git2 0.6.11

Bindings to libgit2 for interoperating with git repositories. This library is both threadsafe and memory safe and allows both reading and writing git repositories.
use std::env;
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString, OsStr};
use std::iter::IntoIterator;
use std::mem;
use std::path::Path;
use std::ptr;
use std::str;
use libc::{c_int, c_char, size_t, c_void, c_uint};

use {raw, Revspec, Error, init, Object, RepositoryOpenFlags, RepositoryState, Remote, Buf, StashFlags};
use {ResetType, Signature, Reference, References, Submodule, Blame, BlameOptions};
use {Branches, BranchType, Index, Config, Oid, Blob, BlobWriter, Branch, Commit, Tree};
use {AnnotatedCommit, MergeOptions, SubmoduleIgnore, SubmoduleStatus, MergeAnalysis, MergePreference};
use {ObjectType, Tag, Note, Notes, StatusOptions, Statuses, Status, Revwalk};
use {RevparseMode, RepositoryInitMode, Reflog, IntoCString, Describe};
use {DescribeOptions, TreeBuilder, Diff, DiffOptions, PackBuilder, Odb};
use build::{RepoBuilder, CheckoutBuilder};
use stash::{StashApplyOptions, StashCbData, stash_cb};
use string_array::StringArray;
use oid_array::OidArray;
use util::{self, Binding};

/// An owned git repository, representing all state associated with the
/// underlying filesystem.
/// This structure corresponds to a `git_repository` in libgit2. Many other
/// types in git2-rs are derivative from this structure and are attached to its
/// lifetime.
/// When a repository goes out of scope it is freed in memory but not deleted
/// from the filesystem.
pub struct Repository {
    raw: *mut raw::git_repository,

// It is the current belief that a `Repository` can be sent among threads, or
// even shared among threads in a mutex.
unsafe impl Send for Repository {}

/// Options which can be used to configure how a repository is initialized
pub struct RepositoryInitOptions {
    flags: u32,
    mode: u32,
    workdir_path: Option<CString>,
    description: Option<CString>,
    template_path: Option<CString>,
    initial_head: Option<CString>,
    origin_url: Option<CString>,

impl Repository {
    /// Attempt to open an already-existing repository at `path`.
    /// The path can point to either a normal or bare repository.
    pub fn open<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Repository, Error> {
        let path = try!(path.as_ref().into_c_string());
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_repository_open(&mut ret, path));

    /// Find and open an existing repository, respecting git environment
    /// variables.  This acts like `open_ext` with the
    /// `REPOSITORY_OPEN_FROM_ENV` flag, but additionally respects `$GIT_DIR`.
    /// With `$GIT_DIR` unset, this will search for a repository starting in
    /// the current directory.
    pub fn open_from_env() -> Result<Repository, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        let flags = raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_FROM_ENV;
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_repository_open_ext(&mut ret,
                                                   flags as c_uint,

    /// Find and open an existing repository, with additional options.
    /// If flags contains REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_SEARCH, the path must point
    /// directly to a repository; otherwise, this may point to a subdirectory
    /// of a repository, and `open_ext` will search up through parent
    /// directories.
    /// If flags contains REPOSITORY_OPEN_CROSS_FS, the search through parent
    /// directories will not cross a filesystem boundary (detected when the
    /// stat st_dev field changes).
    /// If flags contains REPOSITORY_OPEN_BARE, force opening the repository as
    /// bare even if it isn't, ignoring any working directory, and defer
    /// loading the repository configuration for performance.
    /// If flags contains REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_DOTGIT, don't try appending
    /// `/.git` to `path`.
    /// If flags contains REPOSITORY_OPEN_FROM_ENV, `open_ext` will ignore
    /// other flags and `ceiling_dirs`, and respect the same environment
    /// variables git does. Note, however, that `path` overrides `$GIT_DIR`; to
    /// respect `$GIT_DIR` as well, use `open_from_env`.
    /// ceiling_dirs specifies a list of paths that the search through parent
    /// directories will stop before entering.  Use the functions in std::env
    /// to construct or manipulate such a path list.
    pub fn open_ext<P, O, I>(path: P,
                             flags: RepositoryOpenFlags,
                             ceiling_dirs: I)
                             -> Result<Repository, Error>
            where P: AsRef<Path>, O: AsRef<OsStr>, I: IntoIterator<Item=O>
        let path = try!(path.as_ref().into_c_string());
        let ceiling_dirs_os = try!(env::join_paths(ceiling_dirs));
        let ceiling_dirs = try!(ceiling_dirs_os.into_c_string());
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_repository_open_ext(&mut ret,
                                                   flags.bits() as c_uint,

    /// Attempt to open an already-existing repository at or above `path`
    /// This starts at `path` and looks up the filesystem hierarchy
    /// until it finds a repository.
    pub fn discover<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Repository, Error> {
        // TODO: this diverges significantly from the libgit2 API
        let buf = Buf::new();
        let path = try!(path.as_ref().into_c_string());
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_repository_discover(buf.raw(), path, 1,

    /// Creates a new repository in the specified folder.
    /// This by default will create any necessary directories to create the
    /// repository, and it will read any user-specified templates when creating
    /// the repository. This behavior can be configured through `init_opts`.
    pub fn init<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Repository, Error> {
        Repository::init_opts(path, &RepositoryInitOptions::new())

    /// Creates a new `--bare` repository in the specified folder.
    /// The folder must exist prior to invoking this function.
    pub fn init_bare<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Repository, Error> {
        Repository::init_opts(path, RepositoryInitOptions::new().bare(true))

    /// Creates a new `--bare` repository in the specified folder.
    /// The folder must exist prior to invoking this function.
    pub fn init_opts<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, opts: &RepositoryInitOptions)
                     -> Result<Repository, Error> {
        let path = try!(path.as_ref().into_c_string());
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            let mut opts = opts.raw();
            try_call!(raw::git_repository_init_ext(&mut ret, path, &mut opts));

    /// Clone a remote repository.
    /// See the `RepoBuilder` struct for more information. This function will
    /// delegate to a fresh `RepoBuilder`
    pub fn clone<P: AsRef<Path>>(url: &str, into: P)
                                 -> Result<Repository, Error> {
        RepoBuilder::new().clone(url, into.as_ref())

    /// Clone a remote repository, initialize and update its submodules
    /// recursively.
    /// This is similar to `git clone --recursive`.
    pub fn clone_recurse<P: AsRef<Path>>(url: &str, into: P)
                                         -> Result<Repository, Error> {
        let repo = Repository::clone(url, into)?;

    /// Update submodules recursively.
    /// Uninitialized submodules will be initialized.
    fn update_submodules(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {

        fn add_subrepos(repo: &Repository, list: &mut Vec<Repository>)
                        -> Result<(), Error> {
            for mut subm in repo.submodules()? {
                subm.update(true, None)?;

        let mut repos = Vec::new();
        add_subrepos(self, &mut repos)?;
        while let Some(repo) = repos.pop() {
            add_subrepos(&repo, &mut repos)?;

    /// Execute a rev-parse operation against the `spec` listed.
    /// The resulting revision specification is returned, or an error is
    /// returned if one occurs.
    pub fn revparse(&self, spec: &str) -> Result<Revspec, Error> {
        let mut raw = raw::git_revspec {
            from: ptr::null_mut(),
            to: ptr::null_mut(),
            flags: 0,
        let spec = try!(CString::new(spec));
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_revparse(&mut raw, self.raw, spec));
            let to = Binding::from_raw_opt(;
            let from = Binding::from_raw_opt(raw.from);
            let mode = RevparseMode::from_bits_truncate(raw.flags as u32);
            Ok(Revspec::from_objects(from, to, mode))

    /// Find a single object, as specified by a revision string.
    pub fn revparse_single(&self, spec: &str) -> Result<Object, Error> {
        let spec = try!(CString::new(spec));
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_revparse_single(&mut obj, self.raw, spec));

    /// Find a single object and intermediate reference by a revision string.
    /// See `man gitrevisions`, or
    /// for
    /// information on the syntax accepted.
    /// In some cases (`@{<-n>}` or `<branchname>@{upstream}`), the expression
    /// may point to an intermediate reference. When such expressions are being
    /// passed in, this intermediate reference is returned.
    pub fn revparse_ext(&self, spec: &str)
                        -> Result<(Object, Option<Reference>), Error> {
        let spec = try!(CString::new(spec));
        let mut git_obj = ptr::null_mut();
        let mut git_ref = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_revparse_ext(&mut git_obj, &mut git_ref,
                                            self.raw, spec));
            Ok((Binding::from_raw(git_obj), Binding::from_raw_opt(git_ref)))

