ggez 0.4.0-rc.1

Rust library to create a Good Game Easily
//! Provides a portable interface to the filesystem.
//! This module provides access to files in specific places:
//! * The `resources/` subdirectory in the same directory as the
//! program executable,
//! * The `` file in the same
//! directory as the program executable,
//! * The root folder of the  game's "save" directory which is in a
//! platform-dependent location,
//! such as `~/.local/share/<gameid>/` on Linux.  The `gameid`
//! is the the string passed to
//! `Context::load_from_conf()`; some platforms such as Windows also
//! incorporate the `author` string into the path.
//! Files will be looked for in these locations in order, and the first one
//! found used.  That allows game assets to be easily distributed as an archive
//! file, but locally overridden for testing or modding simply by putting
//! altered copies of them in the game's `resources/` directory.
//! Note that the file lookups WILL follow symlinks!  It is
//! more for convenience than absolute security, so don't treat it as
//! being secure.
//! If you build `ggez` with the `cargo-resource-root` feature flag, it will
//! also look for a `resources/` subdirectory in the same directory as your
//! `Cargo.toml`, which can be very convenient for development.

// BUGGO: TODO: Also make it print out the searched directories when it
// can't find a file!

use std::env;
use std::fmt;
use std::io;
use std::path;

use app_dirs::*;

use GameError;
use GameResult;
use conf;
use vfs::{self, VFS};

pub use vfs::OpenOptions;

const CONFIG_NAME: &'static str = "/conf.toml";

/// A structure that contains the filesystem state and cache.
pub struct Filesystem {
    vfs: vfs::OverlayFS,
    resources_path: path::PathBuf,
    zip_path: path::PathBuf,
    user_config_path: path::PathBuf,
    user_data_path: path::PathBuf,

/// Represents a file, either in the filesystem, or in the resources zip file,
/// or whatever.
pub enum File {
    /// A wrapper for a VFile trait object.

impl fmt::Debug for File {
    // TODO: Make this more useful.
    // But we can't seem to get a filename out of a file,
    // soooooo.
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            File::VfsFile(ref _file) => write!(f, "VfsFile"),

impl io::Read for File {
    fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
        match *self {
            File::VfsFile(ref mut f) =>,

impl io::Write for File {
    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
        match *self {
            File::VfsFile(ref mut f) => f.write(buf),

    fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
        match *self {
            File::VfsFile(ref mut f) => f.flush(),

impl Filesystem {
    /// Create a new Filesystem instance, using the given `id` and (on
    /// some platforms) the `author` as a portion of the user
    /// directory path.  This function is called automatically by
    /// ggez, the end user should never need to call it.
    pub fn new(id: &'static str, author: &'static str) -> GameResult<Filesystem> {
        let app_info = AppInfo {
            name: id,
            author: author,
        let mut root_path = env::current_exe()?;

        // Ditch the filename (if any)
        if root_path.file_name().is_some() {

        // Set up VFS to merge resource path, root path, and zip path.
        let mut overlay = vfs::OverlayFS::new();

        let mut resources_path;
        let mut resources_zip_path;
        let user_data_path;
        let user_config_path;
        // <game exe root>/resources/
            resources_path = root_path.clone();
            let physfs = vfs::PhysicalFS::new(&resources_path, true);

        // <root>/
            resources_zip_path = root_path.clone();
            if resources_zip_path.exists() {
                let zipfs = vfs::ZipFS::new(&resources_zip_path)?;

        // Per-user data dir,
        // ~/.local/share/whatever/
            user_data_path = app_root(AppDataType::UserData, &app_info)?;
            let physfs = vfs::PhysicalFS::new(&user_data_path, true);

        // Writeable local dir, ~/.config/whatever/
        // Save game dir is read-write
            user_config_path = app_root(AppDataType::UserConfig, &app_info)?;
            let physfs = vfs::PhysicalFS::new(&user_config_path, false);

        // Cargo manifest dir!
        #[cfg(feature = "cargo-resource-root")]
            if let Ok(manifest_dir) = env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR") {
                let mut path = path::PathBuf::from(manifest_dir);
                let physfs = vfs::PhysicalFS::new(&path, true);

        let fs = Filesystem {
            vfs: overlay,
            resources_path: resources_path,
            zip_path: resources_zip_path,
            user_config_path: user_config_path,
            user_data_path: user_data_path,


    /// Opens the given path and returns the resulting `File`
    /// in read-only mode.
    pub fn open<P: AsRef<path::Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> GameResult<File> {|f| File::VfsFile(f))

    /// Opens a file in the user directory with the given `filesystem::OpenOptions`.
    /// Note that even if you open a file read-only, it can only access
    /// files in the user directory.
    pub fn open_options<P: AsRef<path::Path>>(&mut self,
                                              path: P,
                                              options: &OpenOptions)
                                              -> GameResult<File> {
            .open_options(path.as_ref(), options)
            .map(|f| File::VfsFile(f))
            .map_err(|e| {
                    "Tried to open {:?} but got error: {:?}",

    /// Creates a new file in the user directory and opens it
    /// to be written to, truncating it if it already exists.
    pub fn create<P: AsRef<path::Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> GameResult<File> {
        self.vfs.create(path.as_ref()).map(|f| File::VfsFile(f))

    /// Create an empty directory in the user dir
    /// with the given name.  Any parents to that directory
    /// that do not exist will be created.
    pub fn create_dir<P: AsRef<path::Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> GameResult<()> {

