ggez 0.4.0-rc.1

Rust library to create a Good Game Easily
//! Mouse utility functions.

use sdl2::mouse;
use context::Context;
use error::GameResult;
use graphics;
use graphics::Point2;

/// Get whether or not the mouse is "grabbed", ie, confined to the window.
pub fn get_grabbed(ctx: &Context) -> bool {

/// Set whether or not the mouse is "grabbed", ie, confined to the window.
pub fn set_grabbed(ctx: &mut Context, grabbed: bool) {

/// Get whether or not the mouse is in relative mode.
/// In relative mode, the cursor is hidden and doesn't move when the mouse
/// does, but relative motion events are still generated.  This is useful
/// for things such as implementing mouselook in an FPS.
pub fn get_relative_mode(ctx: &Context) -> bool {

/// Set whether or not the mouse is in relative mode.
pub fn set_relative_mode(ctx: &Context, mode: bool) {

/// Get the current position of the mouse cursor, in pixels.
/// Uses strictly window-only coordinates.
pub fn get_position(ctx: &Context) -> GameResult<Point2> {
    let event_pump = &ctx.sdl_context.event_pump()?;
    let mouse = mouse::MouseState::new(event_pump);
    let x = mouse.x() as f32;
    let y = mouse.y() as f32;
    Ok(Point2::new(x, y))

/// Set the current position of the mouse cursor, in pixels.
/// Uses strictly window-only coordinates.
pub fn set_position(ctx: &Context, point: Point2) {
    let window = graphics::get_window(ctx);
        .warp_mouse_in_window(window, point.x as i32, point.y as i32)