gluon 0.13.1

A static, type inferred programming language for application embedding
//! An ordered map list type
let prelude = import! std.prelude
let { Ordering, Ord, Semigroup, Monoid } = prelude
let { Functor, Applicative } = prelude
let { Foldable } = import! std.foldable
let { Traversable } = import! std.traversable

let { flip, const } = import! std.function
let list @ { List } = import! std.list
let { Option } = import! std.option
let { compare } = import! std.cmp

#[derive(Eq, Show)]
type Map k a =
    | Tip
    | Bin k a (Map k a) (Map k a)

/// The empty map.
let empty = Tip

/// Creates a map with a single entry.
let singleton k v = Bin k v empty empty

/// Searches the map `m` for `k`. Returns `Some` with the element if it is found and otherwise `None`.
/// ```
/// let { ? } = import! std.effect
/// let map @ { ? } = import!
/// let { (<>) } = import! std.semigroup
/// let { assert_eq, ? } = import! std.test
/// seq assert_eq (map.find "a" (map.singleton "a" 1)) (Some 1)
/// let my_map = map.singleton "a" 1 <> map.singleton "b" 2
/// seq assert_eq (map.find "b" my_map) (Some 2)
/// assert_eq (map.find "c" my_map) None
/// ```
let find k m : [Ord k] -> k -> Map k a -> Option a =
    match m with
    | Bin k2 v l r ->
        match compare k k2 with
        | LT -> find k l
        | EQ -> Some v
        | GT -> find k r
    | Tip -> None

/// Inserts the value `v` at the key `k` in the map `m`. If the key already exists in the map the current value gets replaced.
let insert k v m : [Ord k] -> k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a =
    match m with
    | Bin k2 v2 l r ->
        match compare k k2 with
        | LT -> Bin k2 v2 (insert k v l) r
        | EQ -> Bin k v l r
        | GT -> Bin k2 v2 l (insert k v r)
    | Tip -> Bin k v empty empty

let map f m : [Ord k] -> (a -> b) -> Map k a -> Map k b =
    match m with
    | Tip -> Tip
    | Bin k x l r -> Bin k (f x) (map f l) (map f r)

/// Performs a map over the `Map` where the key gets passed to the function in additon to the value.
let map_with_key f m : [Ord k] -> (k -> a -> b) -> Map k a -> Map k b =
    match m with
    | Tip -> Tip
    | Bin k x l r -> Bin k (f k x) (map_with_key f l) (map_with_key f r)

let foldr f z m : [Ord k] -> (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Map k a -> b =
    match m with
    | Tip -> z
    | Bin _ x l r -> foldr f (f x (foldr f z r)) l

let foldl f z m : [Ord k] -> (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Map k b -> a =
    match m with
    | Tip -> z
    | Bin _ x l r -> foldl f (f (foldl f z l) x) r

let foldr_with_key f z m : [Ord k] -> (k -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> Map k a -> b =
    match m with
    | Tip -> z
    | Bin k v l r -> foldr_with_key f (f k v (foldr_with_key f z r)) l

/// Performs a fold over the `Map` where the key gets passed to the function in addition to the value.
let foldl_with_key f z m : [Ord k] -> (a -> k -> b -> a) -> a -> Map k b -> a =
    match m with
    | Tip -> z
    | Bin k x l r -> foldl_with_key f (f (foldl_with_key f z l) k x) r

/// Performs a traverse over the `Map` where the key gets passed to the function in addition to the value.
let traverse_with_key f m : [Ord k] -> [Applicative t] -> (k -> a -> t b)
        -> Map k a
        -> t (Map k b)
    let { wrap, map3 } = import! std.applicative

    let go m =
        match m with
        | Tip -> wrap Tip
        | Bin k v l r ->
            map3 (flip (Bin k)) (go l) (f k v) (go r)

    go m

let traverse ?ord app f : [Ord k] -> Applicative t -> (a -> t b) -> Map k a -> t (Map k b) =
    traverse_with_key ?ord ?app (const f)

/// Combines two maps into one. If a key exists in both maps the value in `r` takes precedence.
let append l r : [Ord k] -> Map k a -> Map k a -> Map k a = foldr_with_key insert l r

let semigroup : [Ord k] -> Semigroup (Map k a) = { append }
let monoid : [Ord k] -> Monoid (Map k a) = { semigroup, empty }

let functor : [Ord k] -> Functor (Map k) = { map }
let foldable : [Ord k] -> Foldable (Map k) = { foldr, foldl }
let traversable : [Ord k] -> Traversable (Map k) = { functor, foldable, traverse }

let to_list : [Ord k] -> Map k a -> List { key : k, value : a } =
    foldr_with_key (\key value acc -> Cons { key, value } acc) Nil

/// Returns a list of all keys in the map.
let keys : [Ord k] -> Map k a -> List k = foldr_with_key (\k _ acc -> Cons k acc) Nil

/// Returns a list of all values in the map.
let values : [Ord k] -> Map k a -> List a = foldr Cons Nil


    eq = eq_Map,
    show = show_Map,
