lcms2 0.2.0

ICC color profile handling. Rusty wrapper Little CMS

#Little CMS wrapper for Rust

Convert and apply color profiles with a safe abstraction layer for the LCMS library.

    extern crate rgb;
    extern crate lcms2;
    use lcms2::*;

    fn main() {
        let icc_file = include_bytes!("custom_profile.icc");
        let custom_profile = Profile::new_icc(icc_file);

        let srgb_profile = Profile::new_srgb();

        let t = Transform::new(&custom_profile, PixelFormat::RGB_8, &srgb_profile, PixelFormat::RGB_8, Intent::Perceptual);

        // Pixel struct must have layout compatible with PixelFormat specified in new()
        let source_pixels: &[rgb::RGB<u8>] =;
        t.transform_pixels(source_pixels, destination_pixels);

        // If input and output pixel formats are the same, you can overwrite them instead of copying

See examples dir and LCMS2 documentation PDF for more info.