konst 0.3.9

Const equivalents of std functions, compile-time comparison, and parsing
//! Const equivalents of `char` functions.
//! The module is called `chr` to avoid name collisions with the `char` type.

/// A char encoded as a utf8 string.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use konst::chr;
/// const ENC: &chr::Utf8Encoded = &chr::encode_utf8('û');
/// const ENC_STR: &str = ENC.as_str();
/// assert_eq!(ENC_STR, "û");
/// ```
pub use konst_kernel::chr::Utf8Encoded;

/// Encodes `c` into utf8, const analog of [`char::encode_utf8`].
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use konst::chr;
/// const ENC: &chr::Utf8Encoded = &chr::encode_utf8('🤔');
/// const ENC_STR: &str = ENC.as_str();
/// assert_eq!(ENC_STR, "🤔");
/// ```
pub use konst_kernel::chr::encode_utf8;

/// Unsafely coerces `u32` to `char`,
/// const equivalent of [`char::from_u32_unchecked`]
/// # Safety
/// The input `u32` must be within either of these ranges:
/// - `0..=0xD7FF`
/// - `0xE000..=0x10FFFF`
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use konst::chr;
/// const AT: char = unsafe { chr::from_u32_unchecked(64) };
/// assert_eq!(AT, '@');
/// ```
pub use konst_kernel::chr::from_u32_unchecked;

/// Fallible conversion from `u32` to `char`,
/// const equivalent of [`char::from_u32`]
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use konst::{chr, option};
/// const AT: char = option::unwrap!(chr::from_u32(64));
/// assert_eq!(AT, '@');
/// ```
pub use konst_kernel::chr::from_u32;