glib 0.16.7

Rust bindings for the GLib library
// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.

use crate::translate::{from_glib, from_glib_full, FromGlib, IntoGlib, ToGlibPtr};
#[cfg(any(unix, feature = "dox"))]
use crate::IOCondition;
use ffi::{self, gboolean, gpointer};
#[cfg(all(not(unix), feature = "dox"))]
use libc::c_int as RawFd;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::mem::transmute;
use std::num::NonZeroU32;
use std::os::unix::io::RawFd;
use std::time::Duration;

use crate::thread_guard::ThreadGuard;
use crate::MainContext;
use crate::Source;

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// The id of a source that is returned by `idle_add` and `timeout_add`.
/// This type does not implement `Clone` to prevent calling [`SourceId::remove`]
/// multiple times on the same source.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct SourceId(NonZeroU32);

impl SourceId {
    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Returns the internal source ID.
    pub unsafe fn as_raw(&self) -> u32 {

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Removes the source with the given id `source_id` from the default main context.
    /// It is a programmer error to attempt to remove a non-existent source.
    #[doc(alias = "g_source_remove")]
    pub fn remove(self) {
        unsafe {
                "Failed to remove source"

impl FromGlib<u32> for SourceId {
    unsafe fn from_glib(val: u32) -> Self {
        assert_ne!(val, 0);

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Process identificator
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[doc(alias = "GPid")]
pub struct Pid(pub ffi::GPid);

unsafe impl Send for Pid {}
unsafe impl Sync for Pid {}

impl IntoGlib for Pid {
    type GlibType = ffi::GPid;

    fn into_glib(self) -> ffi::GPid {

impl FromGlib<ffi::GPid> for Pid {
    unsafe fn from_glib(val: ffi::GPid) -> Self {

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Continue calling the closure in the future iterations or drop it.
/// This is the return type of `idle_add` and `timeout_add` closures.
/// `Continue(true)` keeps the closure assigned, to be rerun when appropriate.
/// `Continue(false)` disconnects and drops it.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Continue(pub bool);

impl IntoGlib for Continue {
    type GlibType = gboolean;

    fn into_glib(self) -> gboolean {

unsafe extern "C" fn trampoline<F: FnMut() -> Continue + Send + 'static>(
    func: gpointer,
) -> gboolean {
    let func: &RefCell<F> = &*(func as *const RefCell<F>);

unsafe extern "C" fn trampoline_local<F: FnMut() -> Continue + 'static>(
    func: gpointer,
) -> gboolean {
    let func: &ThreadGuard<RefCell<F>> = &*(func as *const ThreadGuard<RefCell<F>>);

unsafe extern "C" fn destroy_closure<F: FnMut() -> Continue + Send + 'static>(ptr: gpointer) {
    let _ = Box::<RefCell<F>>::from_raw(ptr as *mut _);

unsafe extern "C" fn destroy_closure_local<F: FnMut() -> Continue + 'static>(ptr: gpointer) {
    let _ = Box::<ThreadGuard<RefCell<F>>>::from_raw(ptr as *mut _);

fn into_raw<F: FnMut() -> Continue + Send + 'static>(func: F) -> gpointer {
    let func: Box<RefCell<F>> = Box::new(RefCell::new(func));
    Box::into_raw(func) as gpointer

fn into_raw_local<F: FnMut() -> Continue + 'static>(func: F) -> gpointer {
    let func: Box<ThreadGuard<RefCell<F>>> = Box::new(ThreadGuard::new(RefCell::new(func)));
    Box::into_raw(func) as gpointer

unsafe extern "C" fn trampoline_child_watch<F: FnMut(Pid, i32) + Send + 'static>(
    pid: ffi::GPid,
    status: i32,
    func: gpointer,
) {
    let func: &RefCell<F> = &*(func as *const RefCell<F>);
    (*func.borrow_mut())(Pid(pid), status)

unsafe extern "C" fn trampoline_child_watch_local<F: FnMut(Pid, i32) + 'static>(
    pid: ffi::GPid,
    status: i32,
    func: gpointer,
) {
    let func: &ThreadGuard<RefCell<F>> = &*(func as *const ThreadGuard<RefCell<F>>);
    (*func.get_ref().borrow_mut())(Pid(pid), status)

unsafe extern "C" fn destroy_closure_child_watch<F: FnMut(Pid, i32) + Send + 'static>(
    ptr: gpointer,
) {
    let _ = Box::<RefCell<F>>::from_raw(ptr as *mut _);

