lambda_runtime_client 0.2.2

Client SDK for AWS Lambda's runtime APIs

Rust client SDK for the AWS Lambda Runtime APIs. This crate defines a RuntimeClient that encapsulates interactions with AWS Lambda's Runtime APIs.

To return errors to the Runtime APIs through the event_error() or fail_init() methods the Error objects must implement the error::RuntimeApiError trait from this crate. The RuntimeApiError trait defines a single method called to_response(). The method must return an error::RuntimeError object. See the error::ApiError object in this crate for an example.


extern crate lambda_runtime_client;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde_json;

use lambda_runtime_client::{RuntimeClient, EventContext};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct CustomEvent {
name: String,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct CustomResponse {
surname: String,

fn main() {
let client = RuntimeClient::new("http://localhost:8080", None, None)
.expect("Could not initialize client");

let (event_data, event_context) = client.next_event()
.expect("Could not retrieve next event");
let custom_event: CustomEvent = serde_json::from_slice(&event_data)
.expect("Could not turn Vec<u8> into CustomEvent object");

println!("Event for {}",;
if == "John" {
let resp_object = CustomResponse{ surname: String::from("Doe")};
let resp_vec = serde_json::to_vec(&resp_object)
.expect("Could not serialize CustomResponse to Vec<u8>");
client.event_response(&event_context.aws_request_id, &resp_vec)
.expect("Response sent successfully");
} else {
// return a custom error by implementing the RuntimeApiError trait.
// See the error module for examples.
//client.event_error(&event_context.aws_request_id, CustomErrorType::new("Invalid first name"))
//    .expect("Could not send error response");