lockchain-http 0.4.0

Generic HTTP interface crate for the lockchain ecosystem. Can serve both encrypted and cleartext records
# lockchain-http

A plug and play http interface layer for various lockchain components.

## API Reference

This document will move.

All JSON payloads also include an `error` field that is set in case of errors, if no other data is set.

    "error": ["Prose error description", 5 /* error code*/ ],
    "data": {
        /* Whatever the data is – depending on endpoint */

#### GET /api

Get information about this API endpoint. Information is received in JSON format and include the following fields.

- `verison`: The API version
- `providers`: An array with type providers. This includes the Vault and Body implementation specifics.
- `hostname`: Optional value which specifies the server name
- `supported`: A list of supported client/ API combinations, writtin in tuple form. These are auto-generated by the API provider

#### GET /{api version}/vault

Get a list of vaults known to this system, possibly only returning a single value

- `vaults`: List of vault names that are available to work with
- `count`: The number of vaults available

#### PUT /{api version}/vault

Create a new vault. Payloads

- `name`: The name of the vault
- `location`: The location of a vault, left to the implementation specifics 

#### POST /{api version}/vault/{id}

Update metadata about a vault that already exists. Will return an error if it doesn't

#### DELETE /{api version}/vault/{id}

Delete a vault; a second transaction is required to confirm, after all users were logged-out

#### GET /{api version}/vault/{vault id}/records/{record id}

Get a specific record from a vault. Only available if authenticated

#### PUT /{api version}/vault/{vault id}/records

Add a new record to a vault. Only available if authenticated

#### POST /{api version}/vault/{vault id}/records/{record id}

Update data inside an existing record. Only available if authenticated

#### DELETE /{api version}/vault/{vault id}/records/{record id}

Delete a record. Only available if authenticated

#### GET /{api version}/users

Get a list of available users

#### PUT /{api version}/users

Create a new user

#### DELETE /{api version}/users/{id}

Delete a user. Only available if authenticated as THAT user.

In the future, admin users (and priviledge hirarchies might be added)

#### PUT /{api version}/authenticate

Authenticate as a specific user

- `username`: The user to authenticate as
- `password`: The user passphrase to use for authentication (different from the encryption passphrase)

#### PUT /{api version}/de-authenticate

Called to end an active session.