ndarray 0.15.2

An n-dimensional array for general elements and for numerics. Lightweight array views and slicing; views support chunking and splitting.

/// Array order
/// Order refers to indexing order, or how a linear sequence is translated
/// into a two-dimensional or multi-dimensional array.
/// - `RowMajor` means that the index along the row is the most rapidly changing
/// - `ColumnMajor` means that the index along the column is the most rapidly changing
/// Given a sequence like: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
/// If it is laid it out in a 2 x 3 matrix using row major ordering, it results in:
/// ```text
/// 1  2  3
/// 4  5  6
/// ```
/// If it is laid using column major ordering, it results in:
/// ```text
/// 1  3  5
/// 2  4  6
/// ```
/// It can be seen as filling in "rows first" or "columns first".
/// `Order` can be used both to refer to logical ordering as well as memory ordering or memory
/// layout. The orderings have common short names, also seen in other environments, where
/// row major is called "C" order (after the C programming language) and column major is called "F"
/// or "Fortran" order.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Order {
    /// Row major or "C" order
    /// Column major or "F" order

impl Order {
    /// "C" is an alias for row major ordering
    pub const C: Order = Order::RowMajor;

    /// "F" (for Fortran) is an alias for column major ordering
    pub const F: Order = Order::ColumnMajor;

    /// Return true if input is Order::RowMajor, false otherwise
    pub fn is_row_major(self) -> bool {
        match self {
            Order::RowMajor => true,
            Order::ColumnMajor => false,

    /// Return true if input is Order::ColumnMajor, false otherwise
    pub fn is_column_major(self) -> bool {

    /// Return Order::RowMajor if the input is true, Order::ColumnMajor otherwise
    pub fn row_major(row_major: bool) -> Order {
        if row_major { Order::RowMajor } else { Order::ColumnMajor }

    /// Return Order::ColumnMajor if the input is true, Order::RowMajor otherwise
    pub fn column_major(column_major: bool) -> Order {

    /// Return the transpose: row major becomes column major and vice versa.
    pub fn transpose(self) -> Order {
        match self {
            Order::RowMajor => Order::ColumnMajor,
            Order::ColumnMajor => Order::RowMajor,