glib 0.16.7

Rust bindings for the GLib library
// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.

use crate::thread_guard::ThreadGuard;
use crate::translate::*;
use futures_core::future::Future;
use futures_core::task::{Context, Poll, RawWaker, RawWakerVTable, Waker};
use futures_task::{FutureObj, LocalFutureObj, LocalSpawn, Spawn, SpawnError};
use std::mem;
use std::pin::{self, Pin};
use std::ptr;

use crate::MainContext;
use crate::MainLoop;
use crate::Priority;
use crate::Source;
use crate::SourceId;

// Wrapper around Send Futures and non-Send Futures that will panic
// if the non-Send Future is polled/dropped from a different thread
// than where this was created.
enum FutureWrapper {
    Send(FutureObj<'static, ()>),
    NonSend(ThreadGuard<LocalFutureObj<'static, ()>>),

impl Future for FutureWrapper {
    type Output = ();

    fn poll(self: pin::Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &mut Context) -> Poll<()> {
        match self.get_mut() {
            FutureWrapper::Send(fut) => Pin::new(fut).poll(ctx),
            FutureWrapper::NonSend(fut) => Pin::new(fut.get_mut()).poll(ctx),

// The TaskSource and WakerSource are split up as the TaskSource
// must only be finalized on the thread that owns the main context,
// but the WakerSource is passed around to arbitrary threads for
// being able to wake up the TaskSource.
// The WakerSource is set up as a child source of the TaskSource, i.e.
// whenever it is ready also the TaskSource is ready.
struct TaskSource {
    source: ffi::GSource,
    future: FutureWrapper,
    waker: Waker,

struct WakerSource {
    source: ffi::GSource,

impl TaskSource {
    unsafe extern "C" fn dispatch(
        source: *mut ffi::GSource,
        callback: ffi::GSourceFunc,
        _user_data: ffi::gpointer,
    ) -> ffi::gboolean {
        let source = &mut *(source as *mut TaskSource);

        // Poll the TaskSource and ensure we're never called again if the
        // contained Future resolved now.
        if let Poll::Ready(()) = source.poll() {
        } else {

    unsafe extern "C" fn finalize(source: *mut ffi::GSource) {
        let source = source as *mut TaskSource;

        // This will panic if the future was a local future and is dropped from a different thread
        // than where it was created so try to drop it from the main context if we're on another
        // thread and the main context still exists.
        // This can only really happen if the `Source` was manually retrieve from the context, but
        // better safe than sorry.
        match (*source).future {
            FutureWrapper::Send(_) => {
                ptr::drop_in_place(&mut (*source).future);
            FutureWrapper::NonSend(ref mut future) if future.is_owner() => {
                ptr::drop_in_place(&mut (*source).future);
            FutureWrapper::NonSend(ref mut future) => {
                let context =
                    ffi::g_source_get_context(source as *mut TaskSource as *mut ffi::GSource);
                if !context.is_null() {
                    let future = ptr::read(future);
                    let context = MainContext::from_glib_none(context);
                    context.invoke(move || {
                } else {
                    // This will panic
                    ptr::drop_in_place(&mut (*source).future);

        // Drop the waker to unref the underlying GSource
        ptr::drop_in_place(&mut (*source).waker);

impl WakerSource {
    unsafe fn clone_raw(waker: *const ()) -> RawWaker {
        static VTABLE: RawWakerVTable = RawWakerVTable::new(

        let waker = waker as *const ffi::GSource;
        RawWaker::new(waker as *const (), &VTABLE)

    unsafe fn wake_raw(waker: *const ()) {

    unsafe fn wake_by_ref_raw(waker: *const ()) {
        let waker = waker as *const ffi::GSource;
        ffi::g_source_set_ready_time(mut_override(waker), 0);

    unsafe fn drop_raw(waker: *const ()) {
        let waker = waker as *const ffi::GSource;

    unsafe extern "C" fn dispatch(
        source: *mut ffi::GSource,
        _callback: ffi::GSourceFunc,
        _user_data: ffi::gpointer,
    ) -> ffi::gboolean {
        // Set ready-time to -1 so that we're not called again before
        // being woken up another time.
        ffi::g_source_set_ready_time(mut_override(source), -1);

unsafe impl Send for TaskSource {}
unsafe impl Sync for TaskSource {}

unsafe impl Send for WakerSource {}
unsafe impl Sync for WakerSource {}

impl TaskSource {
    // checker-ignore-item
    fn new(priority: Priority, future: FutureWrapper) -> Source {
        unsafe {
            static TASK_SOURCE_FUNCS: ffi::GSourceFuncs = ffi::GSourceFuncs {
                check: None,
                prepare: None,
                dispatch: Some(TaskSource::dispatch),
                finalize: Some(TaskSource::finalize),
                closure_callback: None,
                closure_marshal: None,

            static WAKER_SOURCE_FUNCS: ffi::GSourceFuncs = ffi::GSourceFuncs {
                check: None,
                prepare: None,
                dispatch: Some(WakerSource::dispatch),
                finalize: None,
                closure_callback: None,
                closure_marshal: None,

            let source = ffi::g_source_new(
                mem::size_of::<TaskSource>() as u32,

            let waker_source = ffi::g_source_new(
                mem::size_of::<WakerSource>() as u32,

            ffi::g_source_set_priority(source, priority.into_glib());
            ffi::g_source_add_child_source(source, waker_source);

                let source = &mut *(source as *mut TaskSource);
                ptr::write(&mut source.future, future);