unsafe extern "C" fn destroy_closure_child_watch_local<F: FnMut(Pid, i32) + 'static>(
    ptr: gpointer,
) {
    let _ = Box::<ThreadGuard<RefCell<F>>>::from_raw(ptr as *mut _);

fn into_raw_child_watch<F: FnMut(Pid, i32) + Send + 'static>(func: F) -> gpointer {
    let func: Box<RefCell<F>> = Box::new(RefCell::new(func));
    Box::into_raw(func) as gpointer

fn into_raw_child_watch_local<F: FnMut(Pid, i32) + 'static>(func: F) -> gpointer {
    let func: Box<ThreadGuard<RefCell<F>>> = Box::new(ThreadGuard::new(RefCell::new(func)));
    Box::into_raw(func) as gpointer

#[cfg(any(unix, feature = "dox"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "dox", doc(cfg(unix)))]
unsafe extern "C" fn trampoline_unix_fd<
    F: FnMut(RawFd, IOCondition) -> Continue + Send + 'static,
    fd: i32,
    condition: ffi::GIOCondition,
    func: gpointer,
) -> gboolean {
    let func: &RefCell<F> = &*(func as *const RefCell<F>);
    (*func.borrow_mut())(fd, from_glib(condition)).into_glib()

#[cfg(any(unix, feature = "dox"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "dox", doc(cfg(unix)))]
unsafe extern "C" fn trampoline_unix_fd_local<
    F: FnMut(RawFd, IOCondition) -> Continue + 'static,
    fd: i32,
    condition: ffi::GIOCondition,
    func: gpointer,
) -> gboolean {
    let func: &ThreadGuard<RefCell<F>> = &*(func as *const ThreadGuard<RefCell<F>>);
    (*func.get_ref().borrow_mut())(fd, from_glib(condition)).into_glib()

#[cfg(any(unix, feature = "dox"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "dox", doc(cfg(unix)))]
unsafe extern "C" fn destroy_closure_unix_fd<
    F: FnMut(RawFd, IOCondition) -> Continue + Send + 'static,
    ptr: gpointer,
) {
    let _ = Box::<RefCell<F>>::from_raw(ptr as *mut _);

#[cfg(any(unix, feature = "dox"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "dox", doc(cfg(unix)))]
unsafe extern "C" fn destroy_closure_unix_fd_local<
    F: FnMut(RawFd, IOCondition) -> Continue + 'static,
    ptr: gpointer,
) {
    let _ = Box::<ThreadGuard<RefCell<F>>>::from_raw(ptr as *mut _);

#[cfg(any(unix, feature = "dox"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "dox", doc(cfg(unix)))]
fn into_raw_unix_fd<F: FnMut(RawFd, IOCondition) -> Continue + Send + 'static>(
    func: F,
) -> gpointer {
    let func: Box<RefCell<F>> = Box::new(RefCell::new(func));
    Box::into_raw(func) as gpointer

#[cfg(any(unix, feature = "dox"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "dox", doc(cfg(unix)))]
fn into_raw_unix_fd_local<F: FnMut(RawFd, IOCondition) -> Continue + 'static>(func: F) -> gpointer {
    let func: Box<ThreadGuard<RefCell<F>>> = Box::new(ThreadGuard::new(RefCell::new(func)));
    Box::into_raw(func) as gpointer

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Transform a generic FnOnce into a closure that can be used as callback in various glib methods
/// The resulting function can only be called once and will panic otherwise. It will return `Continue(false)`
/// in order to prevent being called twice.
fn fnmut_callback_wrapper(
    func: impl FnOnce() + Send + 'static,
) -> impl FnMut() -> Continue + Send + 'static {
    let mut func = Some(func);
    move || {
        let func = func
            .expect("GSource closure called after returning glib::Continue(false)");

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Transform a generic FnOnce into a closure that can be used as callback in various glib methods
/// The resulting function can only be called once and will panic otherwise. It will return `Continue(false)`
/// in order to prevent being called twice.
/// Different to `fnmut_callback_wrapper()`, this does not require `func` to be
/// `Send` but can only be called from the thread that owns the main context.
fn fnmut_callback_wrapper_local(
    func: impl FnOnce() + 'static,
) -> impl FnMut() -> Continue + 'static {
    let mut func = Some(func);
    move || {
        let func = func
            .expect("GSource closure called after returning glib::Continue(false)");

