git2 0.6.11

Bindings to libgit2 for interoperating with git repositories. This library is both threadsafe and memory safe and allows both reading and writing git repositories.
use std::ffi::{CString, OsStr, OsString};
use std::iter::IntoIterator;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use libc::{c_char, size_t};

use {raw, Error};

pub trait IsNull {
    fn is_ptr_null(&self) -> bool;
impl<T> IsNull for *const T {
    fn is_ptr_null(&self) -> bool {
impl<T> IsNull for *mut T {
    fn is_ptr_null(&self) -> bool {

pub trait Binding: Sized {
    type Raw;

    unsafe fn from_raw(raw: Self::Raw) -> Self;
    fn raw(&self) -> Self::Raw;

    unsafe fn from_raw_opt<T>(raw: T) -> Option<Self>
        where T: Copy + IsNull, Self: Binding<Raw=T>
        if raw.is_ptr_null() {
        } else {

pub fn iter2cstrs<T, I>(iter: I) -> Result<(Vec<CString>, Vec<*const c_char>,
                                            raw::git_strarray), Error>
    where T: IntoCString, I: IntoIterator<Item=T>
    let cstrs: Vec<_> = try!(iter.into_iter().map(|i| i.into_c_string()).collect());
    let ptrs = cstrs.iter().map(|i| i.as_ptr()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
    let raw = raw::git_strarray {
        strings: ptrs.as_ptr() as *mut _,
        count: ptrs.len() as size_t,
    Ok((cstrs, ptrs, raw))

pub fn bytes2path(b: &[u8]) -> &Path {
    use std::os::unix::prelude::*;
pub fn bytes2path(b: &[u8]) -> &Path {
    use std::str;

/// A class of types that can be converted to C strings.
/// These types are represented internally as byte slices and it is quite rare
/// for them to contain an interior 0 byte.
pub trait IntoCString {
    /// Consume this container, converting it into a CString
    fn into_c_string(self) -> Result<CString, Error>;

impl<'a, T: IntoCString + Clone> IntoCString for &'a T {
    fn into_c_string(self) -> Result<CString, Error> {

impl<'a> IntoCString for &'a str {
    fn into_c_string(self) -> Result<CString, Error> {

impl IntoCString for String {
    fn into_c_string(self) -> Result<CString, Error> {

impl IntoCString for CString {
    fn into_c_string(self) -> Result<CString, Error> { Ok(self) }

impl<'a> IntoCString for &'a Path {
    fn into_c_string(self) -> Result<CString, Error> {
        let s: &OsStr = self.as_ref();

impl IntoCString for PathBuf {
    fn into_c_string(self) -> Result<CString, Error> {
        let s: OsString = self.into();

impl<'a> IntoCString for &'a OsStr {
    fn into_c_string(self) -> Result<CString, Error> {

impl IntoCString for OsString {
    fn into_c_string(self) -> Result<CString, Error> {
        use std::os::unix::prelude::*;
        let s: &OsStr = self.as_ref();
    fn into_c_string(self) -> Result<CString, Error> {
        match self.to_str() {
            Some(s) => s.into_c_string(),
            None => Err(Error::from_str("only valid unicode paths are accepted \
                                         on windows")),

impl<'a> IntoCString for &'a [u8] {
    fn into_c_string(self) -> Result<CString, Error> {

impl IntoCString for Vec<u8> {
    fn into_c_string(self) -> Result<CString, Error> {

pub fn into_opt_c_string<S>(opt_s: Option<S>) -> Result<Option<CString>, Error>
    where S: IntoCString
    match opt_s {
        None => Ok(None),
        Some(s) => Ok(Some(try!(s.into_c_string()))),