(self.txs.len());
        for (shardi, &addr) in self.txs.iter().enumerate() {
            use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;


            // one entry per shard so that we can send sharded requests in parallel even if
            // they happen to be targeting the same machine.
            let mut rpcs = rpcs.lock().unwrap();
            let s = match rpcs.entry((addr, shardi)) {
                Entry::Occupied(e) => e.get().clone(),
                Entry::Vacant(h) => {
                    // TODO: maybe always use the same local port?
                    let (c, w) = Buffer::pair(
                    use tracing_futures::Instrument;
                        addr = %addr,
                        shard = shardi

        let dispatch = tracing::dispatcher::get_default(|d| d.clone());
        Ok(Table {
            node: self.addr,
            key: self.key,
            key_is_primary: self.key_is_primary,
            columns: self.columns,
            dropped: self.dropped,
            table_name: self.table_name,
            schema: self.schema,
            dst_is_local: false,

            shard_addrs: addrs,
            shards: conns,


/// A `Table` is used to perform writes, deletes, and other operations to data in base tables.
/// If you create multiple `Table` handles from a single `ControllerHandle`, they may share
/// connections to the Soup workers. For this reason, `Table` is *not* `Send` or `Sync`. To get a
/// handle that can be sent to a different thread (i.e., one with its own dedicated connections),
/// call `Table::into_exclusive`.
pub struct Table {
    ni: NodeIndex,
    node: LocalNodeIndex,
    key_is_primary: bool,
    key: Vec<usize>,
    columns: Vec<String>,
    dropped: VecMap<DataType>,
    table_name: String,
    schema: Option<CreateTableStatement>,
    dst_is_local: bool,

    shards: Vec<TableRpc>,
    shard_addrs: Vec<SocketAddr>,

    dispatch: tracing::Dispatch,

impl fmt::Debug for Table {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("ni", &
            .field("node", &self.node)
            .field("key_is_primary", &self.key_is_primary)
            .field("key", &self.key)
            .field("columns", &self.columns)
            .field("dropped", &self.dropped)
            .field("table_name", &self.table_name)
            .field("schema", &self.schema)
            .field("dst_is_local", &self.dst_is_local)
            .field("shard_addrs", &self.shard_addrs)

impl Table {
    fn input(
        &mut self,
        mut i: Input,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Tagged<()>, TableError>> + Send {
        let span = if crate::trace_next_op() {
                base =
        } else {

        // NOTE: this is really just a try block
        let immediate_err = || {
            let ncols = self.columns.len() + self.dropped.len();
            for op in & {
                match op {
                    TableOperation::Insert(ref row) => {
                        if row.len() != ncols {
                            return Err(TableError::WrongColumnCount(ncols, row.len()));
                    TableOperation::Delete { ref key } => {
                        if key.len() != self.key.len() {
                            return Err(TableError::WrongKeyColumnCount(self.key.len(), key.len()));
                    TableOperation::InsertOrUpdate {
                        ref row,
                        ref update,
                    } => {
                        if row.len() != ncols {
                            return Err(TableError::WrongColumnCount(ncols, row.len()));
                        if update.len() > self.columns.len() {
                            // NOTE: < is okay to allow dropping tailing no-ops
                            return Err(TableError::WrongColumnCount(
                    TableOperation::Update { ref set, ref key } => {
                        if key.len() != self.key.len() {
                            return Err(TableError::WrongKeyColumnCount(self.key.len(), key.len()));
                        if set.len() > self.columns.len() {
                            // NOTE: < is okay to allow dropping tailing no-ops
                            return Err(TableError::WrongColumnCount(

        if let Err(e) = immediate_err() {
            return future::Either::Left(async move { Err(e) });

        if self.shards.len() == 1 {
            let request = Tagged::from(if self.dst_is_local {
                unsafe { LocalOrNot::for_local_transfer(i) }
            } else {

            let _guard = span.as_ref().map(tracing::Span::enter);
            tracing::trace!("submit request");
        } else {
            if self.key.is_empty() {
                unreachable!("sharded base without a key?");
            if self.key.len() != 1 {
                // base sharded by complex key
            let key_col = self.key[0];