    /// Tests whether this repository is a bare repository or not.
    pub fn is_bare(&self) -> bool {
        unsafe { raw::git_repository_is_bare(self.raw) == 1 }

    /// Tests whether this repository is a shallow clone.
    pub fn is_shallow(&self) -> bool {
        unsafe { raw::git_repository_is_shallow(self.raw) == 1 }

    /// Tests whether this repository is empty.
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> Result<bool, Error> {
        let empty = unsafe {
        Ok(empty == 1)

    /// Returns the path to the `.git` folder for normal repositories or the
    /// repository itself for bare repositories.
    pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
        unsafe {
            let ptr = raw::git_repository_path(self.raw);
            util::bytes2path(::opt_bytes(self, ptr).unwrap())

    /// Returns the current state of this repository
    pub fn state(&self) -> RepositoryState {
        let state = unsafe { raw::git_repository_state(self.raw) };
        macro_rules! check( ($($raw:ident => $real:ident),*) => (
            $(if state == raw::$raw as c_int {
            }) else *
            else {
                panic!("unknown repository state: {}", state)
        ) );

            GIT_REPOSITORY_STATE_NONE => Clean,
            GIT_REPOSITORY_STATE_MERGE => Merge,
            GIT_REPOSITORY_STATE_REVERT => Revert,
            GIT_REPOSITORY_STATE_BISECT => Bisect,
            GIT_REPOSITORY_STATE_REBASE => Rebase,

    /// Get the path of the working directory for this repository.
    /// If this repository is bare, then `None` is returned.
    pub fn workdir(&self) -> Option<&Path> {
        unsafe {
            let ptr = raw::git_repository_workdir(self.raw);
            if ptr.is_null() {
            } else {

    /// Set the path to the working directory for this repository.
    /// If `update_link` is true, create/update the gitlink file in the workdir
    /// and set config "core.worktree" (if workdir is not the parent of the .git
    /// directory).
    pub fn set_workdir(&self, path: &Path, update_gitlink: bool)
                       -> Result<(), Error> {
        let path = try!(path.into_c_string());
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_repository_set_workdir(self.raw(), path,

    /// Get the currently active namespace for this repository.
    /// If there is no namespace, or the namespace is not a valid utf8 string,
    /// `None` is returned.
    pub fn namespace(&self) -> Option<&str> {
        self.namespace_bytes().and_then(|s| str::from_utf8(s).ok())

    /// Get the currently active namespace for this repository as a byte array.
    /// If there is no namespace, `None` is returned.
    pub fn namespace_bytes(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
        unsafe { ::opt_bytes(self, raw::git_repository_get_namespace(self.raw)) }

    /// List all remotes for a given repository
    pub fn remotes(&self) -> Result<StringArray, Error> {
        let mut arr = raw::git_strarray {
            strings: 0 as *mut *mut c_char,
            count: 0,
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_remote_list(&mut arr, self.raw));

    /// Get the information for a particular remote
    pub fn find_remote(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Remote, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_remote_lookup(&mut ret, self.raw, name));

    /// Add a remote with the default fetch refspec to the repository's
    /// configuration.
    pub fn remote(&self, name: &str, url: &str) -> Result<Remote, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let url = try!(CString::new(url));
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_remote_create(&mut ret, self.raw, name, url));

    /// Create an anonymous remote
    /// Create a remote with the given url and refspec in memory. You can use
    /// this when you have a URL instead of a remote's name. Note that anonymous
    /// remotes cannot be converted to persisted remotes.
    pub fn remote_anonymous(&self, url: &str) -> Result<Remote, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        let url = try!(CString::new(url));
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_remote_create_anonymous(&mut ret, self.raw, url));

    /// Give a remote a new name
    /// All remote-tracking branches and configuration settings for the remote
    /// are updated.
    /// A temporary in-memory remote cannot be given a name with this method.
    /// No loaded instances of the remote with the old name will change their
    /// name or their list of refspecs.
    /// The returned array of strings is a list of the non-default refspecs
    /// which cannot be renamed and are returned for further processing by the
    /// caller.
    pub fn remote_rename(&self, name: &str,
                         new_name: &str) -> Result<StringArray, Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let new_name = try!(CString::new(new_name));
        let mut problems = raw::git_strarray {
            count: 0,
            strings: 0 as *mut *mut c_char,
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_remote_rename(&mut problems, self.raw, name,

    /// Delete an existing persisted remote.
    /// All remote-tracking branches and configuration settings for the remote
    /// will be removed.
    pub fn remote_delete(&self, name: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        unsafe { try_call!(raw::git_remote_delete(self.raw, name)); }

    /// Add a fetch refspec to the remote's configuration
    /// Add the given refspec to the fetch list in the configuration. No loaded
    /// remote instances will be affected.
    pub fn remote_add_fetch(&self, name: &str, spec: &str)
                            -> Result<(), Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let spec = try!(CString::new(spec));
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_remote_add_fetch(self.raw, name, spec));

    /// Add a push refspec to the remote's configuration.
    /// Add the given refspec to the push list in the configuration. No
    /// loaded remote instances will be affected.
    pub fn remote_add_push(&self, name: &str, spec: &str)
                           -> Result<(), Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let spec = try!(CString::new(spec));
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_remote_add_push(self.raw, name, spec));

    /// Set the remote's url in the configuration
    /// Remote objects already in memory will not be affected. This assumes
    /// the common case of a single-url remote and will otherwise return an
    /// error.
    pub fn remote_set_url(&self, name: &str, url: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let url = try!(CString::new(url));
        unsafe { try_call!(raw::git_remote_set_url(self.raw, name, url)); }

    /// Set the remote's url for pushing in the configuration.
    /// Remote objects already in memory will not be affected. This assumes
    /// the common case of a single-url remote and will otherwise return an
    /// error.
    /// `None` indicates that it should be cleared.
    pub fn remote_set_pushurl(&self, name: &str, pushurl: Option<&str>)
                              -> Result<(), Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let pushurl = try!(::opt_cstr(pushurl));
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_remote_set_pushurl(self.raw, name, pushurl));

    /// Sets the current head to the specified object and optionally resets
    /// the index and working tree to match.
    /// A soft reset means the head will be moved to the commit.
    /// A mixed reset will trigger a soft reset, plus the index will be
    /// replaced with the content of the commit tree.
    /// A hard reset will trigger a mixed reset and the working directory will
    /// be replaced with the content of the index. (Untracked and ignored files
    /// will be left alone, however.)
    /// The `target` is a commit-ish to which the head should be moved to. The
    /// object can either be a commit or a tag, but tags must be dereferenceable
    /// to a commit.
    /// The `checkout` options will only be used for a hard reset.
    pub fn reset(&self,
                 target: &Object,
                 kind: ResetType,
                 checkout: Option<&mut CheckoutBuilder>)
                 -> Result<(), Error> {
        unsafe {
            let mut opts: raw::git_checkout_options = mem::zeroed();
            try_call!(raw::git_checkout_init_options(&mut opts,
            let opts =|c| {
                c.configure(&mut opts); &mut opts
            try_call!(raw::git_reset(self.raw, target.raw(), kind, opts));

    /// Updates some entries in the index from the target commit tree.
    /// The scope of the updated entries is determined by the paths being
    /// in the iterator provided.
    /// Passing a `None` target will result in removing entries in the index
    /// matching the provided pathspecs.
    pub fn reset_default<T, I>(&self,
                               target: Option<&Object>,
                               paths: I) -> Result<(), Error>
        where T: IntoCString, I: IntoIterator<Item=T>,
        let (_a, _b, mut arr) = try!(::util::iter2cstrs(paths));
        let target =|t| t.raw());
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_reset_default(self.raw, target, &mut arr));

    /// Retrieve and resolve the reference pointed at by HEAD.
    pub fn head(&self) -> Result<Reference, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_repository_head(&mut ret, self.raw));

