ipfs 0.2.1

IPFS node implementation
//! The objects central to this module are the `Subscription`, which is created for each potentially
//! long-standing request (currently `Ipfs::{connect, get_block}`), and the `SubscriptionRegistry`
//! that contains them. `SubscriptionFuture` is the `Future` bound to pending `Subscription`s and
//! sharing the same unique numeric identifier, the `SubscriptionId`.

use crate::{p2p::MultiaddrWithPeerId, RepoEvent};
use cid::Cid;
use core::fmt::Debug;
use core::hash::Hash;
use core::pin::Pin;
use futures::channel::mpsc::Sender;
use futures::future::Future;
use libp2p::kad::QueryId;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fmt;
use std::mem;
use std::sync::{
    atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU64, Ordering},
    Arc, Mutex,
use std::task::{Context, Poll, Waker};

// a counter used to assign unique identifiers to `Subscription`s and `SubscriptionFuture`s
// (which obtain the same number as their counterpart `Subscription`)
static GLOBAL_REQ_COUNT: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(0);

/// The type of a request for subscription.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone)]
pub enum RequestKind {
    /// A request to connect to the given `Multiaddr`+`PeerId` pair.
    /// A request to obtain a `Block` with a specific `Cid`.
    /// A DHT request to Kademlia.

impl From<MultiaddrWithPeerId> for RequestKind {
    fn from(addr: MultiaddrWithPeerId) -> Self {

impl From<Cid> for RequestKind {
    fn from(cid: Cid) -> Self {

impl From<QueryId> for RequestKind {
    fn from(id: QueryId) -> Self {

impl fmt::Display for RequestKind {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            Self::Connect(tgt) => write!(fmt, "Connect to {:?}", tgt),
            Self::GetBlock(cid) => write!(fmt, "Obtain block {}", cid),
            Self::KadQuery(id) => write!(fmt, "Kad request {:?}", id),
            Self::Num(n) => write!(fmt, "A test request for {}", n),

/// The unique identifier of a `Subscription`/`SubscriptionFuture`.
type SubscriptionId = u64;

/// The specific collection used to hold all the `Subscription`s.
pub type Subscriptions<T, E> = HashMap<RequestKind, HashMap<SubscriptionId, Subscription<T, E>>>;

/// A collection of all the live `Subscription`s.
pub struct SubscriptionRegistry<T: Debug + Clone + PartialEq, E: Debug + Clone> {
    pub(crate) subscriptions: Arc<Mutex<Subscriptions<T, E>>>,
    shutting_down: AtomicBool,

impl<T: Debug + Clone + PartialEq, E: Debug + Clone> fmt::Debug for SubscriptionRegistry<T, E> {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            "{}(subscriptions: {:?})",

impl<T: Debug + Clone + PartialEq, E: Debug + Clone> SubscriptionRegistry<T, E> {
    /// Creates a `Subscription` and returns its associated `Future`, the `SubscriptionFuture`.
    pub fn create_subscription(
        kind: RequestKind,
        cancel_notifier: Option<Sender<RepoEvent>>,
    ) -> SubscriptionFuture<T, E> {
        let id = GLOBAL_REQ_COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
        debug!("Creating subscription {} to {}", id, kind);

        let mut subscription = Subscription::new(cancel_notifier);

        if self.shutting_down.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
            subscription.cancel(id, kind.clone(), true);

            .insert(id, subscription);

        SubscriptionFuture {
            subscriptions: Arc::clone(&self.subscriptions),
            cleanup_complete: false,

    /// Finalizes all pending subscriptions of the specified kind with the given `result`.
    pub fn finish_subscription(&self, req_kind: RequestKind, result: Result<T, E>) {
        let mut subscriptions = self.subscriptions.lock().unwrap();
        let related_subs = subscriptions.get_mut(&req_kind);

        // find all the matching `Subscription`s and wake up their tasks; only `Pending`
        // ones have an associated `SubscriptionFuture` and there can be multiple of them
        // depending on how many times the given request kind was filed
        if let Some(related_subs) = related_subs {
            debug!("Finishing the subscription to {}", req_kind);

            let mut awoken = 0;
            for sub in related_subs.values_mut() {
                if let Subscription::Pending { .. } = sub {
                    awoken += 1;

