gcode 0.6.1

A gcode parser for no-std applications.

A crate for parsing g-code programs, designed with embedded environments in mind.

Some explicit design goals of this crate are:

  • embedded-friendly: users should be able to use this crate without requiring access to an operating system (e.g. #[no_std] environments or WebAssembly)
  • deterministic memory usage: the library can be tweaked to use no dynamic allocation (see [buffers::Buffers])
  • error-resistant: erroneous input won't abort parsing, instead notifying the caller and continuing on (see [Callbacks])
  • performance: parsing should be reasonably fast, guaranteeing O(n) time complexity with no backtracking

Getting Started

The typical entry point to this crate is via the [parse()] function. This gives you an iterator over the [GCode]s in a string of text, ignoring any errors or comments that may appear along the way.

use gcode::Mnemonic;

let src = r#"
G90              (absolute coordinates)
G00 X50.0 Y-10   (move somewhere)

let got: Vec<_> = gcode::parse(src).collect();

assert_eq!(got.len(), 2);

let g90 = &got[0];
assert_eq!(g90.mnemonic(), Mnemonic::General);
assert_eq!(g90.major_number(), 90);
assert_eq!(g90.minor_number(), 0);

let rapid_move = &got[1];
assert_eq!(rapid_move.mnemonic(), Mnemonic::General);
assert_eq!(rapid_move.major_number(), 0);
assert_eq!(rapid_move.value_for('X'), Some(50.0));
assert_eq!(rapid_move.value_for('y'), Some(-10.0));

The [full_parse_with_callbacks()] function can be used if you want access to [Line] information and to be notified on any parse errors.

use gcode::{Callbacks, Span};

/// A custom set of [`Callbacks`] we'll use to keep track of errors.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct Errors {
unexpected_line_number : usize,
letter_without_number: usize,
garbage: Vec<String>,

impl Callbacks for Errors {
fn unknown_content(&mut self, text: &str, _span: Span) {

fn unexpected_line_number(&mut self, _line_number: f32, _span: Span) {
self.unexpected_line_number += 1;

fn letter_without_a_number(&mut self, _value: &str, _span: Span) {
self.letter_without_number += 1;

let src = r"
G90 N1           ; Line numbers (N) should be at the start of a line
G                ; there was a G, but no number
G01 X50 $$%# Y20 ; invalid characters are ignored

let mut errors = Errors::default();

let lines: Vec<_> = gcode::full_parse_with_callbacks(src, &mut errors)

assert_eq!(lines.len(), 3);
let total_gcodes: usize = lines.iter()
.map(|line| line.gcodes().len())
assert_eq!(total_gcodes, 2);

assert_eq!(errors.unexpected_line_number, 1);
assert_eq!(errors.letter_without_number, 1);
assert_eq!(errors.garbage.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(errors.garbage[0], "$$%# ");

Customising Memory Usage

You'll need to manually create a [Parser] if you want control over buffer sizes instead of relying on [buffers::DefaultBuffers].

You shouldn't normally need to do this unless you are on an embedded device and know your expected input will be bigger than [buffers::SmallFixedBuffers] will allow.

use gcode::{Word, Comment, GCode, Nop, Parser, buffers::Buffers};
use arrayvec::ArrayVec;

/// A type-level variable which contains definitions for each of our buffer
/// types.
enum MyBuffers {}

impl<'input> Buffers<'input> for MyBuffers {
type Arguments = ArrayVec<[Word; 10]>;
type Commands = ArrayVec<[GCode<Self::Arguments>; 2]>;
type Comments = ArrayVec<[Comment<'input>; 1]>;

let src = "G90 G01 X5.1";

let parser: Parser<Nop, MyBuffers> = Parser::new(src, Nop);

let lines = parser.count();
assert_eq!(lines, 1);


Something that distinguishes this crate from a lot of other g-code parsers is that each element's original location, its [Span], is retained and passed to the caller.

This is important for applications such as:

  • Indicating where in the source text a parsing error or semantic error has occurred
  • Visually highlighting the command currently being executed when stepping through a program in a simulator
  • Reporting what point a CNC machine is up to when executing a job

It's pretty easy to check whether something contains its [Span], just look for a span() method (e.g. [GCode::span()]) or a span field (e.g. [Comment::span]).

Cargo Features

Additional functionality can be enabled by adding feature flags to your Cargo.toml file:

  • std: adds std::error::Error impls to any errors and switches to Vec for the default backing buffers
  • serde-1: allows serializing and deserializing most types with serde