lcms2 1.1.1

ICC color profile handling. Rusty wrapper Little CMS

#Little CMS wrapper for Rust

Convert and apply color profiles with a safe abstraction layer for the LCMS library.

    extern crate rgb;
    extern crate lcms2;
    use lcms2::*;

    fn main() {
        let icc_file = include_bytes!("custom_profile.icc");
        let custom_profile = Profile::new_icc(icc_file).unwrap();

        let srgb_profile = Profile::new_srgb();

        let t = Transform::new(&custom_profile, PixelFormat::RGB_8, &srgb_profile, PixelFormat::RGB_8, Intent::Perceptual);

        // Pixel struct must have layout compatible with PixelFormat specified in new()
        let source_pixels: &[rgb::RGB<u8>] =;
        t.transform_pixels(source_pixels, destination_pixels);

        // If input and output pixel formats are the same, you can overwrite them instead of copying

See examples dir and LCMS2 documentation PDF for more info.

To apply ICC profile in JPEG:

if "ICC_PROFILE\0".as_bytes() == &app2_marker_data[0..12] {
   let icc = &app2_marker_data[14..]; // Lazy assumption that the profile is smaller than 64KB
   let profile = Profile::new_icc(icc).unwrap();
   let t = Transform::new(&profile, PixelFormat::RGB_8,
       &Profile::new_srgb(), PixelFormat::RGB_8, Intent::Perceptual);
   t.transform_in_place(&mut rgb);