    /// Make the repository HEAD point to the specified reference.
    /// If the provided reference points to a tree or a blob, the HEAD is
    /// unaltered and an error is returned.
    /// If the provided reference points to a branch, the HEAD will point to
    /// that branch, staying attached, or become attached if it isn't yet. If
    /// the branch doesn't exist yet, no error will be returned. The HEAD will
    /// then be attached to an unborn branch.
    /// Otherwise, the HEAD will be detached and will directly point to the
    /// commit.
    pub fn set_head(&self, refname: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let refname = try!(CString::new(refname));
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_repository_set_head(self.raw, refname));

    /// Make the repository HEAD directly point to the commit.
    /// If the provided committish cannot be found in the repository, the HEAD
    /// is unaltered and an error is returned.
    /// If the provided commitish cannot be peeled into a commit, the HEAD is
    /// unaltered and an error is returned.
    /// Otherwise, the HEAD will eventually be detached and will directly point
    /// to the peeled commit.
    pub fn set_head_detached(&self, commitish: Oid) -> Result<(), Error> {
        unsafe {

    /// Create an iterator for the repo's references
    pub fn references(&self) -> Result<References, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_reference_iterator_new(&mut ret, self.raw));

    /// Create an iterator for the repo's references that match the specified
    /// glob
    pub fn references_glob(&self, glob: &str) -> Result<References, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        let glob = try!(CString::new(glob));
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_reference_iterator_glob_new(&mut ret, self.raw,


    /// Load all submodules for this repository and return them.
    pub fn submodules(&self) -> Result<Vec<Submodule>, Error> {
        struct Data<'a, 'b:'a> {
            repo: &'b Repository,
            ret: &'a mut Vec<Submodule<'b>>,
        let mut ret = Vec::new();

        unsafe {
            let mut data = Data {
                repo: self,
                ret: &mut ret,
            try_call!(raw::git_submodule_foreach(self.raw, append,
                                                 &mut data as *mut _
                                                           as *mut c_void));

        return Ok(ret);

        extern fn append(_repo: *mut raw::git_submodule,
                         name: *const c_char,
                         data: *mut c_void) -> c_int {
            unsafe {
                let data = &mut *(data as *mut Data);
                let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
                let rc = raw::git_submodule_lookup(&mut raw, data.repo.raw(),
                assert_eq!(rc, 0);

    /// Gather file status information and populate the returned structure.
    /// Note that if a pathspec is given in the options to filter the
    /// status, then the results from rename detection (if you enable it) may
    /// not be accurate. To do rename detection properly, this must be called
    /// with no pathspec so that all files can be considered.
    pub fn statuses(&self, options: Option<&mut StatusOptions>)
                    -> Result<Statuses, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_status_list_new(&mut ret, self.raw,
                                     |s| s.raw())

    /// Test if the ignore rules apply to a given file.
    /// This function checks the ignore rules to see if they would apply to the
    /// given file. This indicates if the file would be ignored regardless of
    /// whether the file is already in the index or committed to the repository.
    /// One way to think of this is if you were to do "git add ." on the
    /// directory containing the file, would it be added or not?
    pub fn status_should_ignore(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<bool, Error> {
        let mut ret = 0 as c_int;
        let path = try!(path.into_c_string());
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_status_should_ignore(&mut ret, self.raw,
        Ok(ret != 0)

    /// Get file status for a single file.
    /// This tries to get status for the filename that you give. If no files
    /// match that name (in either the HEAD, index, or working directory), this
    /// returns NotFound.
    /// If the name matches multiple files (for example, if the path names a
    /// directory or if running on a case- insensitive filesystem and yet the
    /// HEAD has two entries that both match the path), then this returns
    /// Ambiguous because it cannot give correct results.
    /// This does not do any sort of rename detection. Renames require a set of
    /// targets and because of the path filtering, there is not enough
    /// information to check renames correctly. To check file status with rename
    /// detection, there is no choice but to do a full `statuses` and scan
    /// through looking for the path that you are interested in.
    pub fn status_file(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<Status, Error> {
        let mut ret = 0 as c_uint;
        let path = try!(path.into_c_string());
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_status_file(&mut ret, self.raw,
        Ok(Status::from_bits_truncate(ret as u32))

    /// Create an iterator which loops over the requested branches.
    pub fn branches(&self, filter: Option<BranchType>)
                    -> Result<Branches, Error> {
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_branch_iterator_new(&mut raw, self.raw(), filter));

    /// Get the Index file for this repository.
    /// If a custom index has not been set, the default index for the repository
    /// will be returned (the one located in .git/index).
    pub fn index(&self) -> Result<Index, Error> {
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_repository_index(&mut raw, self.raw()));

    /// Set the Index file for this repository.
    pub fn set_index(&self, index: &mut Index) {
        unsafe {
            raw::git_repository_set_index(self.raw(), index.raw());

    /// Get the configuration file for this repository.
    /// If a configuration file has not been set, the default config set for the
    /// repository will be returned, including global and system configurations
    /// (if they are available).
    pub fn config(&self) -> Result<Config, Error> {
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_repository_config(&mut raw, self.raw()));

    /// Write an in-memory buffer to the ODB as a blob.
    /// The Oid returned can in turn be passed to `find_blob` to get a handle to
    /// the blob.
    pub fn blob(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<Oid, Error> {
        let mut raw = raw::git_oid { id: [0; raw::GIT_OID_RAWSZ] };
        unsafe {
            let ptr = data.as_ptr() as *const c_void;
            let len = data.len() as size_t;
            try_call!(raw::git_blob_create_frombuffer(&mut raw, self.raw(),
                                                      ptr, len));
            Ok(Binding::from_raw(&raw as *const _))

    /// Read a file from the filesystem and write its content to the Object
    /// Database as a loose blob
    /// The Oid returned can in turn be passed to `find_blob` to get a handle to
    /// the blob.
    pub fn blob_path(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<Oid, Error> {
        let path = try!(path.into_c_string());
        let mut raw = raw::git_oid { id: [0; raw::GIT_OID_RAWSZ] };
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_blob_create_fromdisk(&mut raw, self.raw(),
            Ok(Binding::from_raw(&raw as *const _))

    /// Create a stream to write blob
    /// This function may need to buffer the data on disk and will in general
    /// not be the right choice if you know the size of the data to write.
    /// Use `BlobWriter::commit()` to commit the write to the object db
    /// and get the object id.
    /// If the `hintpath` parameter is filled, it will be used to determine
    /// what git filters should be applied to the object before it is written
    /// to the object database.
    pub fn blob_writer(&self, hintpath: Option<&Path>) -> Result<BlobWriter, Error> {
        let path_str = match hintpath {
            Some(path) => Some(try!(path.into_c_string())),
            None => None,
        let path = match path_str {
            Some(ref path) => path.as_ptr(),
            None => ptr::null(),
        let mut out = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_blob_create_fromstream(&mut out, self.raw(), path));

    /// Lookup a reference to one of the objects in a repository.
    pub fn find_blob(&self, oid: Oid) -> Result<Blob, Error> {
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_blob_lookup(&mut raw, self.raw(), oid.raw()));

    /// Get the object database for this repository
    pub fn odb(&self) -> Result<Odb, Error> {
        let mut odb = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_repository_odb(&mut odb, self.raw()));

    /// Create a new branch pointing at a target commit
    /// A new direct reference will be created pointing to this target commit.
    /// If `force` is true and a reference already exists with the given name,
    /// it'll be replaced.
    pub fn branch(&self,
                  branch_name: &str,
                  target: &Commit,
                  force: bool) -> Result<Branch, Error> {
        let branch_name = try!(CString::new(branch_name));
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_branch_create(&mut raw,

    /// Lookup a branch by its name in a repository.
    pub fn find_branch(&self, name: &str, branch_type: BranchType)
                       -> Result<Branch, Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_branch_lookup(&mut ret, self.raw(), name,

    /// Create new commit in the repository
    /// If the `update_ref` is not `None`, name of the reference that will be
    /// updated to point to this commit. If the reference is not direct, it will
    /// be resolved to a direct reference. Use "HEAD" to update the HEAD of the
    /// current branch and make it point to this commit. If the reference
    /// doesn't exist yet, it will be created. If it does exist, the first
    /// parent must be the tip of this branch.
    pub fn commit(&self,
                  update_ref: Option<&str>,
                  author: &Signature,
                  committer: &Signature,
                  message: &str,
                  tree: &Tree,
                  parents: &[&Commit]) -> Result<Oid, Error> {
        let update_ref = try!(::opt_cstr(update_ref));
        let mut parent_ptrs = parents.iter().map(|p| {
            p.raw() as *const raw::git_commit
        let message = try!(CString::new(message));
        let mut raw = raw::git_oid { id: [0; raw::GIT_OID_RAWSZ] };
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_commit_create(&mut raw,
                                             parents.len() as size_t,
            Ok(Binding::from_raw(&raw as *const _))

