linotype 0.0.1

A keyed sequence reprojector that can optionally pin its values. (A stable-ordered transactionally-incremental multi-map.)
//! A keyed sequence reprojector that can optionally pin its values.
//! [![Zulip Chat](](
//! This crate can act as list state reconciliator for data-driven GUIs.
//! More generally speaking, it can be used to manage item-associated state of a changing sequence.
//! # Features
//! ## `"std"`
//! Avoids aborting the process if the drop implementation of a key or value inside a pinning [`OwnedProjection`] panics.
//! This is not a default feature, but it's recommended to enable it while your crate isn't `no_std` anyway, even in libraries.  
//! (However, not that enabling or disabling the `"std"` feature in this dependency is a subtle but breaking behaviour change for libraries,
//! even if they don't expose that behaviour directly, due to it potentially affecting whether such panics can be handled elsewhere.)
//! > This is legal because pinning only implies an *attempt* to drop a pinned instance before it can be freed¹
//! > (also since if a [`Drop`] implementation panics, that instance is (in general) considered dropped²).
//! >
//! > However, [`catch_unwind`]( is only available in [`std`](
//! >
//! > ¹ [`core::pin`: `Drop` guarantee](`core::pin`#drop-guarantee)  
//! > ² [`Drop::drop`: Panics](`Drop`#panics)
//! <!-- ← no shade
//! > FIXME(Tamschi):
//! > Downgrading the process abort to a memory leak (in a breaking version change)
//! > is blocked by [`::typed_arena::Arena`] not having a non-allocating constructor.
//! -->
//! # Performance Focus
//! This implementation is optimised for relatively small entry counts,
//! like instances of a GUI component in a mutable list generated from some input sequence.
//! # (Current) Caveats
//! - [`OwnedProjection`] reprojections have quadratic time complexity over the number of items.
//!   This could largely be mitigated by remembering how many entries in `stale` already have [`None`] instead of a value pointer, counting from each end.
//! - Return types are improper.
//!   Even if the closure types can't be fully specified for now, it should be possible to expose the compound iterators directly.
//!   This would give access to the [`DoubleEndedIterator`], [`ExactSizeIterator`] and [`FusedIterator`](`core::iter::FusedIterator`) implementations where appropriate.
//!   Moving the dynamic call further inwards would likely also improve [`Pin<OwnedProjection>`](`PinningOwnedProjection`#impl-PinningOwnedProjection-for-Pin<OwnedProjection<K%2C%20V>>)'s performance for at least some operations.
//!   <!-- When fixing this, expose the iterators in an `iterators` module noting that they are **not** publicly constructible. -->
//! - Use-case coverage isn't great.
//!   This is mainly due to me right now needing only a (very) limited subset of what this type could in theory support.
//!   The most significant omission right now is likely any way to index the collection directly, or to extract entries by value.
//! - The stored-key reference `&K` isn't exposed in the output of ongoing reprojections,
//!   as this reference is too short-lived for the [`Iterator`] trait.
//!   This reference could be exposed (e.g. via a `.next_keyed() -> Option<(T, &K, &'b V)>` method) with better return types.
//! [Visit the repository]( to file an issue or pull-request.
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
#![warn(clippy::pedantic, missing_docs)]

#[doc = include_str!("../")]
mod readme {}

extern crate alloc;

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
extern crate std;

mod cohesive_map;
mod owned_projection;
mod pinning_owned_projection;
mod shunting_map;

pub use self::owned_projection::OwnedProjection;
pub use pinning_owned_projection::PinningOwnedProjection;

use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::{mem::MaybeUninit, ptr::NonNull};

/// [`Some`]-ness of [`Index::1`] indicates initialisation status of [`Index::0`].
type Index<K, V> = Vec<(MaybeUninit<K>, Option<NonNull<V>>)>;