gluon 0.13.1

A static, type inferred programming language for application embedding
//! A linked list type.

let prelude @ { Ordering, ? } = import! std.prelude
let { Semigroup, Monoid, Eq, Show } = prelude
let { Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad } = prelude
let { Foldable } = import! std.foldable
let { Traversable } = import! std.traversable
let { Bool } = import! std.bool
let array @ { ? } = import! std.array
let { (<>) } = import! std.semigroup
let { compare } = import! std.cmp

let { map } = import! std.functor
let { (<*>), wrap } = import! std.applicative
let { (<|>) } = import! std.alternative

/// A linked list type
/// ```
/// let list @ { List, ? } = import! std.list
/// let { assert_neq } = import! std.test
/// assert_neq (Cons 1 Nil) Nil
/// ```
#[derive(Eq, Show)]
type List a =
    | Nil
    | Cons a (List a)

/// Constructs a list from an array. Useful to emulate list literals
/// ```
/// let { ? } = import! std.effect
/// let list @ { List, ? } = import! std.list
/// let { assert_eq, ? } = import! std.test
/// seq assert_eq (list.of [1, 2]) (Cons 1 (Cons 2 Nil))
/// let xs : List String = list.of []
/// assert_eq xs Nil
/// ```
let of xs : Array a -> List a =
    let len = array.len xs
    rec let of_ i ys =
        if i == 0 then
            let x = array.index xs (i - 1)
            of_ (i - 1) (Cons x ys)
    of_ len Nil

let semigroup : Semigroup (List a) =
    rec let append xs ys =
        match xs with
        | Cons x zs -> Cons x (append zs ys)
        | Nil -> ys

    { append }

let monoid : Monoid (List a) = {
    semigroup = semigroup,
    empty = Nil,

let ord ?ord : [Ord a] -> Ord (List a) =
    rec let list_cmp l r =
        match (l, r) with
        | (Nil, Nil) -> EQ
        | (Cons x xs, Cons y ys) ->
            match x y with
            | EQ -> list_cmp xs ys
            | o -> o
        | (Cons _ _, Nil) -> GT
        | (Nil, Cons _ _) -> LT
    { eq = eq_List, compare = list_cmp }

let functor : Functor List =
    rec let map f xs =
        match xs with
        | Cons y ys -> Cons (f y) (map f ys)
        | Nil -> Nil
    { map }

let applicative : Applicative List =

    rec let apply f xs =
        match f with
        | Cons g gs -> ( g xs) <> (apply gs xs)
        | Nil -> Nil
    let wrap x = Cons x Nil

    { functor = functor, apply, wrap }

let many ?alt x : [Alternative f] -> f a -> f (List a) =

    let many_v _ =
        some_v () <|> wrap Nil
    let some_v _ =
        map (\h l -> Cons h l) x <*> many_v ()
    many_v ()

let some ?alt x : [Alternative f] -> f a -> f (List a) =

    let many_v _ =
        some_v () <|> wrap Nil
    let some_v _ =
        map (\h l -> Cons h l) x <*> many_v ()
    some_v ()

let alternative : Alternative List = {
    applicative = applicative,
    empty = Nil,
    or = semigroup.append,

let monad : Monad List =
    rec let flat_map f xs =
        match xs with
        | Cons x ys -> (f x) <> (flat_map f ys)
        | Nil -> Nil

    { applicative = applicative, flat_map }

let show ?d : [Show a] -> Show (List a) =

        show = \xs ->
            rec let show_elems ys =
                match ys with
                | Cons y ys2 ->
                    match ys2 with
                    | Cons z zs -> y <> ", " <> show_elems ys2
                    | Nil -> y
                | Nil -> ""

            "[" <> show_elems xs <> "]",

let foldable : Foldable List =
    rec let foldr f x xs =
        match xs with
        | Cons y ys -> f y (foldr f x ys)
        | Nil -> x

    rec let foldl f x xs =
        match xs with
        | Cons y ys -> foldl f (f x y) ys
        | Nil -> x

    { foldr, foldl }

let traversable : Traversable List = {
    functor = functor,
    foldable = foldable,
    traverse = \app f ->
            (\a b -> app.apply ( Cons (f a)) b)
            (app.wrap Nil),

/// Applies `predicate` to each element in the list and returns a new list containing only of the
/// elements where `predicate` returns `True`
/// ```
/// let { ? } = import! std.effect
/// let list @ { List, ? } = import! std.list
/// let { assert_eq, ? } = import! std.test
/// seq assert_eq (list.filter (\x -> x /= 2) (list.of [1, 2, 3])) (list.of [1, 3])
/// assert_eq (list.filter (\x -> False) (list.of [1, 2, 3])) Nil
/// ```
rec let filter predicate xs : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a =
    match xs with
    | Nil -> Nil
    | Cons y ys ->
        let rest = filter predicate ys
        if predicate y then Cons y rest else rest

rec let scan compare xs less equal greater : (a -> Ordering)
        -> List a
        -> List a
        -> List a
        -> List a
        -> (List a, List a, List a) =
    match xs with
    | Nil -> (less, equal, greater)
    | Cons y ys ->
        match compare y with
        | LT -> scan compare ys (Cons y less) equal greater
        | EQ -> scan compare ys less (Cons y equal) greater
        | GT -> scan compare ys less equal (Cons y greater)

/// Sorts the list using `ord`.
/// ```
/// let list @ { List, ? } = import! std.list
/// let { assert_eq, ? } = import! std.test
/// assert_eq (list.sort (list.of [2, 1, 3])) (list.of [1, 2, 3])
/// ```
rec let sort xs : [Ord a] -> List a -> List a =
    match xs with
    | Nil -> Nil
    | Cons pivot ys ->
        let (less, equal, greater) = scan (\a -> compare a pivot) ys Nil (Cons pivot Nil) Nil
        sort less <> equal <> sort greater


    eq = eq_List,