    /// Lookup a reference to one of the commits in a repository.
    pub fn find_commit(&self, oid: Oid) -> Result<Commit, Error> {
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_commit_lookup(&mut raw, self.raw(), oid.raw()));

    /// Creates a `AnnotatedCommit` from the given commit id.
    pub fn find_annotated_commit(&self, id: Oid) -> Result<AnnotatedCommit, Error> {
        unsafe {
            let mut raw = 0 as *mut raw::git_annotated_commit;
            try_call!(raw::git_annotated_commit_lookup(&mut raw, self.raw(), id.raw()));

    /// Lookup a reference to one of the objects in a repository.
    pub fn find_object(&self, oid: Oid,
                       kind: Option<ObjectType>) -> Result<Object, Error> {
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_object_lookup(&mut raw, self.raw(), oid.raw(),

    /// Create a new direct reference.
    /// This function will return an error if a reference already exists with
    /// the given name unless force is true, in which case it will be
    /// overwritten.
    pub fn reference(&self, name: &str, id: Oid, force: bool,
                     log_message: &str) -> Result<Reference, Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let log_message = try!(CString::new(log_message));
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_reference_create(&mut raw, self.raw(), name,
                                                id.raw(), force,

    /// Conditionally create new direct reference.
    /// A direct reference (also called an object id reference) refers directly
    /// to a specific object id (a.k.a. OID or SHA) in the repository.  The id
    /// permanently refers to the object (although the reference itself can be
    /// moved).  For example, in libgit2 the direct ref "refs/tags/v0.17.0"
    /// refers to OID 5b9fac39d8a76b9139667c26a63e6b3f204b3977.
    /// The direct reference will be created in the repository and written to
    /// the disk.
    /// Valid reference names must follow one of two patterns:
    /// 1. Top-level names must contain only capital letters and underscores,
    ///    and must begin and end with a letter.  (e.g.  "HEAD", "ORIG_HEAD").
    /// 2. Names prefixed with "refs/" can be almost anything.  You must avoid
    ///    the characters `~`, `^`, `:`, `\\`, `?`, `[`, and `*`, and the
    ///    sequences ".." and "@{" which have special meaning to revparse.
    /// This function will return an error if a reference already exists with
    /// the given name unless `force` is true, in which case it will be
    /// overwritten.
    /// The message for the reflog will be ignored if the reference does not
    /// belong in the standard set (HEAD, branches and remote-tracking
    /// branches) and it does not have a reflog.
    /// It will return GIT_EMODIFIED if the reference's value at the time of
    /// updating does not match the one passed through `current_id` (i.e. if the
    /// ref has changed since the user read it).
    pub fn reference_matching(&self,
                              name: &str,
                              id: Oid,
                              force: bool,
                              current_id: Oid,
                              log_message: &str) -> Result<Reference, Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let log_message = try!(CString::new(log_message));
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_reference_create_matching(&mut raw,

    /// Create a new symbolic reference.
    /// This function will return an error if a reference already exists with
    /// the given name unless force is true, in which case it will be
    /// overwritten.
    pub fn reference_symbolic(&self, name: &str, target: &str,
                              force: bool,
                              log_message: &str)
                              -> Result<Reference, Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let target = try!(CString::new(target));
        let log_message = try!(CString::new(log_message));
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_reference_symbolic_create(&mut raw, self.raw(),
                                                         name, target, force,

    /// Create a new symbolic reference.
    /// This function will return an error if a reference already exists with
    /// the given name unless force is true, in which case it will be
    /// overwritten.
    /// It will return GIT_EMODIFIED if the reference's value at the time of
    /// updating does not match the one passed through current_value (i.e. if
    /// the ref has changed since the user read it).
    pub fn reference_symbolic_matching(&self,
                                       name: &str,
                                       target: &str,
                                       force: bool,
                                       current_value: &str,
                                       log_message: &str)
                                       -> Result<Reference, Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let target = try!(CString::new(target));
        let current_value = try!(CString::new(current_value));
        let log_message = try!(CString::new(log_message));
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_reference_symbolic_create_matching(&mut raw,

    /// Lookup a reference to one of the objects in a repository.
    pub fn find_reference(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Reference, Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_reference_lookup(&mut raw, self.raw(), name));

    /// Lookup a reference by name and resolve immediately to OID.
    /// This function provides a quick way to resolve a reference name straight
    /// through to the object id that it refers to. This avoids having to
    /// allocate or free any `Reference` objects for simple situations.
    pub fn refname_to_id(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Oid, Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let mut ret = raw::git_oid { id: [0; raw::GIT_OID_RAWSZ] };
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_reference_name_to_id(&mut ret, self.raw(), name));
            Ok(Binding::from_raw(&ret as *const _))

    /// Creates a git_annotated_commit from the given reference.
    pub fn reference_to_annotated_commit(&self, reference: &Reference)
                                         -> Result<AnnotatedCommit, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_annotated_commit_from_ref(&mut ret,

    /// Create a new action signature with default user and now timestamp.
    /// This looks up the and from the configuration and
    /// uses the current time as the timestamp, and creates a new signature
    /// based on that information. It will return `NotFound` if either the
    /// or are not set.
    pub fn signature(&self) -> Result<Signature<'static>, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_signature_default(&mut ret, self.raw()));

    /// Set up a new git submodule for checkout.
    /// This does "git submodule add" up to the fetch and checkout of the
    /// submodule contents. It preps a new submodule, creates an entry in
    /// `.gitmodules` and creates an empty initialized repository either at the
    /// given path in the working directory or in `.git/modules` with a gitlink
    /// from the working directory to the new repo.
    /// To fully emulate "git submodule add" call this function, then `open()`
    /// the submodule repo and perform the clone step as needed. Lastly, call
    /// `add_finalize()` to wrap up adding the new submodule and `.gitmodules`
    /// to the index to be ready to commit.
    pub fn submodule(&self, url: &str, path: &Path,
                     use_gitlink: bool) -> Result<Submodule, Error> {
        let url = try!(CString::new(url));
        let path = try!(path.into_c_string());
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_submodule_add_setup(&mut raw, self.raw(),
                                                   url, path, use_gitlink));

    /// Lookup submodule information by name or path.
    /// Given either the submodule name or path (they are usually the same),
    /// this returns a structure describing the submodule.
    pub fn find_submodule(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Submodule, Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_submodule_lookup(&mut raw, self.raw(), name));

    /// Get the status for a submodule.
    /// This looks at a submodule and tries to determine the status.  It
    /// will return a combination of the `SubmoduleStatus` values.
    pub fn submodule_status(&self, name: &str, ignore: SubmoduleIgnore)
                            -> Result<SubmoduleStatus, Error> {
        let mut ret = 0;
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_submodule_status(&mut ret, self.raw, name,
        Ok(SubmoduleStatus::from_bits_truncate(ret as u32))

    /// Lookup a reference to one of the objects in a repository.
    pub fn find_tree(&self, oid: Oid) -> Result<Tree, Error> {
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_tree_lookup(&mut raw, self.raw(), oid.raw()));

    /// Create a new TreeBuilder, optionally initialized with the
    /// entries of the given Tree.
    /// The tree builder can be used to create or modify trees in memory and
    /// write them as tree objects to the database.
    pub fn treebuilder(&self, tree: Option<&Tree>) -> Result<TreeBuilder, Error> {
        unsafe {
            let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
            let tree = match tree {
                Some(tree) => tree.raw(),
                None => ptr::null_mut(),
            try_call!(raw::git_treebuilder_new(&mut ret, self.raw, tree));

    /// Create a new tag in the repository from an object
    /// A new reference will also be created pointing to this tag object. If
    /// `force` is true and a reference already exists with the given name,
    /// it'll be replaced.
    /// The message will not be cleaned up.
    /// The tag name will be checked for validity. You must avoid the characters
    /// '~', '^', ':', ' \ ', '?', '[', and '*', and the sequences ".." and " @
    /// {" which have special meaning to revparse.
    pub fn tag(&self, name: &str, target: &Object,
               tagger: &Signature, message: &str,
               force: bool) -> Result<Oid, Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let message = try!(CString::new(message));
        let mut raw = raw::git_oid { id: [0; raw::GIT_OID_RAWSZ] };
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_tag_create(&mut raw, self.raw, name,
                                          target.raw(), tagger.raw(),
                                          message, force));
            Ok(Binding::from_raw(&raw as *const _))

