linfa 0.7.0

A Machine Learning framework for Rust
//! Provide traits for different classes of algorithms

use crate::dataset::{DatasetBase, Records};
use std::convert::From;

/// Transformation algorithms
/// A transformer takes a dataset and transforms it into a different one. It has no concept of
/// state and provides therefore no method to predict new data. A typical example are kernel
/// methods.
/// It should be implemented for all algorithms, also for those which can be fitted.
pub trait Transformer<R: Records, T> {
    fn transform(&self, x: R) -> T;

/// Fittable algorithms
/// A fittable algorithm takes a dataset and creates a concept of some kind about it. For example
/// in *KMeans* this would be the mean values for each class, or in *SVM* the separating
/// hyperplane. It returns a model, which can be used to predict targets for new data.
pub trait Fit<R: Records, T, E: std::error::Error + From<crate::error::Error>> {
    type Object;

    fn fit(&self, dataset: &DatasetBase<R, T>) -> Result<Self::Object, E>;

/// Incremental algorithms
/// An incremental algorithm takes a former model and dataset and returns a new model with updated
/// parameters. If the former model is `None`, then the function acts like `Fit::fit` and
/// initializes the model first.
pub trait FitWith<'a, R: Records, T, E: std::error::Error + From<crate::error::Error>> {
    type ObjectIn: 'a;
    type ObjectOut: 'a;

    fn fit_with(
        model: Self::ObjectIn,
        dataset: &'a DatasetBase<R, T>,
    ) -> Result<Self::ObjectOut, E>;

/// Predict with model
/// This trait assumes the `PredictInplace` implementation and provides additional input/output
/// combinations.
/// # Provided implementation
/// ```rust, ignore
/// use linfa::traits::Predict;
/// // predict targets with reference to dataset (&Dataset -> Array)
/// let pred_targets = model.predict(&dataset);
/// // predict targets inside dataset (Dataset -> Dataset)
/// let pred_dataset = model.predict(dataset);
/// // or use a record datastruct directly (Array -> Dataset)
/// let pred_targets = model.predict(x);
/// ```
pub trait Predict<R: Records, T> {
    fn predict(&self, x: R) -> T;

/// Predict with model into a mutable reference of targets.
pub trait PredictInplace<R: Records, T> {
    /// Predict something in place
    fn predict_inplace<'a>(&'a self, x: &'a R, y: &mut T);

    /// Create targets that `predict_inplace` works with.
    fn default_target(&self, x: &R) -> T;