            // ensure that the subscriptions are being handled correctly: normally
            // finish_subscriptions should result in some related futures being awoken
                awoken != 0,
                "no subscriptions to be awoken! subs: {:?}; req_kind: {:?}",

            trace!("Woke {} related subscription(s)", awoken);

    /// After `shutdown` all `SubscriptionFuture`s will return `Err(Cancelled)`.
    pub fn shutdown(&self) {
        if self.shutting_down.swap(true, Ordering::SeqCst) {

        trace!("Shutting down {:?}", self);

        let mut cancelled = 0;
        let mut subscriptions = mem::take(&mut *self.subscriptions.lock().unwrap());

        for (kind, subs) in subscriptions.iter_mut() {
            for (id, sub) in subs.iter_mut() {
                sub.cancel(*id, kind.clone(), true);
                cancelled += 1;

        if cancelled > 0 {
            trace!("Cancelled {} subscriptions", cancelled);

impl<T: Debug + Clone + PartialEq, E: Debug + Clone> Default for SubscriptionRegistry<T, E> {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            subscriptions: Default::default(),
            shutting_down: Default::default(),

impl<T: Debug + Clone + PartialEq, E: Debug + Clone> Drop for SubscriptionRegistry<T, E> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum SubscriptionErr<E: Debug + PartialEq> {
    /// A value returned when a `Subscription` and it's linked `SubscriptionFuture`
    /// is cancelled before completion or when the `Future` is aborted.
    /// Other errors not caused by cancellation.

impl<E: Debug + PartialEq> fmt::Display for SubscriptionErr<E> {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(fmt, "{:?}", self)

impl<E: Debug + PartialEq> std::error::Error for SubscriptionErr<E> {}

/// Represents a request for a resource at different stages of its lifetime.
pub enum Subscription<T, E> {
    /// A finished `Subscription` containing the desired `TRes` value.
    Ready(Result<T, E>),
    /// A standing request that hasn't been fulfilled yet.
    Pending {
        /// The waker of the task assigned to check if the `Subscription` is complete.
        waker: Option<Waker>,
        /// A `Sender` of a channel expecting notifications of subscription cancellations.
        cancel_notifier: Option<Sender<RepoEvent>>,
    /// A void subscription that was either cancelled or otherwise aborted.

impl<T: Clone, E: Clone> Clone for Subscription<T, E> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        match self {
            Self::Ready(res) => Self::Ready(res.clone()),
            Self::Pending {
            } => Self::Pending {
                waker: waker.clone(),
                cancel_notifier: cancel_notifier.clone(),
            Self::Cancelled => Self::Cancelled,

impl<T, E> fmt::Debug for Subscription<T, E> {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        use Subscription::*;
        match self {
            Ready(_) => write!(fmt, "Ready"),
            Pending {
                waker: Some(_),
                cancel_notifier: Some(_),
            } => write!(fmt, "Pending {{ waker: Some, cancel_notifier: Some }}"),
            Pending {
                waker: None,
                cancel_notifier: Some(_),
            } => write!(fmt, "Pending {{ waker: None, cancel_notifier: Some }}"),
            Pending {
                waker: Some(_),
                cancel_notifier: None,
            } => write!(fmt, "Pending {{ waker: Some, cancel_notifier: None }}"),
            Pending {
                waker: None,
                cancel_notifier: None,
            } => write!(fmt, "Pendnig {{ waker: None, cancel_notifier: None }}"),
            Cancelled => write!(fmt, "Cancelled"),

impl<T, E> Subscription<T, E> {
    fn new(cancel_notifier: Option<Sender<RepoEvent>>) -> Self {
        Self::Pending {
            waker: Default::default(),

    fn wake(&mut self, result: Result<T, E>) {
        let former_self = mem::replace(self, Subscription::Ready(result));
        if let Subscription::Pending { waker, .. } = former_self {
            if let Some(waker) = waker {