    /// Create a new lightweight tag pointing at a target object
    /// A new direct reference will be created pointing to this target object.
    /// If force is true and a reference already exists with the given name,
    /// it'll be replaced.
    pub fn tag_lightweight(&self,
                           name: &str,
                           target: &Object,
                           force: bool) -> Result<Oid, Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let mut raw = raw::git_oid { id: [0; raw::GIT_OID_RAWSZ] };
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_tag_create_lightweight(&mut raw, self.raw, name,
                                                      target.raw(), force));
            Ok(Binding::from_raw(&raw as *const _))

    /// Lookup a tag object from the repository.
    pub fn find_tag(&self, id: Oid) -> Result<Tag, Error> {
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_tag_lookup(&mut raw, self.raw, id.raw()));

    /// Delete an existing tag reference.
    /// The tag name will be checked for validity, see `tag` for some rules
    /// about valid names.
    pub fn tag_delete(&self, name: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_tag_delete(self.raw, name));

    /// Get a list with all the tags in the repository.
    /// An optional fnmatch pattern can also be specified.
    pub fn tag_names(&self, pattern: Option<&str>) -> Result<StringArray, Error> {
        let mut arr = raw::git_strarray {
            strings: 0 as *mut *mut c_char,
            count: 0,
        unsafe {
            match pattern {
                Some(s) => {
                    let s = try!(CString::new(s));
                    try_call!(raw::git_tag_list_match(&mut arr, s, self.raw));
                None => { try_call!(raw::git_tag_list(&mut arr, self.raw)); }

    /// Updates files in the index and the working tree to match the content of
    /// the commit pointed at by HEAD.
    pub fn checkout_head(&self, opts: Option<&mut CheckoutBuilder>)
                         -> Result<(), Error> {
        unsafe {
            let mut raw_opts = mem::zeroed();
            try_call!(raw::git_checkout_init_options(&mut raw_opts,
            if let Some(c) = opts {
                c.configure(&mut raw_opts);

            try_call!(raw::git_checkout_head(self.raw, &raw_opts));

    /// Updates files in the working tree to match the content of the index.
    /// If the index is `None`, the repository's index will be used.
    pub fn checkout_index(&self,
                          index: Option<&mut Index>,
                          opts: Option<&mut CheckoutBuilder>) -> Result<(), Error> {
        unsafe {
            let mut raw_opts = mem::zeroed();
            try_call!(raw::git_checkout_init_options(&mut raw_opts,
            if let Some(c) = opts {
                c.configure(&mut raw_opts);

                                    |i| &mut *i.raw()),

    /// Updates files in the index and working tree to match the content of the
    /// tree pointed at by the treeish.
    pub fn checkout_tree(&self,
                         treeish: &Object,
                         opts: Option<&mut CheckoutBuilder>) -> Result<(), Error> {
        unsafe {
            let mut raw_opts = mem::zeroed();
            try_call!(raw::git_checkout_init_options(&mut raw_opts,
            if let Some(c) = opts {
                c.configure(&mut raw_opts);

            try_call!(raw::git_checkout_tree(self.raw, &*treeish.raw(),

    /// Merges the given commit(s) into HEAD, writing the results into the
    /// working directory. Any changes are staged for commit and any conflicts
    /// are written to the index. Callers should inspect the repository's index
    /// after this completes, resolve any conflicts and prepare a commit.
    /// For compatibility with git, the repository is put into a merging state.
    /// Once the commit is done (or if the uses wishes to abort), you should
    /// clear this state by calling git_repository_state_cleanup().
    pub fn merge(&self,
                 annotated_commits: &[&AnnotatedCommit],
                 merge_opts: Option<&mut MergeOptions>,
                 checkout_opts: Option<&mut CheckoutBuilder>)
                 -> Result<(), Error>
        unsafe {
            let mut raw_checkout_opts = mem::zeroed();
            try_call!(raw::git_checkout_init_options(&mut raw_checkout_opts,
            if let Some(c) = checkout_opts {
                c.configure(&mut raw_checkout_opts);

            let mut commit_ptrs = annotated_commits.iter().map(|c| {
                c.raw() as *const raw::git_annotated_commit

                                     annotated_commits.len() as size_t,
                           |o| o.raw())

    /// Merge two commits, producing an index that reflects the result of
    /// the merge. The index may be written as-is to the working directory or
    /// checked out. If the index is to be converted to a tree, the caller
    /// should resolve any conflicts that arose as part of the merge.
    pub fn merge_commits(&self, our_commit: &Commit, their_commit: &Commit,
                         opts: Option<&MergeOptions>) -> Result<Index, Error> {
         let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_merge_commits(&mut raw, self.raw,
                                   |o| o.raw())));

    /// Merge two trees, producing an index that reflects the result of
    /// the merge. The index may be written as-is to the working directory or
    /// checked out. If the index is to be converted to a tree, the caller
    /// should resolve any conflicts that arose as part of the merge.
    pub fn merge_trees(&self, ancestor_tree: &Tree, our_tree: &Tree,
                       their_tree: &Tree, opts: Option<&MergeOptions>) -> Result<Index, Error> {
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_merge_trees(&mut raw, self.raw, ancestor_tree.raw(),
                                           our_tree.raw(), their_tree.raw(),
                                 |o| o.raw())));

    /// Remove all the metadata associated with an ongoing command like merge,
    /// revert, cherry-pick, etc. For example: MERGE_HEAD, MERGE_MSG, etc.
    pub fn cleanup_state(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
        unsafe {

    /// Analyzes the given branch(es) and determines the opportunities for
    /// merging them into the HEAD of the repository.
    pub fn merge_analysis(&self,
                          their_heads: &[&AnnotatedCommit])
                          -> Result<(MergeAnalysis, MergePreference), Error> {
        unsafe {
            let mut raw_merge_analysis = 0 as raw::git_merge_analysis_t;
            let mut raw_merge_preference = 0 as raw::git_merge_preference_t;
            let mut their_heads = their_heads
                .map(|v| v.raw() as *const _)
            try_call!(raw::git_merge_analysis(&mut raw_merge_analysis,
                                              &mut raw_merge_preference,
                                              their_heads.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _,
            Ok((MergeAnalysis::from_bits_truncate(raw_merge_analysis as u32), MergePreference::from_bits_truncate(raw_merge_preference as u32)))

    /// Add a note for an object
    /// The `notes_ref` argument is the canonical name of the reference to use,
    /// defaulting to "refs/notes/commits". If `force` is specified then
    /// previous notes are overwritten.
    pub fn note(&self,
                author: &Signature,
                committer: &Signature,
                notes_ref: Option<&str>,
                oid: Oid,
                note: &str,
                force: bool) -> Result<Oid, Error> {
        let notes_ref = try!(::opt_cstr(notes_ref));
        let note = try!(CString::new(note));
        let mut ret = raw::git_oid { id: [0; raw::GIT_OID_RAWSZ] };
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_note_create(&mut ret,
            Ok(Binding::from_raw(&ret as *const _))

    /// Get the default notes reference for this repository
    pub fn note_default_ref(&self) -> Result<String, Error> {
        let ret = Buf::new();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_note_default_ref(ret.raw(), self.raw));

    /// Creates a new iterator for notes in this repository.
    /// The `notes_ref` argument is the canonical name of the reference to use,
    /// defaulting to "refs/notes/commits".
    /// The iterator returned yields pairs of (Oid, Oid) where the first element
    /// is the id of the note and the second id is the id the note is
    /// annotating.
    pub fn notes(&self, notes_ref: Option<&str>) -> Result<Notes, Error> {
        let notes_ref = try!(::opt_cstr(notes_ref));
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_note_iterator_new(&mut ret, self.raw, notes_ref));

    /// Read the note for an object.
    /// The `notes_ref` argument is the canonical name of the reference to use,
    /// defaulting to "refs/notes/commits".
    /// The id specified is the Oid of the git object to read the note from.
    pub fn find_note(&self, notes_ref: Option<&str>, id: Oid)
                     -> Result<Note, Error> {
        let notes_ref = try!(::opt_cstr(notes_ref));
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_note_read(&mut ret, self.raw, notes_ref,