    /// Deletes the specified file in the user dir.
    pub fn delete<P: AsRef<path::Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> GameResult<()> {

    /// Deletes the specified directory in the user dir,
    /// and all its contents!
    pub fn delete_dir<P: AsRef<path::Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> GameResult<()> {

    /// Check whether a file or directory exists.
    pub fn exists<P: AsRef<path::Path>>(&self, path: P) -> bool {

    /// Check whether a path points at a file.
    pub fn is_file<P: AsRef<path::Path>>(&self, path: P) -> bool {
            .map(|m| m.is_file())

    /// Check whether a path points at a directory.
    pub fn is_dir<P: AsRef<path::Path>>(&self, path: P) -> bool {
            .map(|m| m.is_dir())

    /// Return the full path to the user data directory
    pub fn get_user_data_dir(&self) -> &path::Path {

    /// Return the full path to the user config directory
    pub fn get_user_config_dir(&self) -> &path::Path {

    /// Returns the full path to the resource directory
    /// (even if it doesn't exist)
    pub fn get_resources_dir(&self) -> &path::Path {

    /// Returns a list of all files and directories in the resource directory,
    /// in no particular order.
    /// Lists the base directory if an empty path is given.
    pub fn read_dir<P: AsRef<path::Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> GameResult<Vec<path::PathBuf>> {
        // TODO: This should return an iterator, and be called iter()
        let itr = self.vfs
            .map(|fname| fname.unwrap())

    /// Prints the contents of all data directories.
    /// Useful for debugging.
    pub fn print_all(&mut self) -> GameResult<()> {
        for vfs in self.vfs.roots() {
            println!("Source {:?}", vfs);
            for itm in vfs.read_dir(path::Path::new("/"))? {
                println!("  {:?}", itm);

    /// Adds the given (absolute) path to the list of directories
    /// it will search to look for resources.
    /// You probably shouldn't use this in the general case, since it is
    /// harder than you think to get it bulletproof across platforms, I promise.
    /// But it can be very nice for debugging and dev purposes, such as
    /// by pushing `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR/resources` to it
    pub fn mount(&mut self, path: &path::Path, readonly: bool) {
        let physfs = vfs::PhysicalFS::new(&path, readonly);

    /// Looks for a file named "conf.toml" in the resources directory
    /// loads it if it finds it.
    /// If it can't read it for some reason, returns an error.
    pub fn read_config(&mut self) -> GameResult<conf::Conf> {
        let conf_path = path::Path::new(CONFIG_NAME);
        if self.is_file(conf_path) {
            let mut file =;
            let c = conf::Conf::from_toml_file(&mut file)?;
        } else {
            Err(GameError::ConfigError(String::from("Config file not found")))

    /// Takes a `conf::Conf` object and saves it to the user directory,
    /// overwriting any file already there.
    pub fn write_config(&mut self, conf: &conf::Conf) -> GameResult<()> {
        let conf_path = path::Path::new(CONFIG_NAME);
        let mut file = self.create(conf_path)?;
        conf.to_toml_file(&mut file)?;
        if self.is_file(conf_path) {
        } else {
            Err(GameError::ConfigError(format!("Failed to write config file at {}",

mod tests {
    use error::*;
    use filesystem::*;
    use std::path;
    use std::io::{Read, Write};
    use conf;

    fn get_dummy_fs_for_tests() -> Filesystem {
        let mut path = path::PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
        let physfs = vfs::PhysicalFS::new(&path, false);
        let mut ofs = vfs::OverlayFS::new();
        Filesystem {
            vfs: ofs,

            resources_path: "".into(),
            zip_path: "".into(),
            user_config_path: "".into(),
            user_data_path: "".into(),


    fn test_file_exists() {
        let f = get_dummy_fs_for_tests();

        let tile_file = path::Path::new("/tile.png");

        let tile_file = path::Path::new("/oglebog.png");


    fn test_read_dir() {
        let mut f = get_dummy_fs_for_tests();

        let dir_contents_size = f.read_dir("/").unwrap().len();
        assert!(dir_contents_size > 0);

    fn test_create_delete_file() {
        let mut fs = get_dummy_fs_for_tests();
        let test_file = path::Path::new("/testfile.txt");
        let bytes = "test".as_bytes();

            let mut file = fs.create(test_file).unwrap();
            let mut buffer = Vec::new();
            let mut file =;
            file.read_to_end(&mut buffer).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(bytes, buffer.as_slice());


    fn test_file_not_found() {
        let mut fs = get_dummy_fs_for_tests();
            let rel_file = "testfile.txt";
            match {
                Err(GameError::ResourceNotFound(_, _)) => (),
                Err(e) => panic!("Invalid error for opening file with relative path: {:?}", e),
                Ok(f) => panic!("Should have gotten an error but instead got {:?}!", f),

            // This absolute path should work on Windows too since we
            // completely remove filesystem roots.
            match"/ooglebooglebarg.txt") {
                Err(GameError::ResourceNotFound(_, _)) => (),
                Err(e) => panic!("Invalid error for opening nonexistent file: {}", e),
                Ok(f) => panic!("Should have gotten an error but instead got {:?}", f),

    fn test_write_config() {
        let mut f = get_dummy_fs_for_tests();
        let conf = conf::Conf::new();
        // The config file should end up in
        // the resources directory with this
        match f.write_config(&conf) {
            Ok(_) => (),
            Err(e) => panic!("{:?}", e),
        // Remove the config file!