    fn cancel(&mut self, id: SubscriptionId, kind: RequestKind, is_last: bool) {
        trace!("Cancelling subscription {} to {}", id, kind);
        let former_self = mem::replace(self, Subscription::Cancelled);
        if let Subscription::Pending {
        } = former_self
            // if this is the last `Subscription` related to the request kind,
            // send a cancel notification to the repo - the wantlist needs
            // to be updated
            if is_last {
                if let Some(mut sender) = cancel_notifier {
                    trace!("Last related subscription cancelled, sending a cancel notification");
                    let _ = sender.try_send(RepoEvent::try_from(kind).unwrap());

            if let Some(waker) = waker {

/// A `Future` that resolves to the resource whose subscription was requested.
pub struct SubscriptionFuture<T: Debug + PartialEq, E: Debug> {
    /// The unique identifier of the subscription request and the secondary
    /// key in the `SubscriptionRegistry`.
    id: u64,
    /// The type of the request made; the primary key in the `SubscriptionRegistry`.
    kind: RequestKind,
    /// A reference to the subscriptions at the `SubscriptionRegistry`.
    subscriptions: Arc<Mutex<Subscriptions<T, E>>>,
    /// True if the cleanup is already done, false if `Drop` needs to do it
    cleanup_complete: bool,

impl<T: Debug + PartialEq, E: Debug + PartialEq> Future for SubscriptionFuture<T, E> {
    type Output = Result<T, SubscriptionErr<E>>;

    fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, context: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        use std::collections::hash_map::Entry::*;

        let mut subscriptions = self.subscriptions.lock().unwrap();

        if let Some(related_subs) = subscriptions.get_mut(&self.kind) {
            let (became_empty, ret) = match related_subs.entry(self.id) {
                // there were no related subs, it can only mean cancellation or polling after
                // Poll::Ready
                Vacant(_) => return Poll::Ready(Err(SubscriptionErr::Cancelled)),
                Occupied(mut oe) => {
                    let unwrapped = match oe.get_mut() {
                        Subscription::Pending { ref mut waker, .. } => {
                            // waker may have changed since the last time
                            *waker = Some(context.waker().clone());
                            return Poll::Pending;
                        Subscription::Cancelled => {
                        _ => match oe.remove() {
                            Subscription::Ready(result) => result.map_err(SubscriptionErr::Failed),
                            _ => unreachable!("already matched"),

                    (related_subs.is_empty(), unwrapped)

            if became_empty {
                // early cleanup if possible for cancelled and ready. the pending variant has the
                // chance of sending out the cancellation message so it cannot be treated here

            // need to drop manually to aid borrowck at least in 1.45
            self.cleanup_complete = became_empty;
        } else {

impl<T: Debug + PartialEq, E: Debug> Drop for SubscriptionFuture<T, E> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        trace!("Dropping subscription future {} to {}", self.id, self.kind);

        if self.cleanup_complete {
            // cleaned up the easier variants already

        let (sub, is_last) = {
            let mut subscriptions = self.subscriptions.lock().unwrap();
            if let Some(subs) = subscriptions.get_mut(&self.kind) {
                let sub = subs.remove(&self.id);
                // check if this is the last subscription to this resource
                let is_last = subs.is_empty();

                if is_last {

                (sub, is_last)
            } else {
                (None, false)

        if let Some(sub) = sub {
            // don't cancel anything that isn't `Pending`
            if let mut sub @ Subscription::Pending { .. } = sub {
                sub.cancel(self.id, self.kind.clone(), is_last);

impl<T: Debug + PartialEq, E: Debug> fmt::Debug for SubscriptionFuture<T, E> {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            "SubscriptionFuture<Output = Result<{}, {}>>",

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    impl From<u32> for RequestKind {
        fn from(n: u32) -> Self {

    #[tokio::test(max_threads = 1)]
    async fn subscription_basics() {
        let registry = SubscriptionRegistry::<u32, ()>::default();
        let s1 = registry.create_subscription(0.into(), None);
        let s2 = registry.create_subscription(0.into(), None);
        let s3 = registry.create_subscription(0.into(), None);
        registry.finish_subscription(0.into(), Ok(10));
        assert_eq!(s1.await.unwrap(), 10);
        assert_eq!(s2.await.unwrap(), 10);
        assert_eq!(s3.await.unwrap(), 10);

    #[tokio::test(max_threads = 1)]
    async fn subscription_cancelled_on_dropping_registry() {
        let registry = SubscriptionRegistry::<u32, ()>::default();
        let s1 = registry.create_subscription(0.into(), None);
        assert_eq!(s1.await, Err(SubscriptionErr::Cancelled));