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the default main loop when it's idle.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly until it returns `Continue(false)`.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
#[doc(alias = "g_idle_add_full")]
pub fn idle_add<F>(func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnMut() -> Continue + Send + 'static,
    unsafe {

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the default main loop when it's idle.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly until it returns `Continue(false)`.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
/// In comparison to `idle_add()`, this only requires `func` to be
/// `FnOnce`, and will automatically return `Continue(false)`.
#[doc(alias = "g_idle_add_full")]
#[doc(alias = "g_idle_add_once")]
pub fn idle_add_once<F>(func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnOnce() + Send + 'static,

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the default main loop when it's idle.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly until it returns `Continue(false)`.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
/// Different to `idle_add()`, this does not require `func` to be
/// `Send` but can only be called from the thread that owns the main context.
/// This function panics if called from a different thread than the one that
/// owns the default main context.
#[doc(alias = "g_idle_add_full")]
pub fn idle_add_local<F>(func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnMut() -> Continue + 'static,
    unsafe {
        let context = MainContext::default();
        let _acquire = context
            .expect("default main context already acquired by another thread");

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the default main loop when it's idle.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly until it returns `Continue(false)`.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
/// Different to `idle_add()`, this does not require `func` to be
/// `Send` but can only be called from the thread that owns the main context.
/// This function panics if called from a different thread than the one that
/// owns the main context.
/// In comparison to `idle_add_local()`, this only requires `func` to be
/// `FnOnce`, and will automatically return `Continue(false)`.
#[doc(alias = "g_idle_add_full")]
pub fn idle_add_local_once<F>(func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnOnce() + 'static,

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the default main loop at regular intervals
/// with millisecond granularity.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly every `interval` milliseconds until it
/// returns `Continue(false)`. Precise timing is not guaranteed, the timeout may
/// be delayed by other events. Prefer `timeout_add_seconds` when millisecond
/// precision is not necessary.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
#[doc(alias = "g_timeout_add_full")]
pub fn timeout_add<F>(interval: Duration, func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnMut() -> Continue + Send + 'static,
    unsafe {
            interval.as_millis() as _,

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the default main loop at regular intervals
/// with millisecond granularity.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly every `interval` milliseconds until it
/// returns `Continue(false)`. Precise timing is not guaranteed, the timeout may
/// be delayed by other events. Prefer `timeout_add_seconds` when millisecond
/// precision is not necessary.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
/// In comparison to `timeout_add()`, this only requires `func` to be
/// `FnOnce`, and will automatically return `Continue(false)`.
#[doc(alias = "g_timeout_add_full")]
#[doc(alias = "g_timeout_add_once")]
pub fn timeout_add_once<F>(interval: Duration, func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnOnce() + Send + 'static,
    timeout_add(interval, fnmut_callback_wrapper(func))

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the default main loop at regular intervals
/// with millisecond granularity.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly every `interval` milliseconds until it
/// returns `Continue(false)`. Precise timing is not guaranteed, the timeout may
/// be delayed by other events. Prefer `timeout_add_seconds` when millisecond
/// precision is not necessary.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
/// Different to `timeout_add()`, this does not require `func` to be
/// `Send` but can only be called from the thread that owns the main context.
/// This function panics if called from a different thread than the one that
/// owns the main context.
#[doc(alias = "g_timeout_add_full")]
pub fn timeout_add_local<F>(interval: Duration, func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnMut() -> Continue + 'static,
    unsafe {
        let context = MainContext::default();
        let _acquire = context
            .expect("default main context already acquired by another thread");
            interval.as_millis() as _,

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the default main loop at regular intervals
/// with millisecond granularity.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly every `interval` milliseconds until it
/// returns `Continue(false)`. Precise timing is not guaranteed, the timeout may
/// be delayed by other events. Prefer `timeout_add_seconds` when millisecond
/// precision is not necessary.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
/// Different to `timeout_add()`, this does not require `func` to be
/// `Send` but can only be called from the thread that owns the main context.
/// This function panics if called from a different thread than the one that
/// owns the main context.
/// In comparison to `timeout_add_local()`, this only requires `func` to be
/// `FnOnce`, and will automatically return `Continue(false)`.
#[doc(alias = "g_timeout_add_full")]
pub fn timeout_add_local_once<F>(interval: Duration, func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnOnce() + 'static,
    timeout_add_local(interval, fnmut_callback_wrapper_local(func))