    /// Remove the note for an object.
    /// The `notes_ref` argument is the canonical name of the reference to use,
    /// defaulting to "refs/notes/commits".
    /// The id specified is the Oid of the git object to remove the note from.
    pub fn note_delete(&self,
                       id: Oid,
                       notes_ref: Option<&str>,
                       author: &Signature,
                       committer: &Signature) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let notes_ref = try!(::opt_cstr(notes_ref));
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_note_remove(self.raw, notes_ref, author.raw(),
                                           committer.raw(), id.raw()));

    /// Create a revwalk that can be used to traverse the commit graph.
    pub fn revwalk(&self) -> Result<Revwalk, Error> {
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_revwalk_new(&mut raw, self.raw()));

    /// Get the blame for a single file.
    pub fn blame_file(&self, path: &Path, opts: Option<&mut BlameOptions>)
                      -> Result<Blame, Error> {
        let path = try!(path.into_c_string());
        let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();

        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_blame_file(&mut raw,
                                |s| s.raw())));

    /// Find a merge base between two commits
    pub fn merge_base(&self, one: Oid, two: Oid) -> Result<Oid, Error> {
        let mut raw = raw::git_oid { id: [0; raw::GIT_OID_RAWSZ] };
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_merge_base(&mut raw, self.raw,
                                          one.raw(), two.raw()));
            Ok(Binding::from_raw(&raw as *const _))

    /// Find all merge bases between two commits
    pub fn merge_bases(&self, one: Oid, two: Oid) -> Result<OidArray, Error> {
        let mut arr = raw::git_oidarray {
            ids: ptr::null_mut(),
            count: 0,
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_merge_bases(&mut arr, self.raw,
                                          one.raw(), two.raw()));

    /// Count the number of unique commits between two commit objects
    /// There is no need for branches containing the commits to have any
    /// upstream relationship, but it helps to think of one as a branch and the
    /// other as its upstream, the ahead and behind values will be what git
    /// would report for the branches.
    pub fn graph_ahead_behind(&self, local: Oid, upstream: Oid)
                              -> Result<(usize, usize), Error> {
        unsafe {
            let mut ahead: size_t = 0;
            let mut behind: size_t = 0;
            try_call!(raw::git_graph_ahead_behind(&mut ahead, &mut behind,
                                                  self.raw(), local.raw(),
            Ok((ahead as usize, behind as usize))

    /// Determine if a commit is the descendant of another commit
    pub fn graph_descendant_of(&self, commit: Oid, ancestor: Oid)
                               -> Result<bool, Error> {
        unsafe {
            let rv = try_call!(raw::git_graph_descendant_of(self.raw(),
            Ok(rv != 0)

    /// Read the reflog for the given reference
    /// If there is no reflog file for the given reference yet, an empty reflog
    /// object will be returned.
    pub fn reflog(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Reflog, Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_reflog_read(&mut ret, self.raw, name));

    /// Delete the reflog for the given reference
    pub fn reflog_delete(&self, name: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        unsafe { try_call!(raw::git_reflog_delete(self.raw, name)); }

    /// Rename a reflog
    /// The reflog to be renamed is expected to already exist.
    pub fn reflog_rename(&self, old_name: &str, new_name: &str)
                         -> Result<(), Error> {
        let old_name = try!(CString::new(old_name));
        let new_name = try!(CString::new(new_name));
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_reflog_rename(self.raw, old_name, new_name));

    /// Check if the given reference has a reflog.
    pub fn reference_has_log(&self, name: &str) -> Result<bool, Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        let ret = unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_reference_has_log(self.raw, name))
        Ok(ret != 0)

    /// Ensure that the given reference has a reflog.
    pub fn reference_ensure_log(&self, name: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let name = try!(CString::new(name));
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_reference_ensure_log(self.raw, name));

    /// Describes a commit
    /// Performs a describe operation on the current commit and the worktree.
    /// After performing a describe on HEAD, a status is run and description is
    /// considered to be dirty if there are.
    pub fn describe(&self, opts: &DescribeOptions) -> Result<Describe, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_describe_workdir(&mut ret, self.raw, opts.raw()));

    /// Create a diff with the difference between two tree objects.
    /// This is equivalent to `git diff <old-tree> <new-tree>`
    /// The first tree will be used for the "old_file" side of the delta and the
    /// second tree will be used for the "new_file" side of the delta.  You can
    /// pass `None` to indicate an empty tree, although it is an error to pass
    /// `None` for both the `old_tree` and `new_tree`.
    pub fn diff_tree_to_tree(&self,
                             old_tree: Option<&Tree>,
                             new_tree: Option<&Tree>,
                             opts: Option<&mut DiffOptions>)
                             -> Result<Diff, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_diff_tree_to_tree(&mut ret,
                                       |s| s.raw()),
                                       |s| s.raw()),
                                       |s| s.raw())));

    /// Create a diff between a tree and repository index.
    /// This is equivalent to `git diff --cached <treeish>` or if you pass
    /// the HEAD tree, then like `git diff --cached`.
    /// The tree you pass will be used for the "old_file" side of the delta, and
    /// the index will be used for the "new_file" side of the delta.
    /// If you pass `None` for the index, then the existing index of the `repo`
    /// will be used.  In this case, the index will be refreshed from disk
    /// (if it has changed) before the diff is generated.
    /// If the tree is `None`, then it is considered an empty tree.
    pub fn diff_tree_to_index(&self,
                              old_tree: Option<&Tree>,
                              index: Option<&Index>,
                              opts: Option<&mut DiffOptions>)
                              -> Result<Diff, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_diff_tree_to_index(&mut ret,
                                        |s| s.raw()),
                                        |s| s.raw()),
                                        |s| s.raw())));

    /// Create a diff between two index objects.
    /// The first index will be used for the "old_file" side of the delta, and
    /// the second index will be used for the "new_file" side of the delta.
    pub fn diff_index_to_index(&self,
                               old_index: &Index,
                               new_index: &Index,
                               opts: Option<&mut DiffOptions>)
                               -> Result<Diff, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_diff_index_to_index(&mut ret,
                                         |s| s.raw())));

    /// Create a diff between the repository index and the workdir directory.
    /// This matches the `git diff` command.  See the note below on
    /// `tree_to_workdir` for a discussion of the difference between
    /// `git diff` and `git diff HEAD` and how to emulate a `git diff <treeish>`
    /// using libgit2.
    /// The index will be used for the "old_file" side of the delta, and the
    /// working directory will be used for the "new_file" side of the delta.
    /// If you pass `None` for the index, then the existing index of the `repo`
    /// will be used.  In this case, the index will be refreshed from disk
    /// (if it has changed) before the diff is generated.
    pub fn diff_index_to_workdir(&self,
                                 index: Option<&Index>,
                                 opts: Option<&mut DiffOptions>)
                                 -> Result<Diff, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_diff_index_to_workdir(&mut ret,
                                           |s| s.raw()),
                                           |s| s.raw())));

    /// Create a diff between a tree and the working directory.
    /// The tree you provide will be used for the "old_file" side of the delta,
    /// and the working directory will be used for the "new_file" side.
    /// This is not the same as `git diff <treeish>` or `git diff-index
    /// <treeish>`.  Those commands use information from the index, whereas this
    /// function strictly returns the differences between the tree and the files
    /// in the working directory, regardless of the state of the index.  Use
    /// `tree_to_workdir_with_index` to emulate those commands.
    /// To see difference between this and `tree_to_workdir_with_index`,
    /// consider the example of a staged file deletion where the file has then
    /// been put back into the working dir and further modified.  The
    /// tree-to-workdir diff for that file is 'modified', but `git diff` would
    /// show status 'deleted' since there is a staged delete.
    /// If `None` is passed for `tree`, then an empty tree is used.
    pub fn diff_tree_to_workdir(&self,
                                old_tree: Option<&Tree>,
                                opts: Option<&mut DiffOptions>)
                                -> Result<Diff, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_diff_tree_to_workdir(&mut ret,
                                          |s| s.raw()),
                                          |s| s.raw())));

    /// Create a diff between a tree and the working directory using index data
    /// to account for staged deletes, tracked files, etc.
    /// This emulates `git diff <tree>` by diffing the tree to the index and
    /// the index to the working directory and blending the results into a
    /// single diff that includes staged deleted, etc.
    pub fn diff_tree_to_workdir_with_index(&self,
                                           old_tree: Option<&Tree>,
                                           opts: Option<&mut DiffOptions>)
                                           -> Result<Diff, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_diff_tree_to_workdir_with_index(&mut ret,
                    self.raw(),|s| s.raw()),|s| s.raw())));