            let _guard = span.as_ref().map(tracing::Span::enter);
            tracing::trace!("shard request");
            let mut shard_writes = vec![Vec::new(); self.shards.len()];
            for r in {
                let shard = {
                    let key = match r {
                        TableOperation::Insert(ref r) => &r[key_col],
                        TableOperation::Delete { ref key } => &key[0],
                        TableOperation::Update { ref key, .. } => &key[0],
                        TableOperation::InsertOrUpdate { ref row, .. } => &row[key_col],
                    crate::shard_by(key, self.shards.len())

            let wait_for = FuturesUnordered::new();
            for (s, rs) in shard_writes.drain(..).enumerate() {
                if !rs.is_empty() {
                    let p = if self.dst_is_local {
                        unsafe {
                            LocalOrNot::for_local_transfer(Input {
                                dst: i.dst,
                                data: rs,
                    } else {
                        LocalOrNot::new(Input {
                            dst: i.dst,
                            data: rs,
                    let request = Tagged::from(p);

                    // make a span per shard
                    let span = if span.is_some() {
                        Some(tracing::trace_span!("table-shard", s))
                    } else {
                    let _guard = span.as_ref().map(tracing::Span::enter);
                    tracing::trace!("submit request shard");

                } else {
                    // poll_ready reserves a sender slot which we have to release
                    // we do that by dropping the old handle and replacing it with a clone
                    self.shards[s] = self.shards[s].clone()

                    .try_for_each(|_| async { Ok(()) })

impl Service<Vec<TableOperation>> for Table {
    type Error = TableError;
    type Response = <TableRpc as Service<Tagged<LocalOrNot<Input>>>>::Response;

    type Future = impl Future<Output = Result<Tagged<()>, TableError>> + Send;
    type Future = crate::doc_mock::Future<Result<Tagged<()>, TableError>>;

    fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
        for s in &mut self.shards {

    fn call(&mut self, ops: Vec<TableOperation>) -> Self::Future {
        let i = self.prep_records(ops);

impl Table {
    /// Get the name of this base table.
    pub fn table_name(&self) -> &str {

    pub fn i_promise_dst_is_same_process(&mut self) {
        self.dst_is_local = true;

    /// Get the list of columns in this base table.
    /// Note that this will *not* be updated if the underlying recipe changes and adds or removes
    /// columns!
    pub fn columns(&self) -> &[String] {

    /// Get the schema that was used to create this base table.
    /// Note that this will *not* be updated if the underlying recipe changes and adds or removes
    /// columns!
    pub fn schema(&self) -> Option<&CreateTableStatement> {

    fn inject_dropped_cols(&self, r: &mut TableOperation) {
        use std::mem;
        let ndropped = self.dropped.len();
        if ndropped != 0 {
            // inject defaults for dropped columns
            let dropped = self.dropped.iter().rev();

            // get a handle to the underlying data vector
            let r = match *r {
                TableOperation::Insert(ref mut row)
                | TableOperation::InsertOrUpdate { ref mut row, .. } => row,
                _ => unimplemented!("we need to shift the update/delete cols!"),
            // TODO: what about updates? do we need to rewrite the set vector?

            // we want to be a bit careful here to avoid shifting elements multiple times. we
            // do this by moving from the back, and swapping the tail element to the end of the
            // vector until we hit each index.

            // in other words, if we have two default values, we're going to start out with:
            // |####..|
            // where # are "real" fields in the record and . are None values.
            // we want to end up with something like
            // |#d##d#|
            // if columns 1 and 5 were dropped (d here signifies the default values).
            // what makes this tricky is that we need to preserve the order of all the #.
            // to accomplish this, we're going to move the # to the end of the record, one at a
            // time, starting with the last one, and then "inject" the default values as we go.
            // that way, we only make one pass over the record!
            // in particular, progress is going to look like this (i've swapped # for col #):
            // |1234..|  hole = 5, next_insert = 4, last_unmoved = 3
            // swap 4 and last .
            // |123..4|  hole = 4, next_insert = 4, last_unmoved = 2
            // hole == next_insert, so insert default value
            // |123.d4|  hole = 4, next_insert = 4, last_unmoved = 2
            // move on to next dropped column
            // |123.d4|  hole = 3, next_insert = 1, last_unmoved = 2
            // swap 3 and last .
            // |12.3d4|  hole = 2, next_insert = 1, last_unmoved = 1
            // swap 2 and last .
            // |1.23d4|  hole = 1, next_insert = 1, last_unmoved = 0
            // hole == next_insert, so insert default value
            // |1d23d4|
            // move on to next dropped column, but since there is none, we're done