                // This creates a new reference to the waker source.
                let waker = Waker::from_raw(WakerSource::clone_raw(waker_source as *const ()));
                ptr::write(&mut source.waker, waker);

            // Set ready time to 0 so that the source is immediately dispatched
            // for doing the initial polling. This will then either resolve the
            // future or register the waker wherever necessary.
            ffi::g_source_set_ready_time(waker_source, 0);

            // Unref the waker source, a strong reference to it is stored inside
            // the task source directly and inside the task source as child source.


    fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<()> {
        let source = &self.source as *const _;
        let executor: Borrowed<MainContext> =
            unsafe { from_glib_borrow(ffi::g_source_get_context(mut_override(source))) };

            "Polling futures only allowed if the thread is owning the MainContext"

            .with_thread_default(|| {
                let _enter = futures_executor::enter().unwrap();
                let mut context = Context::from_waker(&self.waker);

                // This will panic if the future was a local future and is called from
                // a different thread than where it was created.
                Pin::new(&mut self.future).poll(&mut context)
            .expect("current thread is not owner of the main context")

impl MainContext {
    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Spawn a new infallible `Future` on the main context.
    /// This can be called from any thread and will execute the future from the thread
    /// where main context is running, e.g. via a `MainLoop`.
    pub fn spawn<F: Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SourceId {
        self.spawn_with_priority(crate::PRIORITY_DEFAULT, f)

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Spawn a new infallible `Future` on the main context.
    /// The given `Future` does not have to be `Send`.
    /// This can be called only from the thread where the main context is running, e.g.
    /// from any other `Future` that is executed on this main context, or after calling
    /// `with_thread_default` or `acquire` on the main context.
    pub fn spawn_local<F: Future<Output = ()> + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SourceId {
        self.spawn_local_with_priority(crate::PRIORITY_DEFAULT, f)

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Spawn a new infallible `Future` on the main context, with a non-default priority.
    /// This can be called from any thread and will execute the future from the thread
    /// where main context is running, e.g. via a `MainLoop`.
    pub fn spawn_with_priority<F: Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static>(
        priority: Priority,
        f: F,
    ) -> SourceId {
        let f = FutureObj::new(Box::new(f));
        let source = TaskSource::new(priority, FutureWrapper::Send(f));

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Spawn a new infallible `Future` on the main context, with a non-default priority.
    /// The given `Future` does not have to be `Send`.
    /// This can be called only from the thread where the main context is running, e.g.
    /// from any other `Future` that is executed on this main context, or after calling
    /// `with_thread_default` or `acquire` on the main context.
    pub fn spawn_local_with_priority<F: Future<Output = ()> + 'static>(
        priority: Priority,
        f: F,
    ) -> SourceId {
        let _acquire = self
            .expect("Spawning local futures only allowed on the thread owning the MainContext");
        let f = LocalFutureObj::new(Box::new(f));
        let source = TaskSource::new(priority, FutureWrapper::NonSend(ThreadGuard::new(f)));

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Runs a new, infallible `Future` on the main context and block until it finished, returning
    /// the result of the `Future`.
    /// The given `Future` does not have to be `Send` or `'static`.
    /// This must only be called if no `MainLoop` or anything else is running on this specific main
    /// context.
    pub fn block_on<F: Future>(&self, f: F) -> F::Output {
        let mut res = None;
        let l = MainLoop::new(Some(self), false);
        let l_clone = l.clone();

        let f = async {
            res = Some(f.await);

        unsafe {
            // Super-unsafe: We transmute here to get rid of the 'static lifetime
            let f = LocalFutureObj::new(Box::new(f));
            let f: LocalFutureObj<'static, ()> = mem::transmute(f);

            let source = TaskSource::new(


impl Spawn for MainContext {
    fn spawn_obj(&self, f: FutureObj<'static, ()>) -> Result<(), SpawnError> {
        let source = TaskSource::new(crate::PRIORITY_DEFAULT, FutureWrapper::Send(f));

impl LocalSpawn for MainContext {
    fn spawn_local_obj(&self, f: LocalFutureObj<'static, ()>) -> Result<(), SpawnError> {
        let source = TaskSource::new(

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use futures_channel::oneshot;
    use futures_util::future::{FutureExt, TryFutureExt};
    use std::sync::mpsc;
    use std::thread;

    fn test_spawn() {
        let c = MainContext::new();
        let l = crate::MainLoop::new(Some(&c), false);

        let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel();
        let (o_sender, o_receiver) = oneshot::channel();

        let l_clone = l.clone();
                .and_then(move |()| {

                .then(|res| {

        thread::spawn(move || {



    fn test_spawn_local() {
        let c = MainContext::new();
        let l = crate::MainLoop::new(Some(&c), false);

        c.with_thread_default(|| {
            let l_clone = l.clone();
            c.spawn_local(futures_util::future::lazy(move |_ctx| {


    fn test_block_on() {
        let c = MainContext::new();

        let mut v = None;
            let v = &mut v;

            let future = futures_util::future::lazy(|_ctx| {
                *v = Some(123);
                Ok::<i32, ()>(123)

            let res = c.block_on(future);
            assert_eq!(res, Ok(123));

        assert_eq!(v, Some(123));