jobrog 0.3.1

command line job clock
extern crate chrono;
extern crate clap;
extern crate colonnade;
extern crate two_timer;

use crate::configure::Configuration;
use crate::util::{fatal, remainder, some_nws, Style};
use clap::{App, Arg, ArgMatches, SubCommand};
use colonnade::Colonnade;
use two_timer::parse;

fn after_help() -> &'static str {
Natural language time expressions are easy to produce, but it isn't always obvious \
what fully-specified times they correspond to. Sometimes you may want to know this before \
you give one to Job Log. Perhaps you summarize the log for a particular period and the \
results don't look right. Perhaps you are about to make a change that involves a timestamp \
and you want to make sure you'll get the change you want. This is what parse-time is for. \
Give it a string and see what you get.

The parse-time subcommand returns the first moment inclusive of the time expression, the \
last moment exclusive and whether the expression explicitly name both the beginning and \
the end of the range.

Job log uses two grammars to parse time expressions: a simple grammar which it tries first \
and a more comprehensive grammar, which it falls back to. Here are some useful expressions \
which are available in the simple grammar:

  pay period
  this week
  last week
  last month
  March 20
  feb - mar

Both grammars are from You can find list of sample \
expressions at this URL and, in the source code, the actual grammars.

All prefixes of 'parse-time' are aliases of the subcommand.

pub fn cli(mast: App<'static, 'static>, display_order: usize) -> App<'static, 'static> {
            .about("Shows the start and end timestamps you get from a particular time expression")
                    .help("time expression")
                    .long_help("A time expression. E.g., 'last week' or '2016-10-2'.")

pub fn run(directory: Option<&str>, matches: &ArgMatches) {
    let conf = Configuration::read(None, directory);
    if !matches.is_present("period") {
        fatal("no time expression provided", &conf);
    let phrase = remainder("period", matches);
    if some_nws(&phrase) {
        match parse(&phrase.trim(), conf.two_timer_config()) {
            Ok((start, end, range)) => {
                let style = Style::new(&conf);
                let data = [
                    [String::from("start"), format!("{}", start)],
                    [String::from("end"), format!("{}", end)],
                    [String::from("explicit end"), format!("{}", range)],
                let mut table = Colonnade::new(2, conf.width()).unwrap();
                for row in table.macerate(&data).unwrap() {
                    for line in row {
                        for (cell_num, (margin, contents)) in line.iter().enumerate() {
                            if cell_num == 0 {
                                print!("{}{}", margin, style.paint("header", contents));
                            } else {
                                print!("{}{}", margin, contents);
            Err(e) => fatal(e.msg(), &conf),
    } else {
        fatal("no time expression provided", &conf);