linotype 0.0.1

A keyed sequence reprojector that can optionally pin its values. (A stable-ordered transactionally-incremental multi-map.)
use crate::OwnedProjection;
use alloc::{borrow::ToOwned, boxed::Box};
use core::{
use tap::Pipe;

mod sealed {
	use crate::OwnedProjection;
	use core::pin::Pin;

	pub trait Sealed: Sized {}
	impl<K, V> Sealed for Pin<OwnedProjection<K, V>> {}
use sealed::Sealed;

/// The value-pinning [`OwnedProjection`] API.
/// This can't be associated directly because `self: Pin<Self>` is currently not a valid method receiver.
/// # A note about performance
/// Due to Rust language limitations (as of v1.58.1), it is currently not possible to give most of the methods in
/// this trait their proper return types. This means quite a lot of them (at least formally) heap-allocate and use dynamic dispatch.
/// As a workaround, it is presently legal to reinterpret a [`Pin<OwnedProjection<K, V>>`] as [`OwnedProjection<K, V>`],
/// and to call methods that exist in both APIs in their [`OwnedProjection<K, V>`] that way as long as you treat their returned value references as pinning.
pub trait PinningOwnedProjection: Sealed {
	/// The type of stored keys.
	type K;
	/// The type of values.
	type V;

	/// Converts this instance back into a non-pinning [`OwnedProjection<K, V>`].
	/// After calling this, drop implementation panics won't cause a double anymore, even without the `"std"` feature.
	fn unpin(self) -> OwnedProjection<Self::K, Self::V>
		Self::V: Unpin;

	/// Retrieves a reference to the first value associated with `key`, iff available.
	fn get<Q>(&self, key: &Q) -> Option<Pin<&Self::V>>
		Self::K: Borrow<Q>,
		Q: ?Sized + Eq;

	/// Retrieves a mutable reference to the first value associated with `key`, iff available.
	fn get_mut<Q>(&mut self, key: &Q) -> Option<Pin<&mut Self::V>>
		Self::K: Borrow<Q>,
		Q: ?Sized + Eq;

	/// **Lazily** updates this map according to a sequence of item, **fallible** selector and **fallible** factory **triples**.
	/// Values that aren't reused are dropped together with the returned iterator or on the next `.reproject…` method call.
	fn reproject_try_by_keyed_try_with_keyed<'a: 'b, 'b, T, Q, S, F, I, E>(
		&'a mut self,
		items_selectors_factories: I,
	) -> Box<dyn 'b + Iterator<Item = Result<(T, Pin<&'a mut Self::V>), E>>>
		Self::K: Borrow<Q>,
		T: 'b,
		Q: 'b + ?Sized + Eq + ToOwned<Owned = Self::K>,
		S: 'b + FnOnce(&mut T) -> Result<&Q, E>,
		F: 'b + FnOnce(&mut T, &Self::K) -> Result<Self::V, E>,
		I: 'b + IntoIterator<Item = (T, S, F)>,
		E: 'b;

	/// **Lazily** updates this map according to a sequence of items, a **fallible** selector and **fallible** factory.
	/// Values that aren't reused are dropped together with the returned iterator or on the next `.reproject…` method call.
	fn reproject_try_by_try_with<'a: 'b, 'b, T, Q, S, F, I, E>(
		&'a mut self,
		items: I,
		selector: S,
		factory: F,
	) -> Box<dyn 'b + Iterator<Item = Result<(T, Pin<&'a mut Self::V>), E>>>
		Self::K: Borrow<Q>,
		T: 'b,
		Q: 'b + ?Sized + Eq + ToOwned<Owned = Self::K>,
		S: 'b + FnMut(&mut T) -> Result<&Q, E>,
		F: 'b + FnMut(&mut T, &Self::K) -> Result<Self::V, E>,
		I: 'b + IntoIterator<Item = T>,
		E: 'b;

	/// **Lazily** updates this map according to a sequence of item, selector and factory **triples**.
	/// Values that aren't reused are dropped together with the returned iterator or on the next `.reproject…` method call.
	fn reproject_by_keyed_with_keyed<'a: 'b, 'b, T, Q, S, F, I>(
		&'a mut self,
		items_selectors_factories: I,
	) -> Box<dyn 'b + Iterator<Item = (T, Pin<&'a mut Self::V>)>>
		Self::K: Borrow<Q>,
		T: 'b,
		Q: 'b + ?Sized + Eq + ToOwned<Owned = Self::K>,
		S: 'b + FnOnce(&mut T) -> &Q,
		F: 'b + FnOnce(&mut T, &Self::K) -> Self::V,
		I: 'b + IntoIterator<Item = (T, S, F)>;

