game_tookit 0.1.0

Experimenting with CG and physics
name = "game_tookit"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
authors = [
  "Kostiantyn Wandalen <>",
license = "MIT"
readme = ""
documentation = ""
repository = ""
homepage = ""
description = """
Experimenting with CG and physics


default = [

generic_default = [

bevy_default = [



  # "bevy_webgl2",
  # "bevy_dynamic_plugin",


full = [

generic_full = [

bevy_full = [



# bevy = [
#   "bevy"
# ]

# xxx : redo
generic = [

bevy_plugin_al = [ "bevy", "bevy_asset", "bevy_render", "bevy_sprite" ]
bevy_plugin_assets_watch = [ "bevy" ]
bevy_plugin_default = [ "bevy", "generic_path_of_workspace" ]
bevy_plugin_dpad_control = [ "bevy", "leafwing-input-manager" ]
bevy_plugin_escape = [ "bevy" ]
bevy_plugin_fps = [ "bevy", "bevy_screen_diagnostics" ]
bevy_plugin_mouse_watch = [ "bevy" ]

bevy_animation = [ "bevy", "bevy/animation" ]
bevy_asset = [ "bevy", "bevy/bevy_asset" ]
bevy_audio = [ "bevy", "bevy/bevy_audio" ]
bevy_gilrs = [ "bevy", "bevy/bevy_gilrs" ]
bevy_scene = [ "bevy", "bevy/bevy_scene", "bevy_asset" ]
bevy_winit = [ "bevy", "bevy/bevy_winit" ]
bevy_core_pipeline = [ "bevy", "bevy/bevy_core_pipeline", "bevy_asset", "bevy_render" ]
bevy_pbr = [ "bevy", "bevy/bevy_pbr", "bevy_asset", "bevy_render", "bevy_core_pipeline" ]
bevy_gltf = [ "bevy", "bevy/bevy_gltf", "bevy_asset", "bevy_scene", "bevy_pbr" ]
bevy_render = [ "bevy", "bevy/bevy_render" ]
bevy_sprite = [ "bevy", "bevy/bevy_sprite", "bevy_render", "bevy_core_pipeline" ]
bevy_text = [ "bevy", "bevy/bevy_text", "bevy_asset", "bevy_sprite" ]
bevy_ui = [ "bevy", "bevy/bevy_ui", "bevy_core_pipeline", "bevy_text", "bevy_sprite" ]
bevy_multi_threaded = [ "bevy", "bevy/multi-threaded" ]
bevy_png = [ "bevy", "bevy/png" ]
bevy_hdr = [ "bevy", "bevy/hdr" ]
bevy_ktx2 = [ "bevy", "bevy/ktx2" ]
bevy_zstd = [ "bevy", "bevy/zstd" ]
bevy_vorbis = [ "bevy", "bevy/vorbis" ]
bevy_x11 = [ "bevy", "bevy/x11" ]
bevy_filesystem_watcher = [ "bevy", "bevy/filesystem_watcher" ]
bevy_gizmos = [ "bevy", "bevy/bevy_gizmos" ]
bevy_android_shared_stdcxx = [ "bevy", "bevy/android_shared_stdcxx" ]
bevy_tonemapping_luts = [ "bevy", "bevy/tonemapping_luts" ]
bevy_default_font = [ "bevy", "bevy/default_font" ]
bevy_webgl2 = [ "bevy", "bevy/webgl2" ]
bevy_dynamic_plugin = [ "bevy", "bevy/bevy_dynamic_plugin" ]

generic_dyn_error = [ "generic" ]
generic_map_of_vectors = [ "generic" ]
generic_path_of_workspace = [ "generic" ]
generic_runnable = [ "generic", "generic_dyn_error" ]


sealed = { workspace = true }

bevy = { workspace = true, optional = true }
rand = { workspace = true, optional = true }
serde_json = { version = "1.0.107", optional = true }
bevy_screen_diagnostics = { version = "0.3.0", optional = true }
leafwing-input-manager = { version = "0.10.0", optional = true }

name = "map_of_vectors"
path = "src/generic/"