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the default main loop at regular intervals
/// with second granularity.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly every `interval` seconds until it
/// returns `Continue(false)`. Precise timing is not guaranteed, the timeout may
/// be delayed by other events.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
#[doc(alias = "g_timeout_add_seconds_full")]
pub fn timeout_add_seconds<F>(interval: u32, func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnMut() -> Continue + Send + 'static,
    unsafe {

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the default main loop at regular intervals
/// with second granularity.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly every `interval` seconds until it
/// returns `Continue(false)`. Precise timing is not guaranteed, the timeout may
/// be delayed by other events.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
/// In comparison to `timeout_add_seconds()`, this only requires `func` to be
/// `FnOnce`, and will automatically return `Continue(false)`.
#[doc(alias = "g_timeout_add_seconds_full")]
pub fn timeout_add_seconds_once<F>(interval: u32, func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnOnce() + Send + 'static,
    timeout_add_seconds(interval, fnmut_callback_wrapper(func))

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the default main loop at regular intervals
/// with second granularity.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly every `interval` seconds until it
/// returns `Continue(false)`. Precise timing is not guaranteed, the timeout may
/// be delayed by other events.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
/// Different to `timeout_add_seconds()`, this does not require `func` to be
/// `Send` but can only be called from the thread that owns the main context.
/// This function panics if called from a different thread than the one that
/// owns the main context.
#[doc(alias = "g_timeout_add_seconds_full")]
pub fn timeout_add_seconds_local<F>(interval: u32, func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnMut() -> Continue + 'static,
    unsafe {
        let context = MainContext::default();
        let _acquire = context
            .expect("default main context already acquired by another thread");

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the default main loop at regular intervals
/// with second granularity.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly every `interval` seconds until it
/// returns `Continue(false)`. Precise timing is not guaranteed, the timeout may
/// be delayed by other events.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
/// Different to `timeout_add_seconds()`, this does not require `func` to be
/// `Send` but can only be called from the thread that owns the main context.
/// This function panics if called from a different thread than the one that
/// owns the main context.
/// In comparison to `timeout_add_seconds_local()`, this only requires `func` to be
/// `FnOnce`, and will automatically return `Continue(false)`.
#[doc(alias = "g_timeout_add_seconds_full")]
pub fn timeout_add_seconds_local_once<F>(interval: u32, func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnOnce() + 'static,
    timeout_add_seconds_local(interval, fnmut_callback_wrapper_local(func))

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the main loop the returned `Source` is attached to when a child
/// process exits.
/// `func` will be called when `pid` exits
#[doc(alias = "g_child_watch_add_full")]
pub fn child_watch_add<F>(pid: Pid, func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnMut(Pid, i32) + Send + 'static,
    unsafe {

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the main loop the returned `Source` is attached to when a child
/// process exits.
/// `func` will be called when `pid` exits
/// Different to `child_watch_add()`, this does not require `func` to be
/// `Send` but can only be called from the thread that owns the main context.
/// This function panics if called from a different thread than the one that
/// owns the main context.
#[doc(alias = "g_child_watch_add_full")]
pub fn child_watch_add_local<F>(pid: Pid, func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnMut(Pid, i32) + 'static,
    unsafe {
        let context = MainContext::default();
        let _acquire = context
            .expect("default main context already acquired by another thread");

#[cfg(any(unix, feature = "dox"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "dox", doc(cfg(unix)))]
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the default main loop whenever a UNIX signal is raised.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly every time `signum` is raised until it
/// returns `Continue(false)`.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
#[doc(alias = "g_unix_signal_add_full")]
pub fn unix_signal_add<F>(signum: i32, func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnMut() -> Continue + Send + 'static,
    unsafe {

#[cfg(any(unix, feature = "dox"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "dox", doc(cfg(unix)))]
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the default main loop whenever a UNIX signal is raised.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly every time `signum` is raised until it
/// returns `Continue(false)`.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
/// In comparison to `unix_signal_add()`, this only requires `func` to be
/// `FnOnce`, and will automatically return `Continue(false)`.
#[doc(alias = "g_unix_signal_add_full")]
pub fn unix_signal_add_once<F>(signum: i32, func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnOnce() + Send + 'static,
    unix_signal_add(signum, fnmut_callback_wrapper(func))