	/// **Lazily** updates this map according to a sequence of items, a selector and a factory.
	/// Values that aren't reused are dropped together with the returned iterator or on the next `.reproject…` method call.
	fn reproject_by_with<'a: 'b, 'b, T, Q, S, F, I>(
		&'a mut self,
		items: I,
		selector: S,
		factory: F,
	) -> Box<dyn 'b + Iterator<Item = (T, Pin<&'a mut Self::V>)>>
		Self::K: Borrow<Q>,
		T: 'b,
		Q: 'b + ?Sized + Eq + ToOwned<Owned = Self::K>,
		S: 'b + FnMut(&mut T) -> &Q,
		F: 'b + FnMut(&mut T, &Self::K) -> Self::V,
		I: 'b + IntoIterator<Item = T>;
impl<K, V> PinningOwnedProjection for Pin<OwnedProjection<K, V>> {
	type K = K;

	type V = V;

	fn unpin(self) -> OwnedProjection<K, V>
		V: Unpin,
		let mut this: OwnedProjection<K, V> = unsafe { mem::transmute(self) };
		this.pinning = false;

	fn get<Q>(&self, key: &Q) -> Option<Pin<&V>>
		K: Borrow<Q>,
		Q: ?Sized + Eq,

	fn get_mut<Q>(&mut self, key: &Q) -> Option<Pin<&mut V>>
		K: Borrow<Q>,
		Q: ?Sized + Eq,

	fn reproject_try_by_keyed_try_with_keyed<'a: 'b, 'b, T, Q, S, F, I, E>(
		&'a mut self,
		items_selectors_factories: I,
	) -> Box<dyn 'b + Iterator<Item = Result<(T, Pin<&'a mut V>), E>>>
		K: Borrow<Q>,
		T: 'b,
		Q: 'b + ?Sized + Eq + ToOwned<Owned = K>,
		S: 'b + FnOnce(&mut T) -> Result<&Q, E>,
		F: 'b + FnOnce(&mut T, &K) -> Result<V, E>,
		I: 'b + IntoIterator<Item = (T, S, F)>,
		E: 'b,

	fn reproject_try_by_try_with<'a: 'b, 'b, T, Q, S, F, I, E>(
		&'a mut self,
		items: I,
		selector: S,
		factory: F,
	) -> Box<dyn 'b + Iterator<Item = Result<(T, Pin<&'a mut V>), E>>>
		K: Borrow<Q>,
		T: 'b,
		Q: 'b + ?Sized + Eq + ToOwned<Owned = K>,
		S: 'b + FnMut(&mut T) -> Result<&Q, E>,
		F: 'b + FnMut(&mut T, &K) -> Result<V, E>,
		I: 'b + IntoIterator<Item = T>,
		E: 'b,
			.reproject_try_by_try_with(items, selector, factory)

	fn reproject_by_keyed_with_keyed<'a: 'b, 'b, T, Q, S, F, I>(
		&'a mut self,
		items_selectors_factories: I,
	) -> Box<dyn 'b + Iterator<Item = (T, Pin<&'a mut V>)>>
		K: Borrow<Q>,
		T: 'b,
		Q: 'b + ?Sized + Eq + ToOwned<Owned = K>,
		S: 'b + FnOnce(&mut T) -> &Q,
		F: 'b + FnOnce(&mut T, &K) -> V,
		I: 'b + IntoIterator<Item = (T, S, F)>,

	fn reproject_by_with<'a: 'b, 'b, T, Q, S, F, I>(
		&'a mut self,
		items: I,
		selector: S,
		factory: F,
	) -> Box<dyn 'b + Iterator<Item = (T, Pin<&'a mut V>)>>
		K: Borrow<Q>,
		T: 'b,
		Q: 'b + ?Sized + Eq + ToOwned<Owned = K>,
		S: 'b + FnMut(&mut T) -> &Q,
		F: 'b + FnMut(&mut T, &K) -> V,
		I: 'b + IntoIterator<Item = T>,
			.reproject_by_with(items, selector, factory)

/// # Safety
/// This trait is only safe to implement if not misused.
unsafe trait PinHelper {
	type T;

	fn as_non_pin(&self) -> &Self::T;
	fn as_non_pin_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::T;

/// # Safety Notes
/// All methods on [`OwnedProjection`] that are callable through the pinning API act as if the values were always pinned.
unsafe impl<K, V> PinHelper for Pin<OwnedProjection<K, V>> {
	type T = OwnedProjection<K, V>;

	fn as_non_pin(&self) -> &Self::T {
		unsafe { &*(self as *const Pin<OwnedProjection<K, V>>).cast::<OwnedProjection<K, V>>() }

	fn as_non_pin_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::T {
		unsafe { &mut *(self as *mut Pin<OwnedProjection<K, V>>).cast::<OwnedProjection<K, V>>() }

/// # Safety Notes
/// This would be horribly unsafe if exposed. It acts as adapter in the pinning API here,
/// since the non-pinning API (privately!) already acts as if the values were pinned,
/// as far as it is callable through the public pinning API.
fn wrap_in_pin<V: Deref>(value: V) -> Pin<V> {
	unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(value) }

/// # Safety Notes
/// This would be horribly unsafe if exposed. It acts as adapter in the pinning API here,
/// since the non-pinning API (privately!) already acts as if the values were pinned,
/// as far as it is callable through the public pinning API.
fn wrap_value_in_pin<T, V: Deref>((item, value): (T, V)) -> (T, Pin<V>) {
	(item, wrap_in_pin(value))

/// # Safety Notes
/// This would be horribly unsafe if exposed. It acts as adapter in the pinning API here,
/// since the non-pinning API (privately!) already acts as if the values were pinned,
/// as far as it is callable through the public pinning API.
fn wrap_value_in_result_in_pin<T, V: Deref, E>(
	result: Result<(T, V), E>,
) -> Result<(T, Pin<V>), E> {