linfa 0.7.0

A Machine Learning framework for Rust
//! `linfa` aims to provide a comprehensive toolkit to build Machine Learning applications
//! with Rust.
//! Kin in spirit to Python's `scikit-learn`, it focuses on common preprocessing tasks
//! and classical ML algorithms for your everyday ML tasks.
//! ## Current state
//! Such bold ambitions! Where are we now? [Are we learning yet?](
//! linfa aims to provide a comprehensive toolkit to build Machine Learning applications with Rust.
//! Kin in spirit to Python's scikit-learn, it focuses on common preprocessing tasks and classical ML algorithms for your everyday ML tasks.
//! ## Current state
//! Where does `linfa` stand right now? [Are we learning yet?](
//! `linfa` currently provides sub-packages with the following algorithms:
//! | Name | Purpose | Status | Category |  Notes |
//! | :--- | :--- | :---| :--- | :---|
//! | [clustering]( | Data clustering | Tested / Benchmarked  | Unsupervised learning | Clustering of unlabeled data; contains K-Means, Gaussian-Mixture-Model and DBSCAN  |
//! | [kernel]( | Kernel methods for data transformation  | Tested  | Pre-processing | Maps feature vector into higher-dimensional space|
//! | [linear]( | Linear regression | Tested  | Partial fit | Contains Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Generalized Linear Models (GLM) |
//! | [elasticnet]( | Elastic Net | Tested | Supervised learning | Linear regression with elastic net constraints |
//! | [logistic]( | Logistic regression | Tested  | Partial fit | Builds two-class logistic regression models
//! | [reduction]( | Dimensionality reduction | Tested  | Pre-processing | Diffusion mapping and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) |
//! | [trees]( | Decision trees | Experimental  | Supervised learning | Linear decision trees
//! | [svm]( | Support Vector Machines | Tested  | Supervised learning | Classification or regression analysis of labeled datasets |
//! | [hierarchical]( | Agglomerative hierarchical clustering | Tested | Unsupervised learning | Cluster and build hierarchy of clusters |
//! | [bayes]( | Naive Bayes | Tested | Supervised learning | Contains Gaussian Naive Bayes |
//! | [ica]( | Independent component analysis | Tested | Unsupervised learning | Contains FastICA implementation |
//! | [pls]( | Partial Least Squares | Tested | Supervised learning | Contains PLS estimators for dimensionality reduction and regression |
//! | [tsne]( | Dimensionality reduction| Tested | Unsupervised learning | Contains exact solution and Barnes-Hut approximation t-SNE |
//! | [preprocessing]( |Normalization & Vectorization| Tested | Pre-processing | Contains data normalization/whitening and count vectorization/tf-idf|
//! | [nn]( | Nearest Neighbours & Distances | Tested / Benchmarked | Pre-processing | Spatial index structures and distance functions |
//! | [ftrl](algorithms/linfa-ftrl/) | Follow The Reguralized Leader - proximal | Tested  / Benchmarked | Partial fit | Contains L1 and L2 regularization. Possible incremental update |
//! We believe that only a significant community effort can nurture, build, and sustain a machine learning ecosystem in Rust - there is no other way forward.
//! If this strikes a chord with you, please take a look at the [roadmap]( and get involved!

pub mod composing;
pub mod correlation;
pub mod dataset;
pub mod error;
mod metrics_classification;
mod metrics_clustering;
mod metrics_regression;
pub mod param_guard;
pub mod prelude;
pub mod traits;

pub use composing::*;
pub use dataset::{Dataset, DatasetBase, DatasetPr, DatasetView, Float, Label};

pub use error::Error;
pub use param_guard::ParamGuard;

#[cfg(feature = "ndarray-linalg")]
pub use ndarray_linalg as linalg;

#[cfg(feature = "benchmarks")]
pub mod benchmarks;

/// Common metrics functions for classification and regression
pub mod metrics {
    pub use crate::metrics_classification::{
        BinaryClassification, ConfusionMatrix, ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic, ToConfusionMatrix,
    pub use crate::metrics_clustering::SilhouetteScore;
    pub use crate::metrics_regression::{MultiTargetRegression, SingleTargetRegression};