#[cfg(any(unix, feature = "dox"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "dox", doc(cfg(unix)))]
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the default main loop whenever a UNIX signal is raised.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly every time `signum` is raised until it
/// returns `Continue(false)`.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
/// Different to `unix_signal_add()`, this does not require `func` to be
/// `Send` but can only be called from the thread that owns the main context.
/// This function panics if called from a different thread than the one that
/// owns the main context.
#[doc(alias = "g_unix_signal_add_full")]
pub fn unix_signal_add_local<F>(signum: i32, func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnMut() -> Continue + 'static,
    unsafe {
        let context = MainContext::default();
        let _acquire = context
            .expect("default main context already acquired by another thread");

#[cfg(any(unix, feature = "dox"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "dox", doc(cfg(unix)))]
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the default main loop whenever a UNIX signal is raised.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly every time `signum` is raised until it
/// returns `Continue(false)`.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
/// Different to `unix_signal_add()`, this does not require `func` to be
/// `Send` but can only be called from the thread that owns the main context.
/// This function panics if called from a different thread than the one that
/// owns the main context.
/// In comparison to `unix_signal_add_local()`, this only requires `func` to be
/// `FnOnce`, and will automatically return `Continue(false)`.
#[doc(alias = "g_unix_signal_add_full")]
pub fn unix_signal_add_local_once<F>(signum: i32, func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnOnce() + 'static,
    unix_signal_add_local(signum, fnmut_callback_wrapper_local(func))

#[cfg(any(unix, feature = "dox"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "dox", doc(cfg(unix)))]
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the main loop the returned `Source` is attached to whenever a
/// UNIX file descriptor reaches the given IO condition.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly while the file descriptor matches the given IO condition
/// until it returns `Continue(false)`.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
#[doc(alias = "g_unix_fd_add_full")]
pub fn unix_fd_add<F>(fd: RawFd, condition: IOCondition, func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnMut(RawFd, IOCondition) -> Continue + Send + 'static,
    unsafe {

#[cfg(any(unix, feature = "dox"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "dox", doc(cfg(unix)))]
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the main loop the returned `Source` is attached to whenever a
/// UNIX file descriptor reaches the given IO condition.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly while the file descriptor matches the given IO condition
/// until it returns `Continue(false)`.
/// The default main loop almost always is the main loop of the main thread.
/// Thus, the closure is called on the main thread.
/// Different to `unix_fd_add()`, this does not require `func` to be
/// `Send` but can only be called from the thread that owns the main context.
/// This function panics if called from a different thread than the one that
/// owns the main context.
#[doc(alias = "g_unix_fd_add_full")]
pub fn unix_fd_add_local<F>(fd: RawFd, condition: IOCondition, func: F) -> SourceId
    F: FnMut(RawFd, IOCondition) -> Continue + 'static,
    unsafe {
        let context = MainContext::default();
        let _acquire = context
            .expect("default main context already acquired by another thread");

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// The priority of sources
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Priority(i32);

impl IntoGlib for Priority {
    type GlibType = i32;

    fn into_glib(self) -> i32 {

impl FromGlib<i32> for Priority {
    unsafe fn from_glib(val: i32) -> Self {

impl Default for Priority {
    fn default() -> Self {

#[doc(alias = "G_PRIORITY_HIGH")]
pub const PRIORITY_HIGH: Priority = Priority(ffi::G_PRIORITY_HIGH);
#[doc(alias = "G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT")]
pub const PRIORITY_DEFAULT: Priority = Priority(ffi::G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT);
#[doc(alias = "G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE")]
pub const PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE: Priority = Priority(ffi::G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE);
#[doc(alias = "G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE")]
pub const PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE: Priority = Priority(ffi::G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE);
#[doc(alias = "G_PRIORITY_LOW")]
pub const PRIORITY_LOW: Priority = Priority(ffi::G_PRIORITY_LOW);

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the main loop the return `Source` is attached to when it's idle.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly until it returns `Continue(false)`.
#[doc(alias = "g_idle_source_new")]
pub fn idle_source_new<F>(name: Option<&str>, priority: Priority, func: F) -> Source
    F: FnMut() -> Continue + Send + 'static,
    unsafe {
        let source = ffi::g_idle_source_new();
        ffi::g_source_set_priority(source, priority.into_glib());

        if let Some(name) = name {
            ffi::g_source_set_name(source, name.to_glib_none().0);


// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the main loop the returned `Source` is attached to at regular
/// intervals with millisecond granularity.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly every `interval` milliseconds until it
/// returns `Continue(false)`. Precise timing is not guaranteed, the timeout may
/// be delayed by other events. Prefer `timeout_add_seconds` when millisecond
/// precision is not necessary.
#[doc(alias = "g_timeout_source_new")]
pub fn timeout_source_new<F>(
    interval: Duration,
    name: Option<&str>,
    priority: Priority,
    func: F,
) -> Source
    F: FnMut() -> Continue + Send + 'static,
    unsafe {
        let source = ffi::g_timeout_source_new(interval.as_millis() as _);
        ffi::g_source_set_priority(source, priority.into_glib());

        if let Some(name) = name {
            ffi::g_source_set_name(source, name.to_glib_none().0);


// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the main loop the returned `Source` is attached to at regular
/// intervals with second granularity.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly every `interval` seconds until it
/// returns `Continue(false)`. Precise timing is not guaranteed, the timeout may
/// be delayed by other events.
#[doc(alias = "g_timeout_source_new_seconds")]
pub fn timeout_source_new_seconds<F>(
    interval: u32,
    name: Option<&str>,
    priority: Priority,
    func: F,
) -> Source
    F: FnMut() -> Continue + Send + 'static,
    unsafe {
        let source = ffi::g_timeout_source_new_seconds(interval);
        ffi::g_source_set_priority(source, priority.into_glib());

        if let Some(name) = name {
            ffi::g_source_set_name(source, name.to_glib_none().0);


// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the main loop the returned `Source` is attached to when a child
/// process exits.
/// `func` will be called when `pid` exits
#[doc(alias = "g_child_watch_source_new")]
pub fn child_watch_source_new<F>(
    pid: Pid,
    name: Option<&str>,
    priority: Priority,
    func: F,
) -> Source
    F: FnMut(Pid, i32) + Send + 'static,
    unsafe {
        let source = ffi::g_child_watch_source_new(pid.0);
                unsafe extern "C" fn(ffi::gpointer) -> ffi::gboolean,
            >(trampoline_child_watch::<F> as *const ())),
        ffi::g_source_set_priority(source, priority.into_glib());

        if let Some(name) = name {
            ffi::g_source_set_name(source, name.to_glib_none().0);


#[cfg(any(unix, feature = "dox"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "dox", doc(cfg(unix)))]
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the main loop the returned `Source` is attached to whenever a
/// UNIX signal is raised.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly every time `signum` is raised until it
/// returns `Continue(false)`.
#[doc(alias = "g_unix_signal_source_new")]
pub fn unix_signal_source_new<F>(
    signum: i32,
    name: Option<&str>,
    priority: Priority,
    func: F,
) -> Source
    F: FnMut() -> Continue + Send + 'static,
    unsafe {
        let source = ffi::g_unix_signal_source_new(signum);
        ffi::g_source_set_priority(source, priority.into_glib());

        if let Some(name) = name {
            ffi::g_source_set_name(source, name.to_glib_none().0);


#[cfg(any(unix, feature = "dox"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "dox", doc(cfg(unix)))]
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Adds a closure to be called by the main loop the returned `Source` is attached to whenever a
/// UNIX file descriptor reaches the given IO condition.
/// `func` will be called repeatedly while the file descriptor matches the given IO condition
/// until it returns `Continue(false)`.
#[doc(alias = "g_unix_fd_source_new")]
pub fn unix_fd_source_new<F>(
    fd: RawFd,
    condition: IOCondition,
    name: Option<&str>,
    priority: Priority,
    func: F,
) -> Source
    F: FnMut(RawFd, IOCondition) -> Continue + Send + 'static,
    unsafe {
        let source = ffi::g_unix_fd_source_new(fd, condition.into_glib());
                unsafe extern "C" fn(ffi::gpointer) -> ffi::gboolean,
            >(trampoline_unix_fd::<F> as *const ())),
        ffi::g_source_set_priority(source, priority.into_glib());

        if let Some(name) = name {
            ffi::g_source_set_name(source, name.to_glib_none().0);


impl Source {
    #[doc(alias = "g_source_attach")]
    pub fn attach(&self, context: Option<&MainContext>) -> SourceId {
        unsafe {