html2md 0.2.14

Library and binary to convert simple html documents into markdown
use lazy_static::lazy_static;

use std::boxed::Box;
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::collections::HashMap;

use std::os::raw::{c_char};
use std::ffi::{CString, CStr};

use regex::Regex;

use html5ever::parse_document;
use html5ever::driver::ParseOpts;
use html5ever::tendril::TendrilSink;

pub use markup5ever_rcdom::{RcDom, Handle, NodeData};

pub mod common;
pub mod dummy;
pub mod anchors;
pub mod paragraphs;
pub mod images;
pub mod headers;
pub mod lists;
pub mod styles;
pub mod codes;
pub mod quotes;
pub mod tables;
pub mod containers;
pub mod iframes;

use crate::dummy::DummyHandler;
use crate::dummy::IdentityHandler;
use crate::dummy::HtmlCherryPickHandler;
use crate::paragraphs::ParagraphHandler;
use crate::anchors::AnchorHandler;
use crate::images::ImgHandler;
use crate::headers::HeaderHandler;
use crate::lists::ListItemHandler;
use crate::lists::ListHandler;
use crate::styles::StyleHandler;
use crate::codes::CodeHandler;
use crate::quotes::QuoteHandler;
use crate::tables::TableHandler;
use crate::containers::ContainerHandler;
use crate::iframes::IframeHandler;

lazy_static! {
    static ref EXCESSIVE_WHITESPACE_PATTERN: Regex = Regex::new("\\s{2,}").unwrap();   // for HTML on-the-fly cleanup

    static ref EMPTY_LINE_PATTERN: Regex = Regex::new("(?m)^ +$").unwrap();            // for Markdown post-processing
    static ref EXCESSIVE_NEWLINE_PATTERN: Regex = Regex::new("\\n{3,}").unwrap();      // for Markdown post-processing
    static ref TRAILING_SPACE_PATTERN: Regex = Regex::new("(?m)(\\S) $").unwrap();     // for Markdown post-processing
    static ref LEADING_NEWLINES_PATTERN: Regex = Regex::new("^\\n+").unwrap();         // for Markdown post-processing
    static ref LAST_WHITESPACE_PATTERN: Regex = Regex::new("\\s+$").unwrap();          // for Markdown post-processing

    static ref START_OF_LINE_PATTERN: Regex = Regex::new("(^|\\n) *$").unwrap();                  // for Markdown escaping
    static ref MARKDOWN_STARTONLY_KEYCHARS: Regex = Regex::new(r"^(\s*)([=>+\-#])").unwrap();     // for Markdown escaping
    static ref MARKDOWN_MIDDLE_KEYCHARS: Regex = Regex::new(r"[<>*\\_~]").unwrap();               // for Markdown escaping

/// Custom variant of main function. Allows to pass custom tag<->tag factory pairs
/// in order to register custom tag hadler for tags you want.
/// You can also override standard tag handlers this way
/// # Arguments
/// `html` is source HTML as `String`
/// `custom` is custom tag hadler producers for tags you want, can be empty
pub fn parse_html_custom(html: &str, custom: &HashMap<String, Box<dyn TagHandlerFactory>>) -> String {
    let dom = parse_document(RcDom::default(), ParseOpts::default()).from_utf8().read_from(&mut html.as_bytes()).unwrap();
    let mut result = StructuredPrinter::default();
    walk(&dom.document, &mut result, custom);

    return clean_markdown(&;

/// Main function of this library. Parses incoming HTML, converts it into Markdown
/// and returns converted string.
/// # Arguments
/// `html` is source HTML as `String`
pub fn parse_html(html: &str) -> String {
    parse_html_custom(html, &HashMap::default())

/// Same as `parse_html` but retains all "span" html elements intact
/// Markdown parsers usually strip them down when rendering but they
/// may be useful for later processing
pub fn parse_html_extended(html: &str) -> String {
    struct SpanAsIsTagFactory;
    impl TagHandlerFactory for SpanAsIsTagFactory {
        fn instantiate(&self) -> Box<dyn TagHandler> {
            return Box::new(HtmlCherryPickHandler::default());

    let mut tag_factory: HashMap<String, Box<dyn TagHandlerFactory>> = HashMap::new();
    tag_factory.insert(String::from("span"), Box::new(SpanAsIsTagFactory{}));
    return parse_html_custom(html, &tag_factory);

