gluon 0.13.1

A static, type inferred programming language for application embedding
//! Functionality for ordering and comparison.

let { Bool, Ordering } = import! std.types
let { Semigroup } = import! std.semigroup
let { Monoid } = import! std.monoid

/// `Eq a` defines equality (==) on `a`
type Eq a = {
    /// Tests whether the values are equal.
    (==) : a -> a -> Bool,

#[infix(left, 4)]
let (==) ?eq : [Eq a] -> a -> a -> Bool = eq.(==)

/// Tests whether the values are not equal.
#[infix(left, 4)]
let (/=) ?eq l r : [Eq a] -> a -> a -> Bool = if (eq.(==) l r) then False else True

/// `Ord a` defines an ordering on `a`
type Ord a = {
    eq : Eq a,
    /// Compares two values and returns wheter the first is less than, equal or greater than the second.
    compare : a -> a -> Ordering,

let compare ?ord : [Ord a] -> a -> a -> Ordering =

/// Returns whether `l` is less than or equal to `r`.
#[infix(left, 4)]
let (<=) l r : [Ord a] -> a -> a -> Bool =
    match compare l r with
    | LT -> True
    | EQ -> True
    | GT -> False

/// Returns whether `l` is less than `r`.
#[infix(left, 4)]
let (<) l r : [Ord a] -> a -> a -> Bool =
    match compare l r with
    | LT -> True
    | EQ -> False
    | GT -> False

/// Returns whether `l` is greater than `r`.
#[infix(left, 4)]
let (>) l r : [Ord a] -> a -> a -> Bool =
    match compare l r with
    | LT -> False
    | EQ -> False
    | GT -> True

/// Returns whether `l` is greater than or equal to `r`.
#[infix(left, 4)]
let (>=) l r : [Ord a] -> a -> a -> Bool =
    match compare l r with
    | LT -> False
    | EQ -> True
    | GT -> True

let min l r : [Ord a] -> a -> a -> a =
    if l <= r then l else r

let max l r : [Ord a] -> a -> a -> a =
    if r >= l then r else l

let semigroup : Semigroup Ordering = {
    append = \x y ->
        match x with
        | EQ -> y
        | _ -> x,

let monoid : Monoid Ordering = {
    empty = EQ,

    (==), (/=),


    compare, (<), (<=), (>=), (>), min, max,