    /// Create a PackBuilder
    pub fn packbuilder(&self) -> Result<PackBuilder, Error> {
        let mut ret = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_packbuilder_new(&mut ret, self.raw()));

    /// Save the local modifications to a new stash.
    pub fn stash_save(&mut self,
                      stasher: &Signature,
                      message: &str,
                      flags: Option<StashFlags>)
                      -> Result<Oid, Error> {
        unsafe {
            let mut raw_oid = raw::git_oid { id: [0; raw::GIT_OID_RAWSZ] };
            let message = try!(CString::new(message));
            let flags = flags.unwrap_or_else(StashFlags::empty);
            try_call!(raw::git_stash_save(&mut raw_oid,
                                          flags.bits() as c_uint));
            Ok(Binding::from_raw(&raw_oid as *const _))

    /// Apply a single stashed state from the stash list.
    pub fn stash_apply(&mut self,
                       index: usize,
                       opts: Option<&mut StashApplyOptions>)
                       -> Result<(), Error> {
        unsafe {
            let opts =|opts| opts.raw());
            try_call!(raw::git_stash_apply(self.raw(), index, opts));

    /// Loop over all the stashed states and issue a callback for each one.
    /// Return `true` to continue iterating or `false` to stop.
    pub fn stash_foreach<C>(&mut self, mut callback: C) -> Result<(), Error>
        where C: FnMut(usize, &str, &Oid) -> bool
        unsafe {
            let mut data = StashCbData { callback: &mut callback };
                                             &mut data as *mut _ as *mut _));

    /// Remove a single stashed state from the stash list.
    pub fn stash_drop(&mut self, index: usize) -> Result<(), Error> {
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_stash_drop(self.raw(), index));

    /// Apply a single stashed state from the stash list and remove it from the list if successful.
    pub fn stash_pop(&mut self,
                     index: usize,
                     opts: Option<&mut StashApplyOptions>)
                     -> Result<(), Error> {
        unsafe {
            let opts =|opts| opts.raw());
            try_call!(raw::git_stash_pop(self.raw(), index, opts));

    /// Add ignore rules for a repository.
    /// The format of the rules is the same one of the .gitignore file.
    pub fn add_ignore_rule(&self, rules: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let rules = CString::new(rules)?;
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_ignore_add_rule(self.raw, rules));

    /// Clear ignore rules that were explicitly added.
    pub fn clear_ignore_rules(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
        unsafe {

    /// Test if the ignore rules apply to a given path.
    pub fn is_path_ignored<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> Result<bool, Error> {
        let path = try!(path.as_ref().into_c_string());
        let mut ignored: c_int = 0;
        unsafe {
            try_call!(raw::git_ignore_path_is_ignored(&mut ignored, self.raw, path));
        Ok(ignored == 1)

impl Binding for Repository {
    type Raw = *mut raw::git_repository;
    unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: *mut raw::git_repository) -> Repository {
        Repository { raw: ptr }
    fn raw(&self) -> *mut raw::git_repository { self.raw }

impl Drop for Repository {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe { raw::git_repository_free(self.raw) }

impl RepositoryInitOptions {
    /// Creates a default set of initialization options.
    /// By default this will set flags for creating all necessary directories
    /// and initializing a directory from the user-configured templates path.
    pub fn new() -> RepositoryInitOptions {
        RepositoryInitOptions {
            flags: raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_MKDIR as u32 |
                   raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_MKPATH as u32 |
                   raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_EXTERNAL_TEMPLATE as u32,
            mode: 0,
            workdir_path: None,
            description: None,
            template_path: None,
            initial_head: None,
            origin_url: None,

    /// Create a bare repository with no working directory.
    /// Defaults to false.
    pub fn bare(&mut self, bare: bool) -> &mut RepositoryInitOptions {
        self.flag(raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_BARE, bare)

    /// Return an error if the repository path appears to already be a git
    /// repository.
    /// Defaults to false.
    pub fn no_reinit(&mut self, enabled: bool) -> &mut RepositoryInitOptions {
        self.flag(raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_NO_REINIT, enabled)

    /// Normally a '/.git/' will be appended to the repo apth for non-bare repos
    /// (if it is not already there), but passing this flag prevents that
    /// behavior.
    /// Defaults to false.
    pub fn no_dotgit_dir(&mut self, enabled: bool) -> &mut RepositoryInitOptions {
        self.flag(raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_NO_DOTGIT_DIR, enabled)

    /// Make the repo path (and workdir path) as needed. The ".git" directory
    /// will always be created regardless of this flag.
    /// Defaults to true.
    pub fn mkdir(&mut self, enabled: bool) -> &mut RepositoryInitOptions {
        self.flag(raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_MKDIR, enabled)

    /// Recursively make all components of the repo and workdir path sas
    /// necessary.
    /// Defaults to true.
    pub fn mkpath(&mut self, enabled: bool) -> &mut RepositoryInitOptions {
        self.flag(raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_MKPATH, enabled)

    /// Set to one of the `RepositoryInit` constants, or a custom value.
    pub fn mode(&mut self, mode: RepositoryInitMode)
                -> &mut RepositoryInitOptions {
        self.mode = mode.bits();

    /// Enable or disable using external templates.
    /// If enabled, then the `template_path` option will be queried first, then
    /// `init.templatedir` from the global config, and finally
    /// `/usr/share/git-core-templates` will be used (if it exists).
    /// Defaults to true.
    pub fn external_template(&mut self, enabled: bool)
                             -> &mut RepositoryInitOptions {
        self.flag(raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_EXTERNAL_TEMPLATE, enabled)

    fn flag(&mut self, flag: raw::git_repository_init_flag_t, on: bool)
            -> &mut RepositoryInitOptions {
        if on {
            self.flags |= flag as u32;
        } else {
            self.flags &= !(flag as u32);

    /// The path do the working directory.
    /// If this is a relative path it will be evaulated relative to the repo
    /// path. If this is not the "natural" working directory, a .git gitlink
    /// file will be created here linking to the repo path.
    pub fn workdir_path(&mut self, path: &Path) -> &mut RepositoryInitOptions {
        self.workdir_path = Some(path.into_c_string().unwrap());

    /// If set, this will be used to initialize the "description" file in the
    /// repository instead of using the template content.
    pub fn description(&mut self, desc: &str) -> &mut RepositoryInitOptions {
        self.description = Some(CString::new(desc).unwrap());

    /// When the `external_template` option is set, this is the first location
    /// to check for the template directory.
    /// If this is not configured, then the default locations will be searched
    /// instead.
    pub fn template_path(&mut self, path: &Path) -> &mut RepositoryInitOptions {
        self.template_path = Some(path.into_c_string().unwrap());

    /// The name of the head to point HEAD at.
    /// If not configured, this will be treated as `master` and the HEAD ref
    /// will be set to `refs/heads/master`. If this begins with `refs/` it will
    /// be used verbatim; otherwise `refs/heads/` will be prefixed
    pub fn initial_head(&mut self, head: &str) -> &mut RepositoryInitOptions {
        self.initial_head = Some(CString::new(head).unwrap());

    /// If set, then after the rest of the repository initialization is
    /// completed an `origin` remote will be added pointing to this URL.
    pub fn origin_url(&mut self, url: &str) -> &mut RepositoryInitOptions {
        self.origin_url = Some(CString::new(url).unwrap());

