git-repository 0.33.0

Abstractions for git repositories
use crate::{clone::PrepareCheckout, Repository};

pub mod main_worktree {
    use std::{path::PathBuf, sync::atomic::AtomicBool};

    use git_odb::FindExt;

    use crate::{clone::PrepareCheckout, Progress, Repository};

    /// The error returned by [`PrepareCheckout::main_worktree()`].
    #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
    pub enum Error {
        #[error("Repository at \"{}\" is a bare repository and cannot have a main worktree checkout", git_dir.display())]
        BareRepository { git_dir: PathBuf },
        #[error("The object pointed to by HEAD is not a treeish")]
        NoHeadTree(#[from] crate::object::peel::to_kind::Error),
        #[error("Could not create index from tree at {id}")]
        IndexFromTree {
            id: git_hash::ObjectId,
            source: git_traverse::tree::breadthfirst::Error,
        WriteIndex(#[from] git_index::file::write::Error),
        CheckoutOptions(#[from] crate::config::checkout_options::Error),
        #[error("Failed to reopen object database as Arc (only if thread-safety wasn't compiled in)")]
        OpenArcOdb(#[from] std::io::Error),
        #[error("The HEAD reference could not be located")]
        FindHead(#[from] crate::reference::find::existing::Error),
        #[error("The HEAD reference could not be located")]
        PeelHeadToId(#[from] crate::head::peel::Error),

    /// Modification
    impl PrepareCheckout {
        /// Checkout the main worktree, determining how many threads to use by looking at `checkout.workers`, defaulting to using
        /// on thread per logical core.
        /// Note that this is a no-op if the remote was empty, leaving this repository empty as well. This can be validated by checking
        /// if the `head()` of the returned repository is not unborn.
        pub fn main_worktree(
            &mut self,
            mut progress: impl crate::Progress,
            should_interrupt: &AtomicBool,
        ) -> Result<(Repository, git_worktree::index::checkout::Outcome), Error> {
            let repo = self
                .expect("still present as we never succeeded the worktree checkout yet");
            let workdir = repo.work_dir().ok_or_else(|| Error::BareRepository {
                git_dir: repo.git_dir().to_owned(),
            let root_tree = match repo.head()?.peel_to_id_in_place().transpose()? {
                Some(id) => id.object().expect("downloaded from remote").peel_to_tree()?.id,
                None => {
                    return Ok((
                        self.repo.take().expect("still present"),
            let index = git_index::State::from_tree(&root_tree, |oid, buf| repo.objects.find_tree_iter(oid, buf).ok())
                .map_err(|err| Error::IndexFromTree {
                    id: root_tree,
                    source: err,
            let mut index = git_index::File::from_state(index, repo.index_path());

            let mut opts = repo.config.checkout_options(repo.git_dir())?;
            opts.destination_is_initially_empty = true;

            let mut files = progress.add_child_with_id("checkout", *b"CLCF"); /* CLone Checkout Files */
            let mut bytes = progress.add_child_with_id("writing", *b"CLCB") /* CLone Checkout Bytes */;

            files.init(Some(index.entries().len()), crate::progress::count("files"));
            bytes.init(None, crate::progress::bytes());

            let start = std::time::Instant::now();
            let outcome = git_worktree::index::checkout(
                &mut index,
                    let objects = repo.objects.clone().into_arc()?;
                    move |oid, buf| objects.find_blob(oid, buf)
                &mut files,
                &mut bytes,

            Ok((self.repo.take().expect("still present"), outcome))

/// Access
impl PrepareCheckout {
    /// Get access to the repository while the checkout isn't yet completed.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the checkout is completed and the [`Repository`] was already passed on to the caller.
    pub fn repo(&self) -> &Repository {
            .expect("present as checkout operation isn't complete")

/// Consumption
impl PrepareCheckout {
    /// Persist the contained repository as is even if an error may have occurred when checking out the main working tree.
    pub fn persist(mut self) -> Repository {
        self.repo.take().expect("present and consumed once")

impl Drop for PrepareCheckout {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if let Some(repo) = self.repo.take() {
            std::fs::remove_dir_all(repo.work_dir().unwrap_or_else(|| repo.path())).ok();

impl From<PrepareCheckout> for Repository {
    fn from(prep: PrepareCheckout) -> Self {