ncollide_entities 0.5.1

DEPRECATED: use ncollide2d or ncollide3d insead.
//! 2d line strip, 3d segment mesh, and nd subsimplex mesh.

use std::mem;
use std::sync::Arc;
use na::{Translate, Point2};
use partitioning::BVT;
use bounding_volume::AABB;
use shape::{Segment, BaseMesh};
use math::{Point, Vector};

/// Shape commonly known as a 2d line strip or a 3d segment mesh.
pub struct Polyline<P: Point> {
    mesh: BaseMesh<P, Point2<usize>, Segment<P>>

impl<P: Point> Clone for Polyline<P> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Polyline<P> {
        Polyline {
            mesh: self.mesh.clone()

impl<P> Polyline<P>
    where P: Point,
          P::Vect: Translate<P> {
    /// Builds a new mesh.
    pub fn new(vertices: Arc<Vec<P>>,
               indices:  Arc<Vec<Point2<usize>>>,
               uvs:      Option<Arc<Vec<Point2<<P::Vect as Vector>::Scalar>>>>,
               normals:  Option<Arc<Vec<P::Vect>>>) // a loosening margin for the BVT.
               -> Polyline<P> {
        Polyline {
            mesh: BaseMesh::new(vertices, indices, uvs, normals)

impl<P> Polyline<P>
    where P: Point {
    /// The base representation of this mesh.
    pub fn base_mesh(&self) -> &BaseMesh<P, Point2<usize>, Segment<P>> {

    /// The vertices of this mesh.
    pub fn vertices(&self) -> &Arc<Vec<P>> {

    /// Bounding volumes of the subsimplices.
    pub fn bounding_volumes(&self) -> &[AABB<P>] {

    /// The indices of this mesh.
    pub fn indices(&self) -> &Arc<Vec<Point2<usize>>> {
        unsafe { mem::transmute(self.mesh.indices()) }

    /// The texture coordinates of this mesh.
    pub fn uvs(&self) -> &Option<Arc<Vec<Point2<<P::Vect as Vector>::Scalar>>>> {

    /// The normals of this mesh.
    pub fn normals(&self) -> &Option<Arc<Vec<P::Vect>>> {

    /// The acceleration structure used for efficient collision detection and ray casting.
    pub fn bvt(&self) -> &BVT<usize, AABB<P>> {

impl<P: Point> Polyline<P> {
    /// Gets the i-th mesh element.
    pub fn segment_at(&self, i: usize) -> Segment<P> {