ndarray 0.15.2

An n-dimensional array for general elements and for numerics. Lightweight array views and slicing; views support chunking and splitting.
// Copyright 2014-2016 bluss and ndarray developers.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use super::Dimension;
use crate::dimension::IntoDimension;
use crate::zip::Offset;
use crate::split_at::SplitAt;
use crate::Axis;
use crate::Layout;
use crate::NdProducer;
use crate::{ArrayBase, Data};

/// An iterator over the indexes of an array shape.
/// Iterator element type is `D`.
pub struct IndicesIter<D> {
    dim: D,
    index: Option<D>,

/// Create an iterable of the array shape `shape`.
/// *Note:* prefer higher order methods, arithmetic operations and
/// non-indexed iteration before using indices.
pub fn indices<E>(shape: E) -> Indices<E::Dim>
    E: IntoDimension,
    let dim = shape.into_dimension();
    Indices {
        start: E::Dim::zeros(dim.ndim()),

/// Return an iterable of the indices of the passed-in array.
/// *Note:* prefer higher order methods, arithmetic operations and
/// non-indexed iteration before using indices.
pub fn indices_of<S, D>(array: &ArrayBase<S, D>) -> Indices<D>
    S: Data,
    D: Dimension,

impl<D> Iterator for IndicesIter<D>
    D: Dimension,
    type Item = D::Pattern;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let index = match self.index {
            None => return None,
            Some(ref ix) => ix.clone(),
        self.index = self.dim.next_for(index.clone());

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
        let l = match self.index {
            None => 0,
            Some(ref ix) => {
                let gone = self
                    .fold(0, |s, (&a, &b)| s + a as usize * b as usize);
                self.dim.size() - gone
        (l, Some(l))

    fn fold<B, F>(self, init: B, mut f: F) -> B
        F: FnMut(B, D::Pattern) -> B,
        let IndicesIter { mut index, dim } = self;
        let ndim = dim.ndim();
        if ndim == 0 {
            return match index {
                Some(ix) => f(init, ix.into_pattern()),
                None => init,
        let inner_axis = ndim - 1;
        let inner_len = dim[inner_axis];
        let mut acc = init;
        while let Some(mut ix) = index {
            // unroll innermost axis
            for i in ix[inner_axis]..inner_len {
                ix[inner_axis] = i;
                acc = f(acc, ix.clone().into_pattern());
            index = dim.next_for(ix);

impl<D> ExactSizeIterator for IndicesIter<D> where D: Dimension {}

impl<D> IntoIterator for Indices<D>
    D: Dimension,
    type Item = D::Pattern;
    type IntoIter = IndicesIter<D>;
    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
        let sz = self.dim.size();
        let index = if sz != 0 { Some(self.start) } else { None };
        IndicesIter {
            dim: self.dim,

/// Indices producer and iterable.
/// `Indices` is an `NdProducer` that produces the indices of an array shape.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Indices<D>
    D: Dimension,
    start: D,
    dim: D,

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct IndexPtr<D> {
    index: D,

impl<D> Offset for IndexPtr<D>
    D: Dimension + Copy,
    // stride: The axis to increment
    type Stride = usize;

    unsafe fn stride_offset(mut self, stride: Self::Stride, index: usize) -> Self {
        self.index[stride] += index;
    private_impl! {}

// How the NdProducer for Indices works.
// NdProducer allows for raw pointers (Ptr), strides (Stride) and the produced
// item (Item).
// Instead of Ptr, there is `IndexPtr<D>` which is an index value, like [0, 0, 0]
// for the three dimensional case.
// The stride is simply which axis is currently being incremented. The stride for axis 1, is 1.
// .stride_offset(stride, index) simply computes the new index along that axis, for example:
// [0, 0, 0].stride_offset(1, 10) => [0, 10, 0]  axis 1 is incremented by 10.
// .as_ref() converts the Ptr value to an Item. For example [0, 10, 0] => (0, 10, 0)
impl<D: Dimension + Copy> NdProducer for Indices<D> {
    type Item = D::Pattern;
    type Dim = D;
    type Ptr = IndexPtr<D>;
    type Stride = usize;

    private_impl! {}

    fn raw_dim(&self) -> Self::Dim {

    fn equal_dim(&self, dim: &Self::Dim) -> bool {

    fn as_ptr(&self) -> Self::Ptr {
        IndexPtr { index: self.start }

    fn layout(&self) -> Layout {
        if self.dim.ndim() <= 1 {
        } else {

    unsafe fn as_ref(&self, ptr: Self::Ptr) -> Self::Item {

    unsafe fn uget_ptr(&self, i: &Self::Dim) -> Self::Ptr {
        let mut index = *i;
        index += &self.start;
        IndexPtr { index }

    fn stride_of(&self, axis: Axis) -> Self::Stride {

    fn contiguous_stride(&self) -> Self::Stride {

    fn split_at(self, axis: Axis, index: usize) -> (Self, Self) {
        let start_a = self.start;
        let mut start_b = start_a;
        let (a, b) = self.dim.split_at(axis, index);
        start_b[axis.index()] += index;
            Indices {
                start: start_a,
                dim: a,
            Indices {
                start: start_b,
                dim: b,

/// An iterator over the indexes of an array shape.
/// Iterator element type is `D`.
pub struct IndicesIterF<D> {
    dim: D,
    index: D,
    has_remaining: bool,

pub fn indices_iter_f<E>(shape: E) -> IndicesIterF<E::Dim>
    E: IntoDimension,
    let dim = shape.into_dimension();
    let zero = E::Dim::zeros(dim.ndim());
    IndicesIterF {
        has_remaining: dim.size_checked() != Some(0),
        index: zero,

impl<D> Iterator for IndicesIterF<D>
    D: Dimension,
    type Item = D::Pattern;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if !self.has_remaining {
        } else {
            let elt = self.index.clone().into_pattern();
            self.has_remaining = self.dim.next_for_f(&mut self.index);

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
        if !self.has_remaining {
            return (0, Some(0));
        let gone = self
            .fold(0, |s, (&a, &b)| s + a as usize * b as usize);
        let l = self.dim.size() - gone;
        (l, Some(l))

impl<D> ExactSizeIterator for IndicesIterF<D> where D: Dimension {}

mod tests {
    use super::indices;
    use super::indices_iter_f;

    fn test_indices_iter_c_size_hint() {
        let dim = (3, 4);
        let mut it = indices(dim).into_iter();
        let mut len = dim.0 * dim.1;
        assert_eq!(it.len(), len);
        while let Some(_) = it.next() {
            len -= 1;
            assert_eq!(it.len(), len);
        assert_eq!(len, 0);

    fn test_indices_iter_c_fold() {
        macro_rules! run_test {
            ($dim:expr) => {
                for num_consume in 0..3 {
                    let mut it = indices($dim).into_iter();
                    for _ in 0..num_consume {
                    let clone = it.clone();
                    let len = it.len();
                    let acc = clone.fold(0, |acc, ix| {
                        assert_eq!(ix, it.next().unwrap());
                        acc + 1
                    assert_eq!(acc, len);
        run_test!((2, 3));
        run_test!((2, 0, 3));
        run_test!((2, 3, 4));
        run_test!((2, 3, 4, 2));

    fn test_indices_iter_f_size_hint() {
        let dim = (3, 4);
        let mut it = indices_iter_f(dim);
        let mut len = dim.0 * dim.1;
        assert_eq!(it.len(), len);
        while let Some(_) = it.next() {
            len -= 1;
            assert_eq!(it.len(), len);
        assert_eq!(len, 0);