            // make room in the record
            let n = r.len() + ndropped;
            let mut hole = n;
            let mut last_unmoved = r.len() - 1;
            r.resize(n, DataType::None);

            // keep trying to insert the next dropped column
            for (next_insert, default) in dropped {
                // think of this being at the bottom of the loop
                // we just hoist it here to avoid underflow if we ever insert at 0
                hole -= 1;

                // shift elements until the next free slot is the one we want to insert into
                while hole != next_insert {
                    // shift another element so the free slot is at a lower index
                    r.swap(last_unmoved, hole);
                    hole -= 1;

                    if last_unmoved == 0 {
                        // there are no more elements -- the next slot to insert at better be [0]
                        debug_assert_eq!(next_insert, 0);
                        debug_assert_eq!(hole, 0);
                    last_unmoved -= 1;

                // we're at the right index -- insert the dropped value
                let current = &mut r[next_insert];
                let old = mem::replace(current, default.clone());
                debug_assert_eq!(old, DataType::None);

    fn prep_records(&self, mut ops: Vec<TableOperation>) -> Input {
        for r in &mut ops {

        Input {
            dst: self.node,
            data: ops,

    async fn quick_n_dirty<Request, R>(
        &mut self,
        r: Request,
    ) -> Result<R, <Self as Service<Request>>::Error>
        Request: Send + 'static,
        Self: Service<Request, Response = Tagged<R>>,
        future::poll_fn(|cx| self.poll_ready(cx)).await?;

    /// Insert a single row of data into this base table.
    pub async fn insert<V>(&mut self, u: V) -> Result<(), TableError>
        V: Into<Vec<DataType>>,

    /// Perform multiple operation on this base table.
    pub async fn perform_all<I, V>(&mut self, i: I) -> Result<(), TableError>
        I: IntoIterator<Item = V>,
        V: Into<TableOperation>,

    /// Delete the row with the given key from this base table.
    pub async fn delete<I>(&mut self, key: I) -> Result<(), TableError>
        I: Into<Vec<DataType>>,
        self.quick_n_dirty(vec![TableOperation::Delete { key: key.into() }])

    /// Update the row with the given key in this base table.
    /// `u` is a set of column-modification pairs, where for each pair `(i, m)`, the modification
    /// `m` will be applied to column `i` of the record with key `key`.
    pub async fn update<V>(&mut self, key: Vec<DataType>, u: V) -> Result<(), TableError>
        V: IntoIterator<Item = (usize, Modification)>,
            !self.key.is_empty() && self.key_is_primary,
            "update operations can only be applied to base nodes with key columns"

        let mut set = vec![Modification::None; self.columns.len()];
        for (coli, m) in u {
            if coli >= self.columns.len() {
                return Err(TableError::WrongColumnCount(self.columns.len(), coli + 1));
            set[coli] = m;

        self.quick_n_dirty(vec![TableOperation::Update { key, set }])

    /// Perform a insert-or-update on this base table.
    /// If a row already exists for the key in `insert`, the existing row will instead be updated
    /// with the modifications in `u` (as documented in `Table::update`).
    pub async fn insert_or_update<V>(
        &mut self,
        insert: Vec<DataType>,
        update: V,
    ) -> Result<(), TableError>
        V: IntoIterator<Item = (usize, Modification)>,
            !self.key.is_empty() && self.key_is_primary,
            "update operations can only be applied to base nodes with key columns"

        let mut set = vec![Modification::None; self.columns.len()];
        for (coli, m) in update {
            if coli >= self.columns.len() {
                return Err(TableError::WrongColumnCount(self.columns.len(), coli + 1));
            set[coli] = m;

        self.quick_n_dirty(vec![TableOperation::InsertOrUpdate {
            row: insert,
            update: set,