ncollide_entities 0.5.1

DEPRECATED: use ncollide2d or ncollide3d insead.
//! Minkowski sum.

use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut, Add, Sub, Mul, Div, AddAssign, MulAssign, DivAssign, Neg};
use na::{Dimension, ApproxEq, Origin, PointAsVector, Axpy, Translate, NumPoint, PartialOrder,
         PartialOrdering, FloatPoint, Bounded, Repeat};
use na;
use shape::Reflection;
use math::{Scalar, Point, Vector};

/// Type of an implicit representation of the Configuration Space Obstacle
/// formed by two geometric objects.
pub type CSO<'a, M, G1, G2> = MinkowskiSum<'a, M, G1, Reflection<'a, G2>>;
pub type AnnotatedCSO<'a, M, G1, G2> = AnnotatedMinkowskiSum<'a, M, G1, Reflection<'a, G2>>;

 * SupportMap representation of the Minkowski sum of two shapes.
 * The only way to obtain the sum points is to use its support mapping
 * function.
 *  - `G1`: type of the first object involved on the sum.
 *  - `G2`: type of the second object involved on the sum.
pub struct MinkowskiSum<'a, M: 'a, G1: ?Sized + 'a, G2: ?Sized + 'a> {
    m1: &'a M,
    g1: &'a G1,
    m2: &'a M,
    g2: &'a G2

impl<'a, M, G1: ?Sized, G2: ?Sized> MinkowskiSum<'a, M, G1, G2> {
     * Builds the Minkowski sum of two shapes. Since the representation is
     * implicit, this is done in constant time.
    pub fn new(m1: &'a M, g1: &'a G1, m2: &'a M, g2: &'a G2) -> MinkowskiSum<'a, M, G1, G2> {
        MinkowskiSum { m1: m1, g1: g1, m2: m2, g2: g2 }

    /// The transformation matrix of the first shape of this Minkowski Sum.
    pub fn m1(&self) -> &'a M {

    /// The transformation matrix of the second shape of this Minkowski Sum.
    pub fn m2(&self) -> &'a M {

    /// The first shape of this Minkowski Sum.
    pub fn g1(&self) -> &'a G1 {

    /// The second shape of this Minkowski Sum.
    pub fn g2(&self) -> &'a G2 {

 * Same as the MinkowskiSum but with a support mapping which keeps track of the
 * original supports points from the two wrapped shapes.
 * * `G1`: type of the first object involved on the sum.
 * * `G2`: type of the second object involved on the sum.
pub struct AnnotatedMinkowskiSum<'a, M: 'a, G1: ?Sized + 'a, G2: ?Sized + 'a> {
    m1: &'a M,
    g1: &'a G1,
    m2: &'a M,
    g2: &'a G2

impl<'a, M, G1: ?Sized, G2: ?Sized> AnnotatedMinkowskiSum<'a, M, G1, G2> {
     * Builds the Minkowski sum of two shapes. Since the representation is
     * implicit, this is done in constant time.
    pub fn new(m1: &'a M, g1: &'a G1, m2: &'a M, g2: &'a G2) -> AnnotatedMinkowskiSum<'a, M, G1, G2> {
        AnnotatedMinkowskiSum { m1: m1, g1: g1, m2: m2, g2: g2 }

    /// The transformation matrix of the first shape of this Minkowski Sum.
    pub fn m1(&self) -> &'a M {

    /// The transformation matrix of the second shape of this Minkowski Sum.
    pub fn m2(&self) -> &'a M {

    /// The first shape of this Minkowski Sum.
    pub fn g1(&self) -> &'a G1 {

    /// The second shape of this Minkowski Sum.
    pub fn g2(&self) -> &'a G2 {

// FIXME: AnnotatedPoint is not a good name.
// XXX: do not hide the documentation!
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
pub struct AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    orig1: P,
    orig2: P,
    point: P

impl<P> AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    pub fn new(orig1: P, orig2: P, point: P) -> AnnotatedPoint<P> {
        AnnotatedPoint {
            orig1: orig1,
            orig2: orig2,
            point: point

    pub fn point<'r>(&'r self) -> &'r P {

    pub fn orig1(&self) -> &P {

    pub fn orig2(&self) -> &P {

    pub fn translate_1<V: Translate<P>>(&mut self, t: &V) {
        self.orig1 = na::translate(t, &self.orig1);
        self.point = na::translate(t, &self.point);

    pub fn translate_2<V: Translate<P>>(&mut self, t: &V) {
        self.orig2 = na::translate(t, &self.orig2);
        self.point = na::translate(t, &self.point);

impl<P: PointAsVector> PointAsVector for AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    type Vector = P::Vector;

    fn to_vector(self) -> P::Vector {

    fn as_vector<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a P::Vector {

    fn set_coords(&mut self, _: P::Vector) {
        panic!(".set_coords is not implemented for annotated points.")

