jobrog 0.3.1

command line job clock
extern crate chrono;
extern crate clap;
extern crate two_timer;

use crate::configure::Configuration;
use crate::log::{Event, Filter, LogController, Note};
use crate::util::{
    check_for_ongoing_event, common_search_or_filter_arguments, display_events, display_notes,
    fatal, remainder, warn,
use crate::vacation::VacationController;
use chrono::{Duration, Local};
use clap::{App, Arg, ArgMatches, SubCommand};
use two_timer::{parsable, parse};

fn after_help() -> &'static str {
The summary subcommand aggregates and displays all the logged events \
in a particular period:

  > job summary yesterday
  Friday, 17 January
    8:59 -  9:23  0.50  e, o          email
    9:23 - 10:40  1.25  2609, cs, sb  Error in approved plugh foo for 14068FY19
   10:40 - 12:51  2.25  42, mr, sb    Multi-Floob Review Part 1
   12:51 -  1:10  0.25  l, o          lunch
    1:10 -  5:03  4.00  42, mr, sb    Multi-Floob Review Part 1

  2609        1.25
  42          6.00
  cs          1.25
  e           0.50
  l           0.25
  mr          6.00
  o           0.75
  sb          7.25

If no time period is provided, the default period is 'today'. See the parse \
subcommand for more details about acceptable time expressions.

You can also summarize the notes in a particular period:

  > job s --notes sep 2018
  Thursday, 13 September
    9:33  sb             69cd01b14
    9:33  sb             3190d979c
    8:34  sb             http://localhost:3000/managers/plugh_applications/14450FY18/entities
  Friday, 14 September
   12:42  sb             Z923289 Q923525 K923550
  Saturday, 15 September
   10:15  moe, birthday  sketchbook
   10:15  moe, birthday  hat
   10:15  moe, birthday  tee-shirt
   10:15  moe, birthday  mechanical pencils
   10:15  moe, birthday  nice book

You can provide the time expression as the final arguments, but sometimes you want to filter \
by tag it's convenient to be able to add tag expressions to the end of the previous command, in \
which case the time expression is in the way. For this case you can use the --date option instead.

The Perl version of Job Log,, provides a today subcommand, which \
provides a summary of the current day's tasks. Jobrog, the Rust version, lacks this subcommand, but \
the default time expression is 'today'. Also, the subcommand has 'to' and 'today' aliases for people whose muscle \
memory causes them to keep trying to use the today subcommand. As in the Perl version, jobrog provides all \
unambiguous prefixes of 'summary' as aliases (also, 's', though the statistics subcommand also begins \
with 's')."

pub fn cli(mast: App<'static, 'static>, display_order: usize) -> App<'static, 'static> {
            .aliases(&["s", "su", "sum", "summ", "summa", "summar", "to", "today"])
            // the last, "to", is there because I'm used to there being a today subcommand which does what summary with no further arguments does in jobrog
            .about("Says when you will have worked all the hours expected within the given period")
                    .help("description of time period summarized")
                        "Words describing the period summarized. E.g., 'last week' or '2016-10-2'.",
        .help("Receives the time expression as an option rather than an argument")
        .long_help("If you are frequently reviewing the tasks done in a particular pay period, filtering them by tag, say, it may be convenient for the date not to be at the end of the command line -- better to add filters here. In this case you can use the --date option.")
        .validator(|v| if parsable(&v) {Ok(())} else {Err(format!("cannot parse '{}' as a time expression", v))} )
        .help("Doesn't merge contiguous events with the same tags")
        .long_help("By default contiguous events with the same tags are displayed as a single event with the sub-events' descriptions joined with '; '. --no-merge prevents this.")
        .help("Overrides precision in configuration")
        .long_help("The number of decimal places of precision used in the display of lengths of periods in numbers of hours. \
        If the number is 0, probably not what you want, all periods will be rounded to a whole number of hours. \
        The default value is 2. If the precision is a fraction like 'quarter' times will be rounded to the closest fraction that size of the hour for display.")
        .possible_values(&["0", "1", "2", "3", "half", "third", "quarter", "sixth", "twelfth", "sixtieth"])
        .help("Overrides truncation in configuration")
        .long_help("When an events duration is displayed, there is generally some amount of information not displayed given the precision. By default this portion is rounded, so if the precision is a quarter hour and the duration is 7.5 minutes, this will be displayed as 0.25 hours. Alternatively, one could use the floor, in which case this would be 0.00 hours, or the ceiling, in which case even a single second task would be shown as taking 0.25 hours.")
        .possible_values(&["round", "floor", "ceiling"])
        .help("Returns summarized events/notes as a list of line-delimited JSON objects")
        .long_help("Should you wish to feed summarized results into some other service this provides easily parsed output.")

pub fn run(directory: Option<&str>, matches: &ArgMatches) {
    let mut phrase = remainder("period", matches);
    let date = matches.value_of("date").unwrap_or(&phrase);
    let mut conf = Configuration::read(None, directory);
    if let Some(identifier) = matches.value_of("precision") {
    if let Some(identifier) = matches.value_of("truncation") {
    if let Some(expression) = matches.value_of("date") {
        if phrase != "today" {
                    "--date option '{}' is overriding '{}' as a time expression",
                    date, phrase
        phrase = expression.to_owned();
    if let Ok((start, end, _)) = parse(&phrase, conf.two_timer_config()) {
        let mut reader = LogController::new(None, &conf).expect("could not read log");
        let now = Local::now().naive_local();
        if let Some(time) = reader.first_timestamp() {
            // narrow the range in to just the dates from the beginning of the lot to the present
            // so that we don't have spurious vacation times
            let start = if time > start {
      , 0, 0)
            } else {
            let time =, 0, 0) + Duration::days(1);
            let end = if end > time { time } else { end };

            let filter = Filter::new(matches);
            check_for_ongoing_event(&mut reader, &conf);
            if matches.is_present("notes") {
                let notes: Vec<Note> = reader
                    .notes_in_range(&start, &end)
                    .filter(|n| filter.matches(n))
                if notes.is_empty() {
                    warn("no note found", &conf)
                } else {
                    if matches.is_present("json") {
                        for n in notes {
                            println!("{}", n.to_json(&now, &conf));
                    } else {
                        display_notes(notes, &start, &end, &conf);
            } else {
                let events = reader
                    .events_in_range(&start, &end)
                    .filter(|n| filter.matches(n))
                let events = if matches.is_present("no-merge") {
                    Event::gather_by_day(events, &end)
                } else {
                    Event::gather_by_day_and_merge(events, &end)
                let events = VacationController::read(None,
                    .add_vacation_times(&start, &end, events, &conf, None, &filter);
                if events.is_empty() {
                    warn("no event found", &conf)
                } else {
                    if matches.is_present("json") {
                        for e in events {
                            println!("{}", e.to_json(&now, &conf));
                    } else {
                        display_events(events, &start, &end, &conf);
        } else {
            if matches.is_present("notes") {
                warn("no note found", &conf)
            } else {
                warn("no event found", &conf)
    } else {
            format!("could not parse '{}' as a time expression", phrase),