fluvio_ws_stream_wasm 0.7.0

A convenience library for using websockets in WASM
//! Crate specific errors.
use crate::{import::*, CloseEvent};

/// The error type for errors happening in `ws_stream_wasm`.
#[derive(Debug, Error, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum WsErr {
    /// Invalid input to [WsState::try_from( u16 )](crate::WsState).
    #[error("Invalid input to conversion to WsReadyState: {supplied}")]
    InvalidWsState {
        /// The user supplied value that is invalid.
        supplied: u16,

    /// When trying to send and [WsState](crate::WsState) is anything but [WsState::Open](crate::WsState::Open) this error is returned.
    #[error("The connection state is not \"Open\".")]

    /// An invalid URL was given to [WsMeta::connect](crate::WsMeta::connect), please see:
    /// [HTML Living Standard](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/web-sockets.html#dom-websocket).
    #[error("An invalid URL was given to the connect method: {supplied}")]
    InvalidUrl {
        /// The user supplied value that is invalid.
        supplied: String,

    /// An invalid close code was given to a close method. For valid close codes, please see:
    /// [MDN Documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CloseEvent#Status_codes).
    #[error("An invalid close code was given to a close method: {supplied}")]
    InvalidCloseCode {
        /// The user supplied value that is invalid.
        supplied: u16,

    /// The reason string given to a close method is longer than 123 bytes, please see:
    /// [MDN Documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSocket/close).
    #[error("The reason string given to a close method is to long.")]

    /// Failed to connect to the server.
    #[error("Failed to connect to the server. CloseEvent: {event:?}")]
    ConnectionFailed {
        /// The close event that might hold extra code and reason information.
        event: CloseEvent,

    /// When converting the JavaScript Message into a WsMessage, it's possible that
    /// a String message doesn't convert correctly as Js does not guarantee that
    /// strings are valid Unicode. Happens in `impl TryFrom< MessageEvent > for WsMessage`.
    #[error("Received a String message that couldn't be decoded to valid UTF-8")]

    /// When converting the JavaScript Message into a WsMessage, it's not possible to
    /// convert Blob type messages, as Blob is a streaming type, that needs to be read
    /// asynchronously. If you are using the type without setting up the connection with
    /// [`WsMeta::connect`], you have to make sure to set the binary type of the connection
    /// to `ArrayBuffer`.
    /// Happens in `impl TryFrom< MessageEvent > for WsMessage`.
    #[error("Received a Blob message that couldn't converted.")]

    /// When converting the JavaScript Message into a WsMessage, the data type was neither
    /// `Arraybuffer`, `String` nor `Blob`. This should never happen. If it does, please
    /// try to make a reproducible example and file an issue.
    /// Happens in `impl TryFrom< MessageEvent > for WsMessage`.
    #[error("Received a message that is neither ArrayBuffer, String or Blob.")]