impl<P: Index<usize>> Index<usize> for AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    type Output = P::Output;

    fn index(&self, i: usize) -> &P::Output {

impl<P: IndexMut<usize>> IndexMut<usize> for AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    fn index_mut(&mut self, _: usize) -> &mut P::Output {

impl<P> PartialOrder for AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    fn inf(&self, _: &AnnotatedPoint<P>) -> AnnotatedPoint<P> {

    fn sup(&self, _: &AnnotatedPoint<P>) -> AnnotatedPoint<P> {

    fn partial_cmp(&self, _: &AnnotatedPoint<P>) -> PartialOrdering {

impl<P: Origin> Origin for AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    fn origin() -> AnnotatedPoint<P> {
        AnnotatedPoint::new(na::origin(), na::origin(), na::origin())

    fn is_origin(&self) -> bool {

impl<P> Add<P::Vect> for AnnotatedPoint<P>
    where P: Point {
    type Output = AnnotatedPoint<P>;

    fn add(self, other: P::Vect) -> AnnotatedPoint<P> {
        let _0_5: <P::Vect as Vector>::Scalar = na::cast(0.5f64);

            self.orig1 + other * _0_5,
            self.orig2 + other * _0_5,
            self.point + other

impl<P> AddAssign<P::Vect> for AnnotatedPoint<P>
    where P: Point {

    fn add_assign(&mut self, other: P::Vect) {
        let _0_5: <P::Vect as Vector>::Scalar = na::cast(0.5f64);

        self.orig1 += other * _0_5;
        self.orig2 += other * _0_5;
        self.point += other;

impl<N, P: Axpy<N>> Axpy<N> for AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    fn axpy(&mut self, a: &N, x: &AnnotatedPoint<P>) {
        self.orig1.axpy(a, &x.orig1);
        self.orig2.axpy(a, &x.orig2);
        self.point.axpy(a, &x.point);

impl<P: Sub<P>> Sub<AnnotatedPoint<P>> for AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    type Output = P::Output;
    fn sub(self, other: AnnotatedPoint<P>) -> P::Output {
        self.point - other.point

impl<P: Neg<Output = P>> Neg for AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    type Output = AnnotatedPoint<P>;

    fn neg(self) -> AnnotatedPoint<P> {
        AnnotatedPoint::new(-self.orig1, -self.orig2, -self.point)

impl<P: Dimension> Dimension for AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    fn dimension(_: Option<AnnotatedPoint<P>>) -> usize {

impl<N: Copy, P: Div<N, Output = P>> Div<N> for AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    type Output = AnnotatedPoint<P>;

    fn div(self, n: N) -> AnnotatedPoint<P> {
        AnnotatedPoint::new(self.orig1 / n, self.orig2 / n, self.point / n)

impl<N: Copy, P: DivAssign<N>> DivAssign<N> for AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    fn div_assign(&mut self, n: N) {
        self.orig1 /= n;
        self.orig2 /= n;
        self.point /= n;

impl<N: Copy, P: Mul<N, Output = P>> Mul<N> for AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    type Output = AnnotatedPoint<P>;

    fn mul(self, n: N) -> AnnotatedPoint<P> {
        AnnotatedPoint::new(self.orig1 * n, self.orig2 * n, self.point * n)

impl<N: Copy, P: MulAssign<N>> MulAssign<N> for AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    fn mul_assign(&mut self, n: N) {
        self.orig1 *= n;
        self.orig2 *= n;
        self.point *= n;

impl<P: PartialEq> PartialEq for AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &AnnotatedPoint<P>) -> bool {
        self.point == other.point

    fn ne(&self, other: &AnnotatedPoint<P>) -> bool {
        self.point != other.point

impl<N, P> ApproxEq<N> for AnnotatedPoint<P>
    where N: Scalar,
          P: ApproxEq<N> {
    fn approx_epsilon(_: Option<AnnotatedPoint<P>>) -> N {

    fn approx_eq_eps(&self, other: &AnnotatedPoint<P>, eps: &N) -> bool {
        self.point.approx_eq_eps(&other.point, eps)

    fn approx_ulps(_: Option<AnnotatedPoint<P>>) -> u32 {

    fn approx_eq_ulps(&self, other: &AnnotatedPoint<P>, ulps: u32) -> bool {
        self.point.approx_eq_ulps(&other.point, ulps)

impl<P> Bounded for AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    fn min_value() -> AnnotatedPoint<P> {

    fn max_value() -> AnnotatedPoint<P> {

impl<P: Point> Repeat<<P::Vect as Vector>::Scalar> for AnnotatedPoint<P> {
    fn repeat(_: <P::Vect as Vector>::Scalar) -> AnnotatedPoint<P> {
        panic!("`Repeat` is not implemented for `AnnotatedPoint`.");

impl<P> NumPoint<<P::Vect as Vector>::Scalar> for AnnotatedPoint<P>
    where P: Point {

impl<P> FloatPoint<<P::Vect as Vector>::Scalar> for AnnotatedPoint<P>
    where P: Point {

impl<P> Point for AnnotatedPoint<P>
    where P: Point {
        type Vect = P::Vect;