    #[tokio::test(max_threads = 1)]
    async fn subscription_cancelled_on_shutdown() {
        let registry = SubscriptionRegistry::<u32, ()>::default();
        let s1 = registry.create_subscription(0.into(), None);
        assert_eq!(s1.await, Err(SubscriptionErr::Cancelled));

    #[tokio::test(max_threads = 1)]
    async fn new_subscriptions_cancelled_after_shutdown() {
        let registry = SubscriptionRegistry::<u32, ()>::default();
        let s1 = registry.create_subscription(0.into(), None);
        assert_eq!(s1.await, Err(SubscriptionErr::Cancelled));

    #[tokio::test(max_threads = 1)]
    async fn dropping_subscription_future_after_registering() {
        use std::time::Duration;
        use tokio::time::timeout;

        let registry = SubscriptionRegistry::<u32, ()>::default();
        let s1 = timeout(
            registry.create_subscription(0.into(), None),
        let s2 = registry.create_subscription(0.into(), None);

        // make sure it timed out but had time to register the waker

        // this will cause a call to waker installed by s1, but it shouldn't be a problem.
        registry.finish_subscription(0.into(), Ok(0));

        assert_eq!(s2.await.unwrap(), 0);

    // this test is designed to verify that the subscription registry is working properly
    // and doesn't break even under extreme conditions
    #[tokio::test(max_threads = 1)]
    async fn subscription_stress_test() {
        use rand::{rngs::StdRng, seq::SliceRandom, Rng, SeedableRng};
        use std::time::Duration;
        use tokio::{task, time::delay_for};

        // optional

        // the number of objects to which subscriptions can exist
        const KIND_COUNT: u32 = 100;
        // the maximum number of subscriptions to a single object
        // that can be created with every iteration of the loop in
        // create_task
        const KIND_SUB_COUNT: u32 = 10;
        // the iteration interval for the loop in create_task
        const CREATE_WAIT_TIME: u64 = 50;
        // the iteration interval for the loop in finish_task
        const FINISH_WAIT_TIME: u64 = 100;
        // the iteration interval for the loop in cancel_task
        const CANCEL_WAIT_TIME: u64 = 200;

        // the test's subscription registry
        let reg = Arc::new(SubscriptionRegistry::<u32, ()>::default());
        // a collection to hold active subscription futures
        let subs = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::with_capacity(1024)));
        // an RNG to create some randomness
        let mut rng = StdRng::from_entropy();

        // the task below creates a random number of subscriptions to a
        // random object in a loop
        let reg_clone = Arc::clone(&reg);
        let subs_clone = Arc::clone(&subs);
        let mut rng_clone = rng.clone();
        let create_task = task::spawn(async move {
            let (mut kind, mut count);

            loop {

                // the id of the object that will gain subscriptions
                kind = rng_clone.gen_range(0, KIND_COUNT);
                // the number of subscriptions it will gain
                count = rng_clone.gen_range(0, KIND_SUB_COUNT);

                if count > 0 {
                    let mut subs = subs_clone.lock().unwrap();
                    for _ in 0..count {
                            reg_clone.create_subscription(kind.into(), None),

        // the task below finishes subscriptions to random objects in a loop,
        // one object at a time
        let reg_clone = Arc::clone(&reg);
        let mut rng_clone = rng.clone();
        let finish_task = task::spawn(async move {
            let (mut kinds, mut count);

            loop {

                kinds = reg_clone
                count = rng_clone.gen_range(0, kinds.len());

                for kind in kinds.choose_multiple(&mut rng_clone, count) {
                    reg.finish_subscription(kind.to_owned(), Ok(0));

        // the task below drops a random number of subscription futures from
        // the vector populated by the create_task
        let cancel_task = task::spawn(async move {
            let (mut count, mut idx);

            loop {

                let subs_unlocked = &mut *subs.lock().unwrap();
                count = rng.gen_range(0, subs_unlocked.len());

                for _ in 0..count {
                    idx = rng.gen_range(0, subs_unlocked.len());

        // wait forever - this is a stress test after all
        let _ = futures::join!(create_task, finish_task, cancel_task);