    /// Creates a set of raw init options to be used with
    /// `git_repository_init_ext`.
    /// This method is unsafe as the returned value may have pointers to the
    /// interior of this structure.
    pub unsafe fn raw(&self) -> raw::git_repository_init_options {
        let mut opts = mem::zeroed();
        assert_eq!(raw::git_repository_init_init_options(&mut opts,
                                raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_OPTIONS_VERSION), 0);
        opts.flags = self.flags;
        opts.mode = self.mode;
        opts.workdir_path = ::call::convert(&self.workdir_path);
        opts.description = ::call::convert(&self.description);
        opts.template_path = ::call::convert(&self.template_path);
        opts.initial_head = ::call::convert(&self.initial_head);
        opts.origin_url = ::call::convert(&self.origin_url);

mod tests {
    use std::ffi::OsStr;
    use std::fs;
    use std::path::Path;
    use tempdir::TempDir;
    use {Repository, Oid, ObjectType, ResetType};
    use build::CheckoutBuilder;

    fn smoke_init() {
        let td = TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
        let path = td.path();

        let repo = Repository::init(path).unwrap();

    fn smoke_init_bare() {
        let td = TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
        let path = td.path();

        let repo = Repository::init_bare(path).unwrap();

    fn smoke_open() {
        let td = TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
        let path = td.path();
        let repo = Repository::open(path).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(repo.state(), ::RepositoryState::Clean);

    fn smoke_open_bare() {
        let td = TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
        let path = td.path();

        let repo = Repository::open(path).unwrap();

    fn smoke_checkout() {
        let (_td, repo) = ::test::repo_init();

    fn smoke_revparse() {
        let (_td, repo) = ::test::repo_init();
        let rev = repo.revparse("HEAD").unwrap();
        let from = rev.from().unwrap();

        let obj = repo.find_object(, None).unwrap().clone();
        repo.reset(&obj, ResetType::Hard, None).unwrap();
        let mut opts = CheckoutBuilder::new();
        t!(repo.reset(&obj, ResetType::Soft, Some(&mut opts)));

    fn makes_dirs() {
        let td = TempDir::new("foo").unwrap();

    fn smoke_discover() {
        let td = TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
        let subdir = td.path().join("subdi");
        let repo = Repository::discover(&subdir).unwrap();

    fn smoke_open_ext() {
        let td = TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
        let subdir = td.path().join("subdir");

        let repo = Repository::open_ext(&subdir, ::RepositoryOpenFlags::empty(), &[] as &[&OsStr]).unwrap();

        let repo = Repository::open_ext(&subdir, ::REPOSITORY_OPEN_BARE, &[] as &[&OsStr]).unwrap();

        let err = Repository::open_ext(&subdir, ::REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_SEARCH, &[] as &[&OsStr]).err().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(err.code(), ::ErrorCode::NotFound);


    fn graph_repo_init() -> (TempDir, Repository) {
        let (_td, repo) = ::test::repo_init();
            let head = repo.head().unwrap().target().unwrap();
            let head = repo.find_commit(head).unwrap();

            let mut index = repo.index().unwrap();
            let id = index.write_tree().unwrap();

            let tree = repo.find_tree(id).unwrap();
            let sig = repo.signature().unwrap();
            repo.commit(Some("HEAD"), &sig, &sig, "second",
                        &tree, &[&head]).unwrap();
        (_td, repo)

    fn smoke_graph_ahead_behind() {
        let (_td, repo) = graph_repo_init();
        let head = repo.head().unwrap().target().unwrap();
        let head = repo.find_commit(head).unwrap();
        let head_id =;
        let head_parent_id = head.parent(0).unwrap().id();
        let (ahead, behind) = repo.graph_ahead_behind(head_id,
        assert_eq!(ahead, 1);
        assert_eq!(behind, 0);
        let (ahead, behind) = repo.graph_ahead_behind(head_parent_id,
        assert_eq!(ahead, 0);
        assert_eq!(behind, 1);

    fn smoke_graph_descendant_of() {
        let (_td, repo) = graph_repo_init();
        let head = repo.head().unwrap().target().unwrap();
        let head = repo.find_commit(head).unwrap();
        let head_id =;
        let head_parent_id = head.parent(0).unwrap().id();
        assert!(repo.graph_descendant_of(head_id, head_parent_id).unwrap());
        assert!(!repo.graph_descendant_of(head_parent_id, head_id).unwrap());

    fn smoke_reference_has_log_ensure_log() {
        let (_td, repo) = ::test::repo_init();

        assert_eq!(repo.reference_has_log("HEAD").unwrap(), true);
        assert_eq!(repo.reference_has_log("refs/heads/master").unwrap(), true);
        assert_eq!(repo.reference_has_log("NOT_HEAD").unwrap(), false);
        let master_oid = repo.revparse_single("master").unwrap().id();
        assert!(repo.reference("NOT_HEAD", master_oid, false, "creating a new branch").is_ok());
        assert_eq!(repo.reference_has_log("NOT_HEAD").unwrap(), false);
        assert_eq!(repo.reference_has_log("NOT_HEAD").unwrap(), true);

    fn smoke_set_head() {
        let (_td, repo) = ::test::repo_init();




    fn smoke_set_head_detached() {
        let (_td, repo) = ::test::repo_init();

        let void_oid = Oid::from_bytes(b"00000000000000000000").unwrap();

        let master_oid = repo.revparse_single("master").unwrap().id();
        assert_eq!(repo.head().unwrap().target().unwrap(), master_oid);

    /// create an octopus:
    ///   /---o2-o4
    /// o1      X
    ///   \---o3-o5
    /// and checks that the merge bases of (o4,o5) are (o2,o3)
    fn smoke_merge_bases() {
        let (_td, repo) = graph_repo_init();
        let sig = repo.signature().unwrap();

        // let oid1 = head
        let oid1 = repo.head().unwrap().target().unwrap();
        let commit1 = repo.find_commit(oid1).unwrap();
        println!("created oid1 {:?}", oid1);

        repo.branch("branch_a", &commit1, true).unwrap();
        repo.branch("branch_b", &commit1, true).unwrap();

        // create commit oid2 on branchA
        let mut index = repo.index().unwrap();
        let p = Path::new(repo.workdir().unwrap()).join("file_a");
        println!("using path {:?}", p);
        let id_a = index.write_tree().unwrap();
        let tree_a = repo.find_tree(id_a).unwrap();
        let oid2 = repo.commit(Some("refs/heads/branch_a"), &sig, &sig,
                               "commit 2", &tree_a, &[&commit1]).unwrap();
        let commit2 = repo.find_commit(oid2).unwrap();
        println!("created oid2 {:?}", oid2);

        t!(repo.reset(commit1.as_object(), ResetType::Hard, None));

        // create commit oid3 on branchB
        let mut index = repo.index().unwrap();
        let p = Path::new(repo.workdir().unwrap()).join("file_b");
        let id_b = index.write_tree().unwrap();
        let tree_b = repo.find_tree(id_b).unwrap();
        let oid3 = repo.commit(Some("refs/heads/branch_b"), &sig, &sig,
                               "commit 3", &tree_b, &[&commit1]).unwrap();
        let commit3 = repo.find_commit(oid3).unwrap();
        println!("created oid3 {:?}", oid3);

        // create merge commit oid4 on branchA with parents oid2 and oid3
        //let mut index4 = repo.merge_commits(&commit2, &commit3, None).unwrap();
        let oid4 = repo.commit(Some("refs/heads/branch_a"), &sig, &sig,
                               "commit 4", &tree_a,
                               &[&commit2, &commit3]).unwrap();
        println!("created oid4 {:?}", oid4);

        // create merge commit oid5 on branchB with parents oid2 and oid3
        //let mut index5 = repo.merge_commits(&commit3, &commit2, None).unwrap();
        let oid5 = repo.commit(Some("refs/heads/branch_b"), &sig, &sig,
                               "commit 5", &tree_a,
                               &[&commit3, &commit2]).unwrap();
        println!("created oid5 {:?}", oid5);

        // merge bases of (oid4,oid5) should be (oid2,oid3)
        let merge_bases = repo.merge_bases(oid4, oid5).unwrap();
        let mut found_oid2 = false;
        let mut found_oid3 = false;
        for mg in merge_bases.iter() {
            println!("found merge base {:?}", mg);
            if mg == &oid2 {
                found_oid2 = true;
            } else if mg == &oid3 {
                found_oid3 = true;
            } else {
	    assert_eq!(merge_bases.len(), 2);

    fn smoke_revparse_ext() {
        let (_td, repo) = graph_repo_init();

            let short_refname = "master";
            let expected_refname = "refs/heads/master";
            let (obj, reference) = repo.revparse_ext(short_refname).unwrap();
            let expected_obj = repo.revparse_single(expected_refname).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(reference.unwrap().name().unwrap(), expected_refname);
            let missing_refname = "refs/heads/does-not-exist";
            let (_obj, reference) = repo.revparse_ext("HEAD^").unwrap();

    fn smoke_is_path_ignored() {
        let (_td, repo) = graph_repo_init();


        let _ = repo.add_ignore_rule("/foo");

        let _ = repo.clear_ignore_rules();