konst 0.3.9

Const equivalents of std functions, compile-time comparison, and parsing
//! Miscelaneous items used for emulating polymorphism without trait methods.
//! # `typewit`
//! This crate uses [`typewit`] for emulating trait based polymorphism in const fns,
//! because trait methods cannot be called in `const fn`s on stable(as of Rust 1.69.0)

/// Markers used to classify types, used as `Kind` associated types.
pub mod kinds {
    pub use konst_kernel::polymorphism::kinds::*;

pub use typewit::{
    self, simple_type_witness, type_fn, CallFn, HasTypeWitness, MakeTypeWitness, TypeEq, TypeFn,

include! {"polymorphism/type_eq_projection_fn.rs"}