/// Recursively walk through all DOM tree and handle all elements according to
/// HTML tag -> Markdown syntax mapping. Text content is trimmed to one whitespace according to HTML5 rules.
/// # Arguments
/// `input` is DOM tree or its subtree
/// `result` is output holder with position and context tracking
/// `custom` is custom tag hadler producers for tags you want, can be empty
fn walk(input: &Handle, result: &mut StructuredPrinter, custom: &HashMap<String, Box<dyn TagHandlerFactory>>) {
    let mut handler : Box<dyn TagHandler> = Box::new(DummyHandler::default());
    let mut tag_name = String::default();
    match {
        NodeData::Document | NodeData::Doctype {..} | NodeData::ProcessingInstruction {..} => {},
        NodeData::Text { ref contents }  => {
            let mut text = contents.borrow().to_string();
            let inside_pre = result.parent_chain.iter().any(|tag| tag == "pre");
            if inside_pre {
                // this is preformatted text, insert as-is
            } else if !(text.trim().len() == 0 && ( == Some('\n') || == Some(' '))) {
                // in case it's not just a whitespace after the newline or another whitespace

                // regular text, collapse whitespace and newlines in text
                let inside_code = result.parent_chain.iter().any(|tag| tag == "code");
                if !inside_code {
                    text = escape_markdown(result, &text);
                let minified_text = EXCESSIVE_WHITESPACE_PATTERN.replace_all(&text, " ");
                let minified_text = minified_text.trim_matches(|ch: char| ch == '\n' || ch == '\r');
        NodeData::Comment { .. } => {}, // ignore comments
        NodeData::Element { ref name, .. } => {
            tag_name = name.local.to_string();
            let inside_pre = result.parent_chain.iter().any(|tag| tag == "pre");
            if inside_pre {
                // don't add any html tags inside the pre section
                handler = Box::new(DummyHandler::default());
            }else if custom.contains_key(&tag_name) {
                // have user-supplied factory, instantiate a handler for this tag
                let factory = custom.get(&tag_name).unwrap();
                handler = factory.instantiate();
            } else {
                // no user-supplied factory, take one of built-in ones
                handler = match tag_name.as_ref() {
                    // containers
                    "div" | "section" | "header" | "footer" => Box::new(ContainerHandler::default()),
                    // pagination, breaks
                    "p" | "br" | "hr" => Box::new(ParagraphHandler::default()),
                    "q" | "cite" | "blockquote" => Box::new(QuoteHandler::default()),
                    // spoiler tag
                    "details" | "summary" => Box::new(HtmlCherryPickHandler::default()),
                    // formatting
                    "b" | "i" | "s" | "strong" | "em" | "del" => Box::new(StyleHandler::default()),
                    "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6" => Box::new(HeaderHandler::default()),
                    "pre" | "code" => Box::new(CodeHandler::default()),
                    // images, links
                    "img" => Box::new(ImgHandler::default()),
                    "a" => Box::new(AnchorHandler::default()),
                    // lists
                    "ol" | "ul" | "menu" => Box::new(ListHandler::default()),
                    "li" => Box::new(ListItemHandler::default()),
                    // as-is
                    "sub" | "sup" => Box::new(IdentityHandler::default()),
                    // tables, handled fully internally as markdown can't have nested content in tables
                    // supports only single tables as of now
                    "table" => Box::new(TableHandler::default()),
                    "iframe" => Box::new(IframeHandler::default()),
                    // other
                    "html" | "head" | "body" => Box::new(DummyHandler::default()),
                    _ => Box::new(DummyHandler::default())

    // handle this tag, while it's not in parent chain
    // and doesn't have child siblings
    handler.handle(&input, result);

    // save this tag name as parent for child nodes
    result.parent_chain.push(tag_name.to_string());     // e.g. it was ["body"] and now it's ["body", "p"]
    let current_depth = result.parent_chain.len();      // e.g. it was 1 and now it's 2

    // create space for siblings of next level
    result.siblings.insert(current_depth, vec![]);

    for child in input.children.borrow().iter() {
        if handler.skip_descendants() {

        walk(child.borrow(), result, custom);

        match {
            NodeData::Element { ref name, .. } => result.siblings.get_mut(&current_depth).unwrap().push(name.local.to_string()),
            _ => {}

    // clear siblings of next level

    // release parent tag

    // finish handling of tag - parent chain now doesn't contain this tag itself again

