git-repository 0.33.0

Abstractions for git repositories
use std::convert::TryInto;

use crate::bstr::BString;

type ConfigureRemoteFn =
    Box<dyn FnMut(crate::Remote<'_>) -> Result<crate::Remote<'_>, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>>;

/// A utility to collect configuration on how to fetch from a remote and initiate a fetch operation. It will delete the newly
/// created repository on when dropped without successfully finishing a fetch.
pub struct PrepareFetch {
    /// A freshly initialized repository which is owned by us, or `None` if it was handed to the user
    repo: Option<crate::Repository>,
    /// The name of the remote, which defaults to `origin` if not overridden.
    remote_name: Option<BString>,
    /// A function to configure a remote prior to fetching a pack.
    configure_remote: Option<ConfigureRemoteFn>,
    /// Options for preparing a fetch operation.
    #[cfg(any(feature = "async-network-client", feature = "blocking-network-client"))]
    fetch_options: crate::remote::ref_map::Options,
    /// The url to clone from
    #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "blocking-network-client"), allow(dead_code))]
    url: git_url::Url,

/// The error returned by [`PrepareFetch::new()`].
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
    Init(#[from] crate::init::Error),
    UrlParse(#[from] git_url::parse::Error),
    #[error("Failed to turn a the relative file url \"{}\" into an absolute one", url.to_bstring())]
    CanonicalizeUrl {
        url: git_url::Url,
        source: git_path::realpath::Error,

/// Instantiation
impl PrepareFetch {
    /// Create a new repository at `path` with `crate_opts` which is ready to clone from `url`, possibly after making additional adjustments to
    /// configuration and settings.
    /// Note that this is merely a handle to perform the actual connection to the remote, and if any of it fails the freshly initialized repository
    /// will be removed automatically as soon as this instance drops.
    pub fn new<Url, E>(
        url: Url,
        path: impl AsRef<std::path::Path>,
        kind: crate::create::Kind,
        mut create_opts: crate::create::Options,
        open_opts: crate::open::Options,
    ) -> Result<Self, Error>
        Url: TryInto<git_url::Url, Error = E>,
        git_url::parse::Error: From<E>,
        let mut url = url.try_into().map_err(git_url::parse::Error::from)?;
        url.canonicalize().map_err(|err| Error::CanonicalizeUrl {
            url: url.clone(),
            source: err,
        create_opts.destination_must_be_empty = true;
        let repo = crate::ThreadSafeRepository::init_opts(path, kind, create_opts, open_opts)?.to_thread_local();
        Ok(PrepareFetch {
            #[cfg(any(feature = "async-network-client", feature = "blocking-network-client"))]
            fetch_options: Default::default(),
            repo: Some(repo),
            remote_name: None,
            configure_remote: None,

/// A utility to collect configuration on how to perform a checkout into a working tree, and when dropped without checking out successfully
/// the fetched repository will be dropped.
pub struct PrepareCheckout {
    /// A freshly initialized repository which is owned by us, or `None` if it was handed to the user
    pub(self) repo: Option<crate::Repository>,

pub mod fetch;

pub mod checkout;