html2md 0.2.14

Library and binary to convert simple html documents into markdown
use lazy_static::lazy_static;

use super::TagHandler;
use super::StructuredPrinter;

use crate::common::get_tag_attr;
use crate::dummy::IdentityHandler;

use regex::Regex;
use markup5ever_rcdom::Handle;

lazy_static! {
    /// Pattern that detects iframes with Youtube embedded videos<br/>
    /// Examples:
    /// * ``
    /// * ``
    /// * ``
    static ref YOUTUBE_PATTERN : Regex = Regex::new(r"www\.youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com/embed/([-\w]+)").unwrap();

    /// Pattern that detects iframes with Instagram embedded photos<br/>
    /// Examples:
    /// * ``
    /// * ``
    static ref INSTAGRAM_PATTERN: Regex = Regex::new(r"www\.instagram\.com/p/([-\w]+)/embed").unwrap();

    /// Patter that detects iframes with VKontakte embedded videos<br/>
    /// Examples:
    /// * ``
    /// * ``
    static ref VK_PATTERN: Regex = Regex::new(r"vk\.com/video_ext\.php\?oid=(-?\d+)&id=(\d+)&hash=(.*)").unwrap();

    static ref YANDEX_MUSIC_TRACK_PATTERN: Regex = Regex::new(r"\d+)/(\d+)").unwrap();
    static ref YANDEX_MUSIC_ALBUM_PATTERN: Regex = Regex::new(r"\d+)").unwrap();

pub struct IframeHandler;

impl TagHandler for IframeHandler {

    fn handle(&mut self, tag: &Handle, printer: &mut StructuredPrinter) {

        let src = get_tag_attr(tag, "src");
        //let width = get_tag_attr(tag, "width");
        //let height = get_tag_attr(tag, "height");

        if src == None {

        let src = src.unwrap();

        if let Some(capture) = YOUTUBE_PATTERN.captures(&src) {
            let media_id = capture.get(1).map_or("", |m| m.as_str());
            printer.append_str(&format!("[![Embedded YouTube video]({mid}/0.jpg)]({mid})", mid = media_id));

        if let Some(capture) = INSTAGRAM_PATTERN.captures(&src) {
            let media_id = capture.get(1).map_or("", |m| m.as_str());
            printer.append_str(&format!("[![Embedded Instagram post]({mid}/media/?size=m)]({mid}/embed/)", mid = media_id));

        if let Some(capture) = VK_PATTERN.captures(&src) {
            let owner_id = capture.get(1).map_or("", |m| m.as_str());
            let video_id = capture.get(2).map_or("", |m| m.as_str());
            let _hash = capture.get(3).map_or("", |m| m.as_str());
            printer.append_str(&format!("[![Embedded VK video](]({oid}_{vid})", oid = owner_id, vid = video_id));

        // not found, use generic implementation
        let mut identity = IdentityHandler::default();
        identity.handle(tag, printer);

    fn after_handle(&mut self, printer: &mut StructuredPrinter) {

    fn skip_descendants(&self) -> bool {
        return true;