/// This conversion should only be applied to text tags
/// Escapes text inside HTML tags so it won't be recognized as Markdown control sequence
/// like list start or bold text style
fn escape_markdown(result: &StructuredPrinter, text: &str) -> String {
    // always escape bold/italic/strikethrough
    let mut data = MARKDOWN_MIDDLE_KEYCHARS.replace_all(&text, "\\$0").to_string();

    // if we're at the start of the line we need to escape list- and quote-starting sequences
    if START_OF_LINE_PATTERN.is_match(& {
        data = MARKDOWN_STARTONLY_KEYCHARS.replace(&data, "$1\\$2").to_string();

    // no handling of more complicated cases such as
    // ![] or []() ones, for now this will suffice
    return data;

/// Called after all processing has been finished
/// Clears excessive punctuation that would be trimmed by renderer anyway
fn clean_markdown(text: &str) -> String {
    // remove redundant newlines
    let intermediate = EMPTY_LINE_PATTERN.replace_all(&text, "");                           // empty line with trailing spaces, replace with just newline
    let intermediate = EXCESSIVE_NEWLINE_PATTERN.replace_all(&intermediate, "\n\n");  // > 3 newlines - not handled by markdown anyway
    let intermediate = TRAILING_SPACE_PATTERN.replace_all(&intermediate, "$1");       // trim space if it's just one
    let intermediate = LEADING_NEWLINES_PATTERN.replace_all(&intermediate, "");       // trim leading newlines
    let intermediate = LAST_WHITESPACE_PATTERN.replace_all(&intermediate, "");        // trim last newlines

    return intermediate.into_owned();

/// Intermediate result of HTML -> Markdown conversion.
/// Holds context in the form of parent tags and siblings chain
/// and resulting string of markup content with current position.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct StructuredPrinter {
    /// Chain of parents leading to upmost <html> tag
    pub parent_chain: Vec<String>,

    /// Siblings of currently processed tag in order where they're appearing in html
    pub siblings: HashMap<usize, Vec<String>>,

    /// resulting markdown document
    pub data: String,

impl StructuredPrinter {

    /// Inserts newline
    pub fn insert_newline(&mut self) {

    /// Append string to the end of the printer
    pub fn append_str(&mut self, it: &str) {;

    /// Insert string at specified position of printer, adjust position to the end of inserted string
    pub fn insert_str(&mut self, pos: usize, it: &str) {, it);

/// Tag handler factory. This class is required in providing proper
/// custom tag parsing capabilities to users of this library.
/// The problem with directly providing tag handlers is that they're not stateless.
/// Once tag handler is parsing some tag, it holds data, such as start position, indent etc.
/// The only way to create fresh tag handler for each tag is to provide a factory like this one.
pub trait TagHandlerFactory {
    fn instantiate(&self) -> Box<dyn TagHandler>;

/// Trait interface describing abstract handler of arbitrary HTML tag.
pub trait TagHandler {
    /// Handle tag encountered when walking HTML tree.
    /// This is executed before the children processing
    fn handle(&mut self, tag: &Handle, printer: &mut StructuredPrinter);

    /// Executed after all children of this tag have been processed
    fn after_handle(&mut self, printer: &mut StructuredPrinter);

    fn skip_descendants(&self) -> bool {
        return false;

/// FFI variant for HTML -> Markdown conversion for calling from other languages
pub extern fn parse(html: *const c_char) -> *const c_char {
    let in_html = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(html) };
    let out_md = parse_html(&in_html.to_string_lossy());


/// Expose the JNI interface for android below
pub mod android {
    extern crate jni;

    use super::parse_html;
    use super::parse_html_extended;

    use self::jni::JNIEnv;
    use self::jni::objects::{JClass, JString};
    use self::jni::sys::jstring;

    pub unsafe extern fn Java_com_kanedias_html2md_Html2Markdown_parse(env: JNIEnv, _clazz: JClass, html: JString) -> jstring {
        let html_java : String = env.get_string(html).expect("Couldn't get java string!").into();
        let markdown = parse_html(&html_java);
        let output = env.new_string(markdown).expect("Couldn't create java string!");

    pub unsafe extern fn Java_com_kanedias_html2md_Html2Markdown_parseExtended(env: JNIEnv, _clazz: JClass, html: JString) -> jstring {
        let html_java : String = env.get_string(html).expect("Couldn't get java string!").into();
        let markdown = parse_html_extended(&html_java);
        let output = env.new_string(markdown).expect